

Club Projects & Activities

As each activity approaches, see our Calendar for specific information.


Christmas Tree Pick-up, 1st 2 weekends in January (Fundraising)

For a $5 minimum donation, members pick up Christmas trees in the Red Wing area. Contact: Brad Wronski by e-mail or phone 651-385-0064 to arrange pick-up.

Pancake Breakfast, 3rd Sunday in January (Fundraising)

Held at the Red Wing Elks Club, members provide a pancake breakfast, with proceeds going to service the community. Contact: Steve Beech.

Ronald McDonald House Meal

The club provides a sit down meal at the Ronald McDonald House in Rochester; we also present the can tabs collected throughout the year in support of RMH. Contact: Steve Beech.

High School Scholarship

The winning HS student is presented the scholarship by the Red Wing Lions Club President. Contact:Todd Otteson.

Y Camp Lions Den Clean-up

Clean-up inside and outside at the "Lions Den" cabin at the Y Camp. Contact: Tim Ford



The club sells cases of delicious, mouth-watering ribs. Contact: Ev Smith

Lions Booth at the Minnesota State Fair 

Lions Club members from Red Wing and the district are at the booth in the Education Building to share how Lions serve our communities, our state, our country, and the world. Stop by to learn about the MN Lions Eye Bank and the MN Hearing Foundation, or just to chat. 

Minnesota State Fair Ticket Booths

Lions Club members from the district sell all kidway and part of midway ride/game tickets. Contact: Dave Watson.

Lions KidSight Vision Screening

Lions Club members perform vision screenings at local child care centers, Red Wing Sunnyside School and the MN State Fair. Contact: Jean Magnusson


Picnic at Colvill Park in August

Our annual picnic is an opportunity to bring our families together and invite other potential members to meet our club. Contact: Dick Luhman.

White Cane Days, 2nd weekend in September (Fundraising)

Members collect donations outside local businesses. These donations are dedicated for sight-related causes in the Red Wing Community as well as support of the Minnesota Children's Eye Clinic; the Minnesota Lions Eye Bank and the Macular Degeneration Center at the University of Minnesota. The largest portion of funds collected benefit needy children in the Red Wing School District when referred by a school nurse for assistance. Contact:  Dave Larson to donate.

Book Project

We donate funds to local elementary schools to purchase books for students that cannot afford them. Contact Mary Weberg

Peace Poster, beginning of school year

Children, ages 11, 12, and 13 by November 15, may submit peace posters in accordance with Lions project guidelines. Winning posters advance through district levels. Contact: Jackie Trulen

Wreaths Across America

The Red Wing Lions Club participates in the National Wreaths Across America Day in honor of our veterans. See the national website for the history of this event. Contact: Fay Wallin.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Members volunteer to ring the Salvation Army bell at various local businesses. Contact: Chris Rayner.

Hole-In-One Contest

Community Members attempt to make a hole -in -one chip shots  for cash prizes at the Red Wing River City Days Celebration on August 4 at Baypoint Park.

Cotton Candy Booth/Fundraiser

Cotton Candy Sales at various local events to raise funds for projects and to promote Lions awareness  within the community.  

Donations to Families who have been displaced due to fires.

The Red Wing Lions provide $800 to families who have been displaced from their homes due to fires.

Birthday Celebration Kits 

The Red Wing Lions package birthday kits which include cake,mixes, frosting, candles, streamers, birthday cards, banners, etc. and present them to local families in need.






For Project Chairs Use: Activity Report

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