Volume 55 Issue 19 Roaring Run Lions Club
Meeting of April 2nd - King Lion Evan will call the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Den. Kim Meekins will explain the new Assisted Living Home in Smallwood.
The meeting of April 16th will be our annual Charter Night. King Lion Evan will welcome our guests to Piney Branch Golf Club our host for the evening. Festivities will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a social hour. Dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. A choice of beef or chicken will be the entree and King Lion Evan will contact the membership for their dinner choice. Lion Susan Krebs will be our speaker. Susan is a member of the Maryland House of Delegates. Last meeting of March 19th King Lion Evan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Den. 15 guests were present for our Friendship Night. Also, Lions Sharon Leister and Bob Berry from Silver Run-Union Mills Lions were making a visitation. PCC John Hopkins presented a program explaining worldwide Lions activities and invited our guests to join our Pride and become involved. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of aMelvin Jones Fellowship to Lion LindaAuerback. Lion Hawkins presented the following slate of officers for 2014-2015.
President – Jessica Ganske
1st. VP – Dave Brauning, 2nd. VP- Wayne Scull, 3rd. VP- Vicki Mahr
Secretary- Jackie Flanagan, Treasurer- Anita Bullock,
Tail Twister- Robert Clas, Lion Tamer- Steve Auerback
2 Yr Director- Tim Ganske 1 Yr Director-Laura Ganske
2 Yr Director-Linda Auerback 1 Yr Director-Tom Bryant
2 Yr Director-Eileen Stoner 1 Yr Director-Tom Hintenach
Membership Director- Bob Bullock Past President- Evan Gillett
Notes from the Board meeting of March 26th - The Treasurers report showed a balance of $ 5,639 in the administrative account and $ 17,500 in activities. Lion Steve reported the rest rooms at the Park are to be refurbished by Home Depot on Thursday. Finksburg Baseball will begin play on April 12th. Lion Anita will have the Concession Stand open and help is needed during theseason. The Easter Egg Hunt will be on April 19th at the Library and help isneeded beginning at 8:00 p.m. Food for the month is Fruit.
The next Zone meeting will be on April 10th at Deer Park Lions Club Den.