The club was formed in March 1982 and presently has 11 members covering the areas around Rothwell, Desborough,Rushton and Loddington.
We pride ourselves in serving the local communities and local charities with both financial support and voluntary services provided by our members.
Since the formation of the club we have raised over £120,000 which has been used to support local projects, international disasters, Lions overseas projects and our own overseas project in helping to improve the facilities at the Outspan School in Kampala, Uganda.
Locally we maintain and lend a number of scooters and wheelchairs to residents with mobility problems, support projects at local schools, hold an annual tea with entertainment for the housebound and provide equipment and health education literature to Kettering General Hospital and the local schools. Our voluntary work includes providing a driver and transport to assist with the delivery of Meals on Wheels, manning the Hot Dog Stall at the local carnival and supplying the bottles for the Message in a Bottle scheme for the elderly.
We meet for a business meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at 8.30pm in the committee room at the Conservative Club in Rothwell and on the fourth Wednesday of the month we dine out with our partners at a local restaurant unless this clashes with a fund raising event.
Being a small club our partners often help out at fund raising events, during this last year our main events have been a Summer Dance and BBQ, Easter Egg raffle, St George’s concert, Christmas Eve Tombola, a stall at the Gala Night and a “Can Shake” at Tesco’s in Kettering.
New members are always welcome, for more information contact Club President Dr Mike Line on 01536 520759 or Keith Panter 0n 01536 712535.