
The formation of a Service Club in East Preston developed out of the love and concern by Mr. James E. Brindley for his community.

During the seventies a number of improvements in the development of East Preston were taking place. Included in the signs of progress was the expansion of the Community Center, church expansion, the construction and operation of a day care center, new housing, university and vocational training, better employment opportunities, etc.

However, Mr. Brindley who was very deeply involved and committed to a number of community organizations, including the church, the Ratepayers and Recreation Associations, was extremely concerned that a very valuable community resource "Manpower" was not being utilized to a major degree.

Mr. Brindley decided to try something positive, the formation of a Men’s Club. He consulted with and discussed his idea with a number of individuals and found a willing and positive response. On January 26, 1976, the initial organizational meeting of the East Preston Men's Club was held at the Community Centre, with 16 prospective members present. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Brindley who was elected Interim President.

During the following year members of the Club discussed the pros and cons of becoming a branch of one of the established service clubs. A motion was passed to hold a series of meetings with representatives of the various service clubs, such as Kinsmen, Kiwanis, the Lions, to assist us in determining which organization (if any) to become associated with.

On January 31, 1977 a motion was duly passed to affiliate with Lions International. The organizational meeting of the East Preston Lions Club was held on February 28, 1977. Visiting Lions in attendance, included Charles Clark, Pictou, (International Special Representative); Earle Hoare, Armdale, Fairview, Rockingham; Amos Stevens, Sackville; and Joe Maund, Dartmouth.

The Charter Night for the Club was held on June 25, 1977 with 27 Charter members. J. E. Brindley was installed as the first King Lion. Subsequent King Lions have included Spencer Colley, Sinclaire Williams, Matthew Thomas and Alston Saunders.

(An excerpt from deceased Charter Member Calvin Ruck)

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