2013 - 2014
During the installation of our Club held on 02-07-2013 the following service projects were done:
1. We have donated Rs.1,30,000/- as medical aid to a 13 year old student who has to go under a sever heart operation at the Appollo Children's Hosptials, Chennai.
2. Two cycles were donated to a poor student and a poor man
3. A hearing aid was donated a needed person.
4. 3 students were selected from a rural Governement school for ranking top 3 in S.S.L.C. public examaminations and rewarded with cash, momentos and certificates.
5. Rs.2,600/- was donated to a student from New Delhi for an operation.
6. Rs.10,000/- was donated towards the rehabilitation work at the Kethernath due to natural disaster.
7. 2nd hearing aid was donated one poor person on 17-07-2013.
8. Rs.5,000/- eduacation aid was given to a poor student for her higher studies.
9. We have received 4 pairs of eye donations which were given to Jothi Eye Care Centre & JIPMER Hospital, Pondicherry.
10. So far We have screened the eyes of 1415 school students with the help of JIPMER Hospital.
11. 1 Public eye camp at Madukarai village was conducted, 205 people's eyes were screened, 3 persons were done the IOL.
12. On 26-08-2013 we have celebrated Mother Theresay day at Rainbow Foundation is a home for the physicall and mentally challenged children. Dinner provided for them by our Club and basic materilas like soaps, tooth past, washing materials, cooking materials, etc were contributed to this home.
13. We have issued 100 free specs to the beneficiaries.
14. 100 saplings were planed on the Gandhi Jayanthi day at Madukarai Village.
15. We are celebrating all our Club members birth days by visiting their homes and honouring them with gifts and shawls.
16. During last year we have received 11 pairs of eye donations.