
What is Young Leaders in Service?

The Young Leaders in Service Awards (also know as YLiS) recognise young people between the ages of 11 and 18 for their community service in a 12 month period.

This is an Internationally recognised award and can be run alongside other schemes such as V-impact, V-inspire and the Duke of Edinburgh Award as a separate achievement.

There are three awards for young people based on the amount of hours they have spent serving their community:-
12 months community service of 25 – 49 hours = Bronze Seal Award
12 months community service of 50 – 99 hours = Silver Seal Award Certificate
12 months community service of 100 or more hours = Gold Seal Award Certificate


Young Leaders will receive a certificate, a congratulatory letter from Lions Clubs International and a YLiS metal pin or cloth badge. These are normally presented at a specifically organised event to celebrate their achievements.

What are the benefits of taking part in YLiS?

The benefits of YLiS can vary depending on the individual, for some people it is knowing they have given back to their community or they have successfully completed a project they have been working on. However there are so many more benefits associated with YLiS such as Experience the rewards of community service, become involved in their community and with local Lions clubs and receiving an international award.

It is also a huge bonus for when young people are applying to colleges, universities and even when applying for jobs.

YLiS is a key area to focus on when writing a personal statement for UCAS!

What do you have to do?

It is really simple, you literally just log all the information in a log book which we provide. You need to record the date, how long you have spent on the activity, who was supporting you (e.g. Leo Clubs, Guides, Scouts or your school/ College), what the activity was and get the person who was supervising you to sign to confirm you have actually done what you said. The best bit about this… there are so many areas and activities that count towards your hours!


Suggestions for service activities

Service for the elderly

Performing simple home repairs and jobs around the house; running errands; chatting and being a friend; helping older people with IT skills

Service for children

Collecting and distributing toys or clothes, Reading stories and helping with homework,Visiting children in hospital.  As a Guide, helping with Brownies, Rainbows; as a Scout, helping with Cubs, Beavers, perhaps sewing on achievement badges, as a Cadets helping at meetings


Plant trees, weeding flower beds
Clear litter

Service to the homeless/hungry

Collecting food, clothing and toiletries for donation to a local welfare centre; raising money to buy essentials for them to set up home; disaster relief

Safety training

Helping younger children learn about water safety, fire prevention, traffic awareness, bicycle safety

Service to parents and family

Caring for a disabled family member,  Shopping and cleaning, Entertaining, chatting and motivating, Looking after younger brothers or sisters;  babysitting


Helping a child or adult to learn how to read and write, mentoring. Reading to those visually impaired or record stories for them to listen to

Public Health

Assist with health screening, Collect used spectacles and hearing aids for recycling,  Create awareness of AIDS, teenage suicide and substance abuse

Taking a leaders’ role

Cadets; Boys’ Brigade; St John; Red Cross; Church; Youth Club; Community youth group; involvement with any community activity

Helping the Lions Fundraising for local charities

Fund-raising for local charities, welfare activities or disaster relief

Planning a party for children; organising a treat for older people; working as a member of the Lions team in whatever they do


How do you get involved?

Complete this registration form and return to and we will then send you your log book. With your permission we will keep in regular contact and at the end of 12 months your total hours will be calculated and you will be presented with your certificate and pin or badge.  If you have enjoyed the previous 12 months then we will issue you with a new log book for you to continue.

If you are part of an organisation and there are several of you logging your hours then at the end of 12 months your group leader will calculate your hours and complete this organisation award form and send it to us.  We will then arrange for the certificates and pins or badges to be presented to you.


It doesn’t matter if you are school, organisation or an individual, we can help you!

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