Kids Sight
The time that you so graciously give enables various humanitarian groups to provide eye care to people around the country as well as around the world who might otherwise have to go without. The glasses you help to prepare are undoubtedly changing lives, including that of 98 year old Domingo, from a remote village in Mexico where access to healthcare is extremely limited. Receiving recycled eye glasses will allow him to continue to take care of his family and disabled adult son. You can read more about Domingo’s story here.
Jen Galinski Administrative Assistant
Columbia Mo
Our trained technicians have screened more than 450,000 Missouri Children since this program was first piloted in 1995. Using a photoscreening device, we quickly and noninvasively screen children ages 6 months to 6 years for common causes of childhood vision loss. We refer at-risk children to eye doctors for examination and necessary treatment and follow-up to ensure kids get the care they need.
Eyeglass recycling
Your used glasses are recycled and sent on mission trips around the world. You can take your used glasses (no cases or loose lens) to Columbia Eye Care on Nifong and Keene street and Millard Furneral home 12 E. Ash street Columbia. Used hearing aids can also be taken there to be recycled.