
The POS East Lions Club celebrated its 42nd Anniversary on 23rd May, 2019.   Our Charter President was Lion Miguel Rodriguez-Seijas (now dec'd).  Our current President is Lion Jemima Riley.

Current membership : 24

Newest Member : Kashara Martin & Kael Robinson

Melvin Jones Fellows :  Martin Pacheco; Philip Findley; Lynette Worrell; Karl John;  James McKenzie; Carlton Lewis, Matthew Marcelle, Lyndon James, Jocelyn Joefield and Angela McAlister. 

President's Motto : Think Small for a Large Impact 

Remaining Charter Member : Martin Pacheco

Clubs Sponsored :  San Juan/Barataria Lions Club;  Success/Laventille Lions Club (formerly POS East Lioness Club);  Upper Belmont Lions Club;  Central Plains Lions Club; POS East Leo Club (now defunct)

Past District Officers:  

District Governor -Martin Pacheco 

 Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer - Philip Findley

 Deputy District Governor - Martin Pacheco

Region Chairmen -  Philip Findley; Carlton Lewis, Angela McAlister and Lyndon James

Zone Chairmen - Miguel Rodriguez-Seijas (dec'd); Martin Pacheco; Ronald Pollard; Philip Findley; Carlton Lewis;  James McKenzie; Karl John; Angela Mc Alister and Lyndon James

District Chairmen -  Miguel Rodriguez-Seijas (dec'd); Martin Pacheco; Philip Findley; Carlton Lewis; Raymond Seewai (dec'd); Adrian Peterson (dec'd);Matthew Marcelle; Karl John; Angela McAlister and Lyndon James



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