
One of the basic needs in our community is to help both seniors, families, and challenged individuals in need.This assistance can take in anything from help with medical needs, with shelter and warmth, and with  food hampers to supplement the household. We do a major project at christmas time with food hampers to last a minimum of five weeks to carry a family through the Christmas season which to many families is the hardest part of the year. We also do food hampers during the rest of the year although these hampers are only ment to cover a couple of weeks.

We have helped several individuals with cataract surgeries, as well as transportation for medical emergencies.

Our biggest project to date has been the acquisition of an insulin pump for an out of control type 1 diabetic. With the help of several organizations we managed to raise the $6500.00 cost for the equipment. With this device we raised the recipient's life expectancy from a 2-5 year to a 15-20 term.

We do a Sunday meat bingo in Cumberland which raises both dollars and non-perishable food items for our hamper projects.Last year, (2017) we were able to help twenty-eight families including eighteen children, four oof whom had a celiac disorder to a less stressful holiday season, and we hope to be able to keep that program going. We have several corporate donors who have helped us over the past several years, and we also have a great support from our local churches.

We look to not only keep our projects going, but also to take on more. For a very small club, we are proud of our accomplishments.

We have a "Meet and Greet" time at our meetings where we invite anyone who may be interested to join in, and see what we are about.

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