
Project: 1

Plattsville Welcomes All


We have 2 very attractive signs as you enter Plattsville.  The other 2 are far less welcoming.

One of our projects is to redesign these displays, and add 2 more so we welcome all visitors to Plattsville in the same friendly attractive manner.

The signs that exist may or may not change, (except to make them identical), or may change completely

The club will vote on a design and proceed to make the necessary changes.

We already have the permission to install the 2 new signs in locations that will accomplish our objectives.

Project: 2

Albert Street Benches

As many of our residents have taken to walking as a form of exercise and social stimulation, we would like to install a few more benches along Albert Street. A place to sit and rest or relax, or sit with a new friend and get to know one another.

It is our intention to repair or replace the existing bench and add a couple more.

Project 3:


As you will soon see, we will be installing Canadian Flags along our main street in an effort to make Albert Street in Plattsville a memorable and inviting experience.

Many More to come

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