Just a few of the many projects of the Redwood Shores Lions Club:
Eyeglass Collection

Throughout the year,used eyeglasses are collected by the Redwood Shores Lions and submitted to the Lions In Sight program. The collected eyeglasses are sorted, cleaned, processed and packaged for delivery to developing nations around the world. As we do this, we truly give the gift of sight to those who cannot afford something as simple as eyeglasses.
Ear of the Lion
The Re
dwood Shores Lions Club is a member of the Hearing Foundation of California/Nevada, Inc. The foundation offers hearing aids and medical/surgical/audiological services to the needy. If you are in need of hearing aid services, please contact us at info@redwoodshoreslions.com.
Also, if you have a used hearing aid, please drop it off at our collection box at the Sandpiper Community Center in Redwood Shores.
Student Speaker Contest
The Redwood Shores Lions hosts our club-level Student Speaker Contest every
February of the year (date to be determined). The Contest is open to all high school students in the Bay Area. Student need not be a resident of Redwood Shores to participate.
The Lions Fourth District Student Speakers Foundation, Inc. will provide scholarships totaling $103,500.00. From this amount, each of the fifteen District winners will receive a $4,500.00 scholarship, each of the four Area winners will receive an additional $6,500.00 scholarship and the winner of the Multiple District Four Contest will receive an additional $10,000.00 scholarship.
If you know a student who would like to participate, contact us at josaur17@gmail.com.
Congratulations to Holman Torno (second from left) who won the 2019-2020 District 4-C4 Student contest. He is pictured with Lions Diana Krippendorf and Mary Carbullido together with other contestants. Holman is sponsored by the Redwood Shores Lions Club and wins $5,000 in scholarships.
During this covid-19 pandemic, our Club has responded to the need of face masks for our community. Under the leadership of Project Chair Lion Tessie Madrinan, our members and volunteers have been making face masks and donating them to various at-risk groups.
Each year, Lions clubs around the world proudly sponsor the Lions International Peace Poster
Contest in local schools and youth groups. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace. During the last 20 years, more than four million children from nearly 100 countries have participated in the contest.
Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate.
If you know a student who would like to participate, please contact us at info@redwoodshoreslions.com.
Teacher Appreciation Breakfasts
During the school year, the Redwood Shores Lions Club host breakfasts for the teachers at Sandpiper Elementary School, Redwood Shores Elementary School and Immaculate Heart of Mary School. Teachers and staff are greeted to a delicious breakfast as well as other treats and goodies donated by our members. We are pleased to express our gratitude for their dedication to maintaining quality education for our community’s children. Thank you to our local Teachers!