

YEAR 2011-12


District 323 G-1 , Multiple D-323, Lions International


for Image Building Work Under

“Sight First Project”




(1)            A Unique Program, The Ist State level Singing Competition for Blinds SARGAM GOONJ - 2011 on World Disabled Day 3 December 2011 at Lion Uttam Chand Mehta Lions Auditorium Hall By Lions Club Ratlam and Lions Gyandeep Drishti heen Jan Vidhyalaya Ratlam with the help of Social Justice Department  State Government of Madhya Pradesh. Total 80 participants from 20 various districts of MP State performed on this big Stage and out of them winners in Final Round show and awarded as “Voice of Lion” with Cash prizes Rs.3000/-,2000/-,1000/- in each categories and Attractive Trophy and Certificates to winners in both junior and senior categories. Great Excellent and Ultimate Program for international Project of Sight First and Immage Building work done by Lions Club Ratlam. Guest District Governor Lion Harish Agrawal , Ratlam District Collector Rajendra Sharma , District Judge R.P.Verma, Superintendent of Police Dr.R.S.Sikarwar,President Consumer Redresal Forum K.S.Bhandari, Founder Of Anurag Sangeet Sansthan Jaipur for Drishtiheen & Blind Singer Ajeet Jain, Renowned Play Back Singer Udhbhav Ojha Mumbai( Mohabate Fame ) , President Jila Panchayat Anita Jain Rajmal Jain,Deputy Director Social justice K.N.Joshi
Club President Lion Sunil jain Advocate  and his team Secretary Lion Neeraj surolia, Project Chairperson Lion Vicky Jain, Blind School Chairman Lion Rajesh Bhargava.


(2)            On this great occasion of World Disabled Day, Club has Started A Music Academy for Blinds Name - LION MELVIN JONES INDIAN MUSIC INSTITUTE after Inaugurated by District Governor Lion Harish Agrawal and  Founder Of Anurag Sangeet Sansthan Jaipur for Drishtiheen & Blind Singer Ajeet Jain, Renowned Play Back Singer Udhbhav Ojha Mumbai( Mohabate Fame ) in presence of Collector . It is a great achievement for Lions Club Ratlam and  Lions Gyandeep Drisht heen Jan Vidhyalaya Ratlam.


(3)            A Permanent Project of Lions Gyandeep Drishti heen Jan Vidhyalay under management of Lions Club Ratlam, Re-Managed and Started with the financial aid of Social Justice Department of State Government of Madhya Pradesh in presence of District Collector Rajendra Sharma and Deputy Director K.N. Joshi Social Justice Department. Collector has assured to provide shortly the Government Land approximate 21,000 Sq.ft. on lease rent for this separate building and hostel facility of Blind School and Music Academy for disabled people.  


(4)            Publishing , Exhibition and Distribution - A Unique and Memorable Memento as Save Girl Child for Image Building Campaign of LIONISM by Lions Club Ratlam on Republic Day in Presence of RC Lion Sandeep Nigam & ZC Lion Dr. Sulochana Sharma, Club President Lion Sunil Jain  Advocate


Reporting By -

Lion Sunil Jain Advocate


President 2011-12
Lions Club Ratlam



 AIDS Control - World Aids Day -Red Ribbon Express by NACS Government Of India -
Giving the services with Government Project for AIDS Control Awareness Program to community and society as Red Ribbon Express which was organised and managed by National Aids Control Society on 13th and 14th February 2012
In this 2 days Program Mr.K.N.Joshi Deputy Director  Social Justice Department of State Government , Zone Chairperson Lion  Dr.Sulochana Sharma , Club President Lion Sunil Jain , Secretary Lion Neeraj Surolia, Lion Vikram Singh Sisodia, Lion Pramila Jain,Lion Rajesh Bhargava, Lion Gopal Joshi,Lion Dinesh Kumar, Lion Sanjay Gunawat , Lioness District Tresurar Usha Jain etc.


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