RESTRIPE PARKING LOT at Momilani Elem School and CENTERLINE of driveway to Pearl City High School.
.AIEA STREAM GRAFFITI PAINTOVER, Trash Cleanup & Storm Drain Stenciling. This was a major club project developed & coordinated by Lion Dexter Aoki. Storm Drain Stenciling run by Lion Ray Nii. LCI Film Crew documented the project. Invitation was put out to Lions of District 50 to participate. 45 Lions from 14 Clubs came to work in the hot sweltering sun to cleanup and beautify the community.
SIGHT IS BEAUTIFUL Poster Contest winners from the Pearl City Lions Club competition have gone all the way to win FIRST PLACE in the District 50 State of Hawaii Lions Contest 2012! The talented winners are sisters Celina Shoda, Grade 3 and Krista Shoda, Grade 5 at Momilani Elem School. They are 2 of the 7 first place winners selected out of 11,303 entries throughout the State. Presenting each of them their $100 checks is Zone Chair Vaughn Miyauchi at the school's award ceremonies on May 23. Standing with the winners are the proud parents and PC Lions.
Pearl City Lions and other clubs members from Zone 2 planted native Hawaiian "Kou" trees at "Rainbow Park" (Aiea Bay State Recreation Area), at the Shizuo Onishi Pavilion on May 15, 2012.
Joining the Lions were members of the Shizuo Onishi family and District Governor Elect Jack Kampfer to commemorate the tree planting at the monument.
RED CROSS HATS OFF Fundraiser Drive will again be held at PC Walmart. Photo below taken at last year's project.
Pearl City Lions have their annual Valentines Breakfast Fundraiser at Pearl City High School Cafeteria on Sat. on or before Valentines Day. 2012 was the first year Boy Scouts from Troop 75 volunteered to help in the dining room, drive-thru takeout, traffic control/parking and cleanup. The boys proved to be a tremendous asset to our project and hope to continue their participation next year.
Boy Scouts from Troop 75 Pearl City ready to serve at 6am.
Pearl City Lions, along with Lions from several other clubs, perform vision screenings at pre-schools and elementary schools in and outside of the leeward areas.
13 dedicated Lions
volunteered in a labor-intensive project at the FRA facility on Sep 10 to paint the interior of the banquet hall. The FRA staff paid for the paint & supplies and even provided huge sub-sandwich lunches! Mahalo for all the hard work, it turned out beautiful
16 PC Lions & 3 Manoa-Waioli Lions worked hard to stencil 300+ Storm drains in the Pearl City Area on Aug 20. Only 1,680 Storm Drains to go ! (Lion Clarence Nishihara not shown)
turned out on Saturday, Aug 13 to restripe the Momilani Elem School parking lot & curbings to beautify the campus and make it safer for students in way of traffic from parents & teachers. It was a hot and tiring 4 hour project and worth every minute of it. Mahalo to all the dedicated Lions for working so hard.
PC Lions
Ray, Wayne, Curtis, Alice, Jerry & Paul helped HPD to raise traffic safety awareness on Salt Lake Blvd during the National Night Out campaign
CTAP sign waving with HPD: Hoomalu St. Pearl City Lions & volunteers from the community join HPD to remind motorists to slow down & drive safely.
DG Chris Tamura waves to cheering crowds at the Veteran's Day Parade in Wahiawa.
District 50 Lions, including 15 Pearl City Lions, collected 6000+ pounds of donations in front of the State Capitol for the Hawaii Food Bank.
Walmart Stores throughout the State of HI provided a venue for LCI & D50 clubs to stage a used eyeglass collection event on Jan 15. 50+ clubs participated to collect approx 5000 glasses for eventual distribution to visually & economically impaired people in poor countries. Photos above show Lions from Pearl City, Halawa & Kamehameha Clubs at the Walmart store in Pearl City. At the same time, we sold about 120 tickets for our Annual Valentines Breakfast Fundraiser, scheduled for Feb. at Pearl City High School Cafe.
HI-5 BOTTLES & CANS RECYCLING PROJECT raise funds to offset the cost of attending the 2011 Hawaii Lions 75th State Convention in Waikiki. Lion Al DeMello, Chair.
JOINT WEINBERG PROJECT (Kalakaua & Pearl City Lions Clubs) to paint over massive graffiti marred concrete walls along Moanalua Road in Aiea, mauka of the library on Aug 28, 2010, 8am -12noon. The wall is about 400 ft long and 14 ft high. Other clubs in the zone participating. We needed a minimum of 25 Lions to prep, paint, cleanup for 4 hrs. 41 Lions showed up! The walls are coarse, corrugated concrete, making it a labor intensive project, but the finished product made us all proud!
About 40 gallons of paint were applied to come up with the beautiful results!
Local residents were honking their horns & waving in appreciation as they drove by. A local snack shop donated 40 manapua and a resident nearby donated several bags of ice. MAHALO to everyone! This effort earned a $10,000 grant from the Weinberg Friends Program, which we donated to the Hawaii Chapter of the American Red Cross.
WHEELCHAIR BOWLING, Aug 28, Sep 25, Oct 23, Fort Shafter Lanes, 10:30am.
PEARL HARBOR HOLIDAY EVENING BOAT TOURS 2010 were coordinated by Lion Sunny Young & the PC Lions, with the help of the US Navy & the National Park Service. Tour boats were departing every 10 minutes from the new Pearl Harbor Visitor Center on Dec 17, 18 & 23 to view the colorful holiday lights on the US Navy ships.
EYEGLASS RECYCLING Program continues throughout the year. The club has several collection boxes in Pearl City (Library, Don Quijote, Walmart, HawaiiUSAFCU, and local optometrist offices). Over 1000 glasses are cleaned & packed every year for eventual shipping to the west coast distribution facility in Vallejo, CA. In 2010, approx. 30,000 used eyeglasses were shipped out to Vallejo, where they will be neutralized for prescription, labeled & sorted, and taken on distribution missions in Mexico and other disadvantaged, developing countries.
LIONS IN SIGHT EYEGLASS COLLECTION, Jan 15, 2010, Pearl City Walmart.. This will be a statewide District 50 project to be held at various locations chosen by individual or zone clubs.
Lions Clarence Nishihara & Alice Kudo collected 82 used eyeglasses from Pearl City Community donors at the annual Aloha Aina Recycling Event at Pearl City High School.
Pearl City Lions join District Governor Chris Tamura & District 50 Lions at Wilson Elem Vision Screening Project on Aug 27. 300+ students were tested that day.
DG Chris screens first graders at Palisades Elementary for Color Vision Deficiencies.
VALENTINE'S DAY BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER, Feb 12, 2011 Pearl City HS Cafe, 6:30am-11am. The 2012 breakfast was held on Feb 11. The 2013 breakfast will be run on Feb 9.
The plan is to serve or sell about 2000 delicious local style breakfasts to raise funds to support scholarship grants, community service projects & donations throughout the year.
GREAT ALOHA FUN RUN WATER STA #1, Feb President's Day, Nimitz & Puuloa, 6am-11am. Organize & coordinate the 400 volunteers required to man the first water station the runners will hit after the start at Aloha Tower. A monumental task to provide iced water to 23,000 runners from all over the world.