August 2023 - Celebration of Service - Year End Party
Lions Clubs Camp Kirk Life Memberships awarded to Lion David (for leading the Fill a Boat Food drive) and Lion Lisa (for leading the donation campaign for homeless and women's shelters in April).
Foodhandler Certificates Earned:
Lions Art, David, Heather and Philip took the course in May and received their certificates at the party. Thank you - these will be handy when serving the public.
President Lion Dan receives congratulatory certificate from Multiple District A and District A16 presented by Immediate Past District Governor, Lion Barry MacDonald.
Ivo Finotti, co-chair of the Port Perry Petvalu Walk for Dogguides Committee, presents President Dan with Certificate of Appreciation for helping place Port Perry in 4th position out of over 300 walks in 2022 for the Lions Foundation of Canada, Petvalu walk for Dogguides.
February 2022
Our District Governor, Lion Barry MacDonald presented and congratulated Lion Joyce with a 15 year certificate and chevron for her community service as a Lion.
Lion Guy was presented with a 45 year certificate and chevron for his community service as a Lion.
Lion Karen was presented with a Lions Clubs Camp Kirk Foundation life membership certificate and pin for her service with the club.
A bench was purchased and dedicated to our Lion Rob Rice, who passed away in June 2020. Lion Rob was a Past District Governor, serving his community for over 50 years. The bench was erected at Sunrise Beach Park on Scugog Island. Members of the Sunrise Beach Association also attended to celebrate Rob's life and dedication. Lion Rob was a prominent volunteer in the Sunrise Beach community.