

History of the Pembroke Lions Club (1988 to 2011)
The Pembroke Lions Club is the oldest civic club in Pembroke. Chartered December 8, 1961, the club had about 20 members for most of its existence. In 2010, the club had 42 members. The club meets at Pembroke First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on the third Tuesday of each month. In 2011, the officers of the club were Albert Locklear, President; Randall Blue, Treasurer, and Ben Jacobs, Secretary. 
In the past 20 years, the Pembroke Club has gone through significant changes in membership and services. All but one of the Charter members have gone to Lion’s heaven. From 2006 to 2010, a large number of younger members joined the Club.    
In recent years, the major activities of the Club were Camp Dogwood, White Cane, and services to people in need. The major fundraisers of the club were a breakfast plate sale, golf tournament, Camp Dogwood raffle, and annual club banquet.
       In the past 20 years, three outstanding elders have served as key leaders in the Club:  John “Ned” Sampson serve as President for many years.   Vincent Lowry served as Treasurer for over 23 years. Rev. Kelly Sanderson served as Secretary for 14 years. They served the Lions club well and were distinguished professional and community leaders.   Each of the leaders where honored as “Lion of the Year” on several occasions.
                  “Ned” Sampson (retired), a Charter Member, was an outstanding athlete and coach who received many honors in his coaching and basketball career.  He received high honors at UNC-Pembroke and at state level sports organizations.  
                 Vincent Lowry (deceased), a Charter Member, was an outstanding educator who served with distinction as a Para-trooper in World War II. He fought in the D-Day landing at Normandy and in the other major battles in Europe.
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