
Another succesful Comedy for Charity event was held by Sale Lions Club on Friday 7 February 2025 at Sale Conservative Club. There was comedy abound, great food and £1000 was raised for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Unfortunately the charity could not be represented at the event but pictured is a large cheque for the Association held by club President Simon Whittaker and the fantastic comedian Steve Royle.

Following a request for assistance from the Trafford Youth for Christ who have a Youth Centre, Sale Lions Club was able to agree to the financing of a new Digital Wireless Microphone with Bluetooth Technology. This equipment will be put to good use at the Youth Centre. Pictured above are Sue Gormley Treasurer, Lion Ann Evans, Youth Leader Matthew Prior and assistant Charlie.

In December Lions Ann and Chris Evans presented Children's Pyjamas to the Children's Hospital Charity on behalf of Sale Lions Club. These Pyjamas were intended for children staying in North Manchester Hospital over the Christmas period. Pictured above are Ann and Chris Evans with Emma , the Charity Co-ordinator.

In December Sale Lions Club donated Winter Hats and Socks for the use by Ukrainian and other Refugees.

Sale Lions Club in conjunction with Life Church Manchester once again provided a Christmas lunch for Seniors at the Life Centre on Washway Road Sale on Sunday 8 December. A great time was had by all with sumptuous food and the wine flowed !! There was also a visit from a special person in a red suit bearing gifts !

On  22 June Sale Lions once again assisted Breathchamps in raising awareness of Asthma and the importance of using inhalers correctly. An event took place in Worthington Park, Sale with 57 adults and 67 children present. The children enjoyed participating in the story using puppets about the three little pigs and the big bad wolf who was asthmatic and used inhalers. The story illustrated which inhaler was used for relief of symptoms and the inhaler which helps to prevent swelling in the lungs which can lead to difficulty breathing. The story provided important messages as well as being entertaining for the children.

After the session, Sale Lions Club had bought gifts for children to take home with them. A very enjoyable afternoon !

Sale and District Lions Club once again held the annual Fathers Day Fete and Family Fun Day on Sunday 16 June 2024. The weather was glorious and there was a lot happening for children and families. This is the major event of the year organised by Sale Lions Club for the people of sale and as well as the entertainment and attractions, it is an opportunity for lots of charities to participate and raise their own funds and promote themselves. What a great day it was !!

Sale Lions Club held a Comedy for Charity Dinner on Friday 2 February 2024 which this year raised funds for St Ann's Hospice. It was possible to donate £1000 from the proceeds of the dinner thanks to the generosity of all those who supported it. Pictured are Lion President Simon Whittaker, MC Alan Platt and Comedians Kevin Connelly and Dusty Young. It was not possible for St Ann's Hospice to be represented at the Dinner so Lion Geoff Homer "delivered" the cheque to St Ann's Hospice and is pictured with a member of the Fundraising Team.

Sale Lions Club in partnership with Life Church Manchester once again provided a Christmas Lunch for Seniors and Vulnerable people at the Life Centre on Sunday 10 December 2023. Everyone had a very festive time with lovely food, a drop of wine, presents and good company.

Dylan Wilkes and Oliver Smith worked with Sale Lions over 3 months at different events as part of their Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award. They worked very hard and were assigned lots of different tasks including putting up posters, sorting through club equipment, assembling the equipment including gazebos and dismantling them, running stalls etc. In recognition of this, Sale Lions Club presented Dylan and Oliver with Certificates of Appreciation. The Certificates were presented by Lion President Simon Whittaker at the Club meeting on 4 September.

Sale Lions Club assisting Breathchamps at the Children's Treasure Hunt which took place at Walton Park on Sunday 16 July. Over 100 people turned up to learn more about the effects of asthma on children and how inhalers do their job.

Sale Lions Club is once again helping BreathChamps to promote awareness of asthma in children and the correct use of inhalers. Come along to the Childrens Treasure Hunt in Walton Park on Sunday 16 July at 12.30pm to have fun and gain vital knowledge.

Pictured : Mayor of Trafford Dolores O'Sullivan together with Mike Kane MP, Mrs Sandra Kane and Lion President Laurie Oatway enjoying the Sale Lions Fete !

The Sale Lions Fathers Day Fete and Family Fun Day took place as usual on Sunday 18 June 2023. Lots of people attended on the day and a great time was had by all. Even the weather was kind to us despite the forecast ! Sale Lions Club is dedicated to putting on this event each year to not only put a smile on people's faces but also help other charity organisations promote themselves and raise their own funds.

Sale Lions Club provided financial assistance to the Trafford Young Carers to enable them to have an art session for young carers during the May/June half term break . Pictured are Lion President Laurie Oatway and Lion Maureen Oatway.

Sale Lions Club has recently donated Scottish Pine saplings to Sale Golf Club. Existing trees at the Golf Club have had to be removed for health and safety reasons having come to the end of their life cycle. Sale Lions have had a longstanding good relationship with Sale Golf Club who allow the Lions to meet there and store their equipment which has been very much appreciated. The Golf Club have  said that they are delighted with these trees which over time will add much beauty and will bring balance back to the Golf Course. Pictured left to right are Lady Captain Sue Oldham, Lion Ann Evans, Club Captain Andy Howie and Lion Chris Evans District Environmental Officer.

Sale Lions Club held its annual Comedy for Charity Dinner on Friday 3 February 2023 at Sale Rugby Club. This year the designated charity was Blind Veterans UK and  we were able to raise £1000 through the generosity of those that attended and the businesses that supported the event programme by taking adverts. A great night was had by all with comedy from Austin Knight and Jamie Sutherland. The event was introduced by David Poyner who as a Blind Veteran was able to explain how this worthwhile charity had helped him rebuild his life.

On Sunday 11 December 2022, Sale Lions Club in conjunction with Life Church Manchester and Cyril Flint Befrienders provided a Christmas Lunch for our seniors at the The Life Centre in Sale. A great time was had by all including a 3 course lunch, quiz, Christmas presents and raffle. There was also a special visit from the Sale Brass Band who provided great music for the event.

Sale Lions Club were delighted to be able to put on their annual Fathers Day Fete and Family Fun Day after an absence of 2 years due to lockdowns. The event which was held on Sunday 19 June 2022 in Worthington Park proved to be a great success with crowds of people enjoying the fun and entertainment as well as good weather. We were also delighted to have numerous charities joining us who were raising funds and promoting their own causes. 

Sale Lions Club attended the Knutsford Lions Club Jubilee Fair on Friday 3 June 2022 with a cake stall which proved to be very popular indeed - sold out !!

Sale Lions Club once again partnered up with Breathchamps CIC to hold an Asthma Event in the Centre of Sale on Saturday 7 May 2022 to promote the correct use of inhalers as well as providing activities for children. 

In April Sale Lions Club agreed to make donations to Ukraine which included £250 which contributed to a large fund of money organised by Lions HQ to be used by Lions Clubs in Ukraine and neighbouring countries to help those in need. In addition Sale Lions agreed to buy a number of items of equipment eg first aid kits,candles, torches and batteries, tins of food, cereal bars, bags of sweets, drinking cups and sleeping bags which would be placed in "grab bags" when required by the Ukraine people. Trafford Veterans were instrumental in creating a route into Poland for all these goods to be delivered and distributed and Sale Lions Club agreed to make a contribution to this very good cause. The above  picture shows club members Laurie and Maureen Oatway with a representative from Trafford Veterans.

On 5 March 2022 Sale Lions Club celebrated its 50th Charter Anniversary by holding a special dinner at Sale Rugby Club, Heywood Road, Sale. Well over 100 guests attended including The Mayor and Mayoress of Trafford, friends and family and representatives from other Lions Clubs. It was a splendid evening enjoyed by all and an opportunity to get dressed up !.

Sale Lions Club were invited to attend the Chinese Lunar New Year Event by the Trafford HongKongers which took place on Saturday 5 February 2022. The Club took this opportunity to  raise awareness of Lions and try and recruit new members.

Sale Lions Club organised a Christmas lunch for our Senior Citizens at the Life Centre in Sale on Sunday 12 December 2021. A great time was had by all including all the helpers !!

Sale Lions members Linda Cresswell and Geoff Homer after assisting at the Covid Clinic held at the Life Centre on 7 December 2021.Also pictured are Lion member Helen Allen and Alan Savage from Home Instead Care Services.

On 21 November 2021, Sale Lions Club had a stall at the monthly Makers Market and 3 Hampers were raffled and decorative bottles with lights were sold. It was a cold and windy day but the club members battled on to raise money for our club charity funds. Of course a friendly lion was there to support us !!

Sale Lions Club held a Comedy for Charity Dinner on Friday 12 November 2021 to raise funds for Young Minds, a charity which supports young people with mental health issues. This charity has been supported by Wickes DIY stores for some time and as a result, they provided Sale Lions Club with some very lucrative raffle prizes. A good time was had by all with comedy entertainment provided by Tony Roscoe and and Gary Marshall. Sale Lions were able to donate £1000 to the Young Minds charity

On 8 February 2021, Sale Lions Club members undertook an on line training session organised by BreathChamps CIC whose purpose is to make Sale a Child Asthma Friendly Town and raise awareness about Asthma and the proper use of inhalers. The training session was enjoyed by all and now Sale Lions Club is an accredited organisation. The picture shows Lion President Peter Cresswell holding the Club's Accreditation Certificate and Heather Henry from BreathChamps CIC holding her 2 demonstration puppets.Important information from the training session is also shown.

At Christmas in 2020, Sale and District Lions Club partnered up with LifeChurch Manchester to help fund and organise a community project to cook and deliver 132 hot Christmas lunches, with a gift, to people who were alone or vulnerable on Christmas Day. It turned into the most wonderful community effort, involving over 20 local organisations,127 volunteers plus the generosity of many individuals who donated money and gifts to help make it happen.

Scarecrow Safari 2020 Winners. Well done everyone !!

The 2020 Scarecrow Safari will be taking place on line. Go to the Scarecrow Safari page (see left hand panel) where you will be able to link directly to the new Scarecrow Safari website as well as see important information about our Schools Project.

The winner of the Easter Egg Raffle, Sue Buchan donated it to a Sale Lions good cause instead of keeping it on the basis that she just wanted to help Sale Lions and there was far too much chocolate !! The Egg was donated to the Trafford Domestic Abuse Services who decided that all their wonderful volunteers should have a chance of winning it. The picture shows Laura who was the lucky winner.

An Easter Egg Raffle was held on Sunday 15 March 2020 at the Makers Market in Sale Town Centre. As well as the giant Easter Egg there were Knitted Chicks on sale each containing a cream egg.

Sale Lions Club held a Comedy for Charity Dinner at Sale Rugby Club on Friday 21 February 2020 when £1000 was raised for Parkinsons UK and a great time was had by all. Pictured at the cheque presentation are Lion President Peter Cresswell, comedians Max Pressure and Tony Roscoe and Simon Musgrave representing Parkinsons UK.

Seniors Lunch at the Life Centre,Sale on Saturday 7 December 2019. A great time was had by all.

Timperley 2nd Rainbows were presented with Certificates from Sale Lions Club for growing and planting wildflowers at Timperley Methodist Church.

Sale and District Lions Club were excited to be given the opportunity to support Sale United Powerchair Football Club. The donation has been used towards buying new equipment and tyres and will allow this highly successful and growing club to have training in separate venues and will ensure that their chairs have fully functioning tyres. Pictured is Lion President Peter Cresswell presenting the cheque.

Timperley Second Rainbows planting wildflowers at Timperley Methodist Church on Thursday 19 September 2019. These wildflowers were grown from seed by the Rainbows in September 2018

The Sale Lions annual Fathers Day Fete and Family Fun Day took place on Sunday 16 June 2019.


On Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 April 2019, Sale Lions Club held its annual Giant Easter Egg Raffle at Wyevale Garden Centre in Timperley. Shown in the pictures above are Lions Paula Lynch and Karl Parry involved in the fundraising and then Lion Helen Tawil presenting the Egg to the children who had the winning ticket. They were delighted as you can see !

On Friday 15 February 2019, Sale Lions Club held its first Comedy for Charity Dinner at Sale Rugby Club in aid of Children with Cancer UK which was enjoyed by everyone and £1000 was raised for the charity.

Chris and Ann Evans from Sale Lions Club involved in a sowing wildflower seeds project with Leaders and Rainbows from the Timperley Second Rainbow Unit on 20 September 2018.

Street collection in Sale - July 2018


Sale and District Lions Club once again had a succesful Fathers Day Fete and Family Fun Day on 17 June 2018 and crowds of people attended who enjoyed the activities and attractions on offer. Even the weather was kind on the day ! The fete is always a great opportunity for local organisations to participate and raise funds or promote themselves and many such organisations were there to join in. Sale and District Lions Club are particularly grateful to Trafford Housing Trust who provided some financial assistance to the club which helped towards the costs of putting on the event.

The annual Sportsmans Dinner was held on Friday 16 February 2018 and the charity supported this year was Save the Children. The presentation of a cheque for £1000 to David Platt from Save the Children was made by Lion President Peter Cresswell and also present was Clayton Blackmore the guest speaker. A good night was had by all.

Martin Duff with his staff from Randalls Jewellers in Altrincham receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from Lion Danny Tawill for the support given to Sale Lions Club over many years.

Lion President Peter Cresswell attending the 2017 Remembrance Day Service

In November 2017 Lion Helen Allen from Sale and District Lions Club received the Tom Morris Community Award from Sale Rotary Club which was presented by the Mayor of Trafford Jonathan Coupe. Also in the picture are the 2 daughters of Tom Morris and the President of Sale Rotary Club

On Monday 23 October 2017 Sale and District Lions Club officially presented a wooden gazebo to the Burns Unit at Wythenshawe Hospital for the benefit of patients. This project formed part of the centenary celebrations for Lions Clubs International. Pictured are members of Sale and District Lions Club together with medical staff from the unit, a patient and the Chief Executive Silas Nicholls and Mike Kane MP who cut the ribbon and was pleased to be present for this event.

On Monday 23 October 2017 Certificates of Achievement were presented to the Starlight Unit at Wythenshawe Hospital to be given to children having a stay in hospital. This is an ongoing project for Sale and District Lions Club working closely with the Starlight Unit to ensure that each child receives a certificate at the end of their stay in hospital. Pictured are Geoff Homer and Helen Tawil from Sale and District Lions Club together with nursing staff from the Starlight Unit.

Members of Sale Lions Club planting a wildflower garden in Worthington Park on Saturday 21 October 2017. Front row Chris Evans, Ann Evans from Sale and District Lions Club and President of the Club Peter Cresswell with guides. Back row Kathryn Fyfe Assistant Guide Leader, Helen Larkin Guide Leader with helpers.

Sale Lions Club assisting Marie Curie with the Daffodil Collection.

Peter Fawcett and Jane Sallabank accept a cheque from Peter Cresswell (President) and Charlie McIntyre (Organiser) Sale and District Lions Club for £1000 on behalf of of the ECMO Unit at Wythenshawe Hospital where Jane's husband John received excellent care during his prolonged illness. The money was raised at the Sale Lions Golf Day at Ashton on Mersey Golf Club which took place in September 2017 in memory of John who was a staunch supporter of the Lions charities.

The hand over to the new club President took place at Yara, Altrincham on Sunday 16 July 2017. Pictured are Linda Cresswell handing over the Presidency to her husband Peter Cresswell as well as the new Secretary, Paula Lynch and new Treasurer Gloria Mensah.

Sale Lions Fathers Day Fete and family fun day - Sunday 18 June 2017

Presentation of £200 cheque to the Second Sale Moor Guides to be used towards the purchase of equipment for outdoor activities. Pictured are Lion Chris Evans with Kathryn Fyfe Assistant Guide Leader (left) and Helen Larkin Guide Leader (right)

Knutsford Centenary Fair held on Monday 29 May 2017 to mark 100 years since the first Lions Club was formed. The pictures shows The Pride of Lions Competition and representatives from various Lions Clubs who supported the event

Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to Wyvale Garden Centre for their continued support in allowing Sale Lions Club to hold fundraising events at the Centre.

A Sportsmans Dinner was held on Friday 17 February 2017 to raise funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Pictured are Geoff Homer (Sale Lions), Alan Platt (MC), Steve Howey ex Newcastle Utd and Manchester City footballer ( Guest Speaker), Johnny Casson (Comedian) and Jeremy Harris (Multiple Sclerosis Society).

Seniors Christmas Lunch at the Life Centre, Sale on Saturday 10 December 2016 (Photos taken by Julie Harris).

Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to the Fiascos, the clowns who have entertained children at the Sale Lions Fete for many years. Pictured are Lion President Linda Cresswell, Dave Kenny, Mike Kane MP, Jim Beswick, Carl Food and Lion Geoff Homer.

Sale Lions Fathers Day Fete and Family Fun Day - Sunday 19 June 2016

Lion Karl Parry from Sale and District Lions Club receiving his certificate from District Governor Chris Aked for his winning photograph of a swallow.

Winning entry in the Lions District Environmental Photographic Competition.

Easter Egg Raffle at Altrincham Garden Centre March 2016. Lion Nola with the winner.

A Sportsmans Dinner was held on 19 February 2016 to raise funds for the Stroke Association. Pictured from left to right are Ray Gardner and Paul Edgerton from the Stroke Association, Geoff Homer from Sale and District Lions Club and Mark Crossley the Main Speaker (ex Nottingham Forest goalkeeper)

Christmas Hamper Raffle at Altrincham Garden Centre on 13 December 2015.

Christmas Lunch for Seniors at the Life Centre 12 December 2015 (photographs by Julie Harris)Lion President Linda laying a wreath on Remembrance Day Sunday

The annual Golf Competition was held on 23 August 2015 at Aston-on-Mersey Golf Club to raise funds for Crossroads Care. Pictured are Charlie McIntyre (left) and Nigel Keefe (centre) from Sale Lions Club with some of the competitors.

Presentation of new racing wheelchair wheel to Carly Tait para olympic athlete.Sale Lions Father's Day Fete and Family Fun Day. Sunday 21 June 2015 in Worthington Park.

Sale Lions donation to Chris Tickle to assist with the cost of a new wheelchair.

Sale Lions Second Hand Book Shelf at Altrincham Garden Centre. Very popular !!

Sportsmans Dinner 20 February 2015 - Presentation to the Ticker Club

 Christmas lunch for older people at the Life Centre, Sale - 20th December 2014

Christmas street collection, Sale town Centre - 13th December 2014

Sale Lions raising funds for charity with an Easter Egg Raffle at Altrincham Garden Centre - April 2014.


Sale Lions Fete, Worthington Park - June 2014


Sale Lions is a local club affiliated to Lions Clubs International which is the largest service organisation in the world and in December 2011, we will have served the Sale community for 40 years. The Lions motto is " We Serve " and our aim is to provide practical help to those less fortunate than ourselves. Over the years, we have been able to assist the elderly, disabled, disadvantaged families and many different local groups in many different ways. Around the world Lions Clubs International provides much needed financial and practical aid where there are natural disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes as well as having numerous ongoing projects such as combating blindness and providing water wells in areas of drought.

Members of Sale Lions spend a lot of time fund-raising and have raised thousands of pounds for good causes but have fun doing it and we are always grateful for the support that we receive year after year from the people of Sale. Without this support we could not achieve any of our aims. We have many major fundraising activities including an Annual Fete , Golf Competition, Christmas Street Collection, Bag packing and a Sportsman’s Dinner. We are also involved in community projects like the Message in a Bottle scheme which allows for vital information to be stored in the homes of elderly and vulnerable people. We also issue food vouchers at Christmas time to the elderly and infirm.

On the social side, our members enjoy meals out, barbecues, quiz nights and dances.


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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