
Port Macquarie Base Hospital - AGEM Ward garden and the Paediatric Therapy Playground

Working bees have resumed at AGEM Garden Port Macquarie Base Hospital, Geriatric Evaluation and Management (GEM) Ward Garden and the Paediatric Therapy Playground. This work was put on hold during Covid.

Tacking Point Lions are undertaking a programme of refurbishment and maintenance of the Port Macquarie Base Hospital AGEM Ward garden  These gardens, built by Tacking Point Lions in 2015 and 2017 are now in need of refurbishment and upkeep. This facility is for older people with mild dementia or with other complex, chronic or multiple healthcare requirements.

The paediatric therapy playground next door built also by Tacking Point Lions is a state-of-the-art children’s therapy playground. The children’s playground is used by medical staff to ascertain the performance of children under the care of the paediatric section of the hospital. This facility is also in need of a refurbishment and upkeep.

A member of Tacking Point Lions Club, Sarah Ashton has very courageously told her story of early-onset dementia and her story can be found here:   Sarah’s Story: Living With Dementia – YouTube    After you view, you will need to log in to our website again.

This photo was taken in July 2019 and shows the garden pre-Covid. Now that we can continue the upkeep, work is progressing.

  Paula should be in the group but she took the photo. A very succesful and rewarding morning's work at AGEM garden, Port Macquarie Base Hospital, April 2024

GEM Garden April 18 2024. Lions crew of Paula, Jeanette, Angelo and Frank erecting new signs (courtesy of Port Macquarie Hastings Council) within the garden. 

The new-look Station One at GEM garden. Photos by Go Signs.

The new- look Station Two at Gem Garden. Go Signs Photos

The new-look Station Three.

The hospital's lovely Pink Ladies admiring the AGEM courtyard. The refurbished garden is proving very popular with patients and staff at the Hospital.

View of new signage


Lighthouse Beach Park - Childrens' playground

This project was the establishment of a new play area for children on the foreshore at Lighthouse Beach. This playground is just north of Tacking Point Surf Life Saving Club, 40 Matthew Flinders Drive, Lighthouse Beach, Port Macquarie. The playground was established in the precinct of the Tacking Point Lions BBQ facilities and workout station.

This new playground along with Lions BBQ facilities and workout station is at the start of the south end of Port Macquarie coastal walk which is one of the few places on the NSW coast where the forest meets the foam. Apart from the stunning seaside scenery at this location, you might also spot a whale or two on their annual migration between May and November.


When disaster strikes in this country, the Australian Lions Foundation (ALF) is amongst the first to offer disaster relief. When the devastating drought (2018 ongoing) ravaged many parts of Eastern Australia, the Australian Lions Foundation was one of the first on the ground providing financial assistance and support to local communities in times of need.

ALF continues to fulfil this need not only in Australia and Papua New Guinea but also internationally where our emergency relief and community welfare projects contribute to global understanding and cooperation.

Personal gifts to the Australian Lions Foundation are welcomed, and donations of $2.00 or more are tax-deductible. To donate click here:

Other Tacking Point Lions Club projects include:

The Australian Lions Foundation Annual General Appeal
Adventist School
The Australian Lions Foundation Disaster Fund  
Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation
All-abilities Futsal 
Australia Day - Port Macquarie-Hastings 
Australian Lions Hearing Dogs
Black Dog Institute - Preventing and Treating Mental Illness
Big Red Kidney Bus
Camp Getaway
Caring for Koalas
Coastal Warriors
Flood clean-up
CSU Scholarship
Financial assistance and support to local families and Individuals
Gaol Point Lookout
Headspace Trailer
JDRF One Walk
Juvenile Diabetes
Koala Smart (a Tacking Point Lions project, now national)
Kyokushin Karate Port Macquarie Dojo
Lighthouse Beach Park - Childrens Playground, BBQ facilities and Workout Station 
Light the Night
Lions Club of Deaf and Blind
Lions Eye Health
Lions Prostate Cancer Research
Lions NSW-ACT Save Sight Foundation
Lions Clubs NSW-ACT Public Health Care Foundation
Lions Quest
Lions Youth Of The Year
MNC Footy Jerseys
National Parks/Koala Hospital/Plantations
Nurses Scholarship
Port Macquarie Base Hospital Geriatric Evaluation and Management (GEM) Ward Garden and the Paediatric Therapy Playground
Port Macquarie Base Hospital and Kempsey District Hospital Renal Video Conferencing System
RIDBC Deaf and Blind
Save Sight
Sharks JRFC
St John Ambulance
Telegraph Point Public School
TPLC Humanitarian Fund



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