Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2018
Board Members: Lions Tom Harney, Linda Brady, Kenny Wean, Jim Lutz, Bob Disinger, Kent Eitemiller, Forrest Hudspeth, Mel Wroten, Josh Jesse, Jerry Stroter, Bob Garber, Dick Staiger, Liz Eitemiller. Other Lions: Eileen Disinger
Lion President Harney called the meeting to order at 6:53 PM.
Lion Harney handed out his goals for the year, the clubs expected income from fund raisers and the clubs expected expenses. These items will be handed to all club members at the next regular meeting. Chairs for all of the Clubs committees have been filled except publicity. If someone would like to help the club by being Publicity Chair, contact Lion Harney. Lion Hudspeth emailed details from our work at the Carnival. We did another good job in both booths. A thank you letter will be written to the LEO’s that helped us in the Food Booth. The club won $50.00 for having the “best appearing Civic Organization float” in the Carnival Parade. The club also won 2nd prize of $25.00 for “best appearing antique car/truck” (Lion Mel Wrotens vehicle). Lion Garber made a motion to donate the $75.00 to the LEO Club. The motion was seconded by Lion Wroten and approved by the BOD. We were asked if the club would want to share a booth at the Senior EXPO next year with the Freedom District and the Deer Park Lions Clubs. Lion Brady made a motion to do so. The motion was seconded by Lion Hudspeth and approved by the BOD. Lion Stroter will investigate a possible fund raiser at Oscar’s Ale House. The Club received a letter asking for help for a local young man who was seriously injured in an auto accident and is now a paraplegic. The club may try a GOFUNDME page to raise money for this project. Lion Brady is investigating and getting more information. A special wheel chair and bed is needed to help this young man. Lion Harney suggested that we have a Community Appreciation Night. Lion PDG Bob Disinger will work on this project. The LEO advisors will work on inviting the LEOS’ that helped us in the food booth to a future club meeting or picnic. A motion was made by Lion Liz Eitemiller to purchase a ½ page AD in the 22W Social Ad Book. The motion was seconded by Lion Wroten and approved by the board. The Club will be donating $100 a month to the Local Food Pantry in addition to the food that we collect.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectfully Submitted
PDG Kent Eitemiller
Club Secretary
Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club Meeting Minutes
July 27, 2015
The Meeting was called to order by President Harney at 6:58 PM. The Pledge was led by Lion Jesse, the Patriotic Song and Prayer was led by Lion Coates.
There 20 Lions in attendance and 5 guests. After dinner, guests in attendance were introduced. Lion Bob Davis brought prospective member Steve Davis, Lion PDG Kent Eitemiller brought prospective member Joseph Gregor. One of scholarship awardees, Marissa Mowers was also in attendance with her parents Kevin and Barbara Mowers. Lion Wroten introduced Marissa who told us a little about herself. She will be attending Frostburg State University. IPP PDG Disinger handed out the perfect attendance pins from last year. IPP PDG Disinger also handed out the 100% Visitation award to Lion Sagar, the 100% Treasurer Award to Lion Hudspeth and the 100% Secretary to Lion Crawford. These awards were presented to the club at the recent Change of Banner. President Harney handed folders which included the budget for this year, a Club Directory, Committee assignments, and his goals for the year. Lion Brady talked the fund raiser for Mickey Chrobot who is a paralyzed 21 year old in our community who needs many pieces of “special” medical equipment. A count for the next zone meeting was taken. Attendees will be Lions Liz Eitemiller, PDG Kent Eitemiller, Linda Brady, Tom Harney, Bob Garber, Mindy Coates and Duane Voitel. President Harney reminded those that will be attending the Winfield VFD “Thank You for working at the Carnival Crab Feast” that you are only allowed to bring one guest. The 50-50 was $30.50 and was won by Lion Crawford. There was one birthday raffle from Lion Coates and the high bid was $32.00 by Lion Brady. President Tom ended the meeting with three jokes that reminded us of an old Clint Eastwood Movie: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. The Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
PDG Kent Eitemiller
Club Secretary
Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2015
The Meeting was called to order by President Harney at 6:58 PM. The Pledge was led by Lion Bennett, the Patriotic Song and Prayer was led by Lion Coates.
The meeting was attended by 22 Taylorsville-Winfield Lions and the following guests; DG Robert Mitchell, Cabinet Secretary Gary Buchman, Cabinet Treasurer Barbara Brimigion, PDG Bill Thomas and his wife Lion Julie from District 22C and Lion Wayne Sherfey. The DG was introduced by CS Buchman. The DG gave a very inspiring speech. After the speech the DG was presented with a “wagon full of peas” his least favorite vegetable. DG Mitchell present Lion Lutz with the club Unsung Hero award. Next DG Mitchell inducted our newest Lion Joe Gregor who was sponsored by PDG Kent Eitemiller. DG Mitchell then presented Lion Mel Wroten with a Melvin Jones Fellowship. President Tom presented perfect attendance pins to those that were not at the last meeting. Lion Brady gave a report on the Mickey Chrobot fund and reported that the special bed has been ordered for him and should arrive in 2-3 weeks. Lion Garber reported on work that was being to keep our park in good condition. Treasurer Hudspeth reported that there is a balance in the Administrative Fund of $7313.96 and a balance in the Activities account of $23,022.86. The meeting ended with a joke by Secretary Eitemiller that was loved by all. President Tom told four jokes that can only be characterized as the good, the bad, the ugly and the disturbing. The regular meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
A short board meeting was held with the DG with our club being given good ratings on all of the questions he asked. The board meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
PDG Kent Eitemiller
Club Secretary