

The Pataskala Lions Club was originally organized March 24, 1941 and cancelled November 29, 1944.

The club was reorganized August 17,1948 and Chartered September 10, 1948

Charter night was held at the Pataskala Methodist Church on Tuesday October 12, 1948, with 60 Charter Members

The Hebron Lions Club was the sponsoring club

1948 - 49:
Held a Charter Night Banquet, Tuesday October 12
Held a mock trial and netted $125
Provided a free sight screening for the school children
Donated $19 to the Red Cross and the Cancer Fund
Laid a floor in the Boy Scout Cabin at a cost of $134

1949 - 50:
Held Auctions and a circus for a net of $407
Sponsored by paying half the tuition for two high school students to attend Boys State
Contributed $100 to the Summer Recreation Program for children
Mailed letters to parents of children whose eyes needed treatment
Assumed financial responsibility for those unable to buy glasses

1950- 51:
Sponsored a village recreation program for children
Sponsored a Boy Scout Troop
Held a picnic
Held a circus
Assisted in the Pataskala Street Fair
Held a Ladies Night Christmas Party
Donated $25 to a needy person
Sponsored a Cub Scout Pack
Sponsored eye testing for school children
Sponsored an Explorer Scout Troop
Supported the passing of the White Cane Law
Operated a concession at the Centennial

1951 - 52:
Reorganized the Boy Scout Troop
Assisted with the Centennial Celebration
Held a Ladies Night
Held a Family Christmas Party
Assisted in forming and furnishing the Community center
Provided glasses for needy school children

1952 - 53:
Held a Ladies Night
Held a picnic
Fitted one person with glasses
Sponsored a Boy Scout Troup and held a Court of Honor
Entered the winning float in the parade
Operated a concession at the fair netting $125
Held a Dinner Dance
Held a Family Christmas Party
Entertained the Boy Scouts

1953 - 54:
Held two Euchre Parties, netted about $80
Held Ladies Night
Fitted two persons with glasses
Provided clothes, haircuts, and transportation to Sunday School for two needy children for Christmas
Entertained the Boy Scouts
Held a Father - Son - Daughter Night

1954 - 55:
Sponsored a Public Fire Prevention Meeting
Co-sponsored the growing of corn on 45 acres with proceeds going to the athletic field for the school
Sponsored an All State Wrestling Show netting about $300
Sponsored the Boy Scout Troop
Participated in the State Fair and netted $244.43
Held Ladies Night
Held an Auction and netted $235.61

1955 - 56:
Held Ladies Night
Purchased a Pop Corn Trailer for the use of the high school
Held a picnic
Operated a stand at the fair netting $180
Assisted the Athletic Association by helping to sell pop corn and soda at the home basketball games
Donated $50 to Band Boosters for the purchase of uniforms

1956 - 57:
Participated in the Pataskala Street Fair netting $340.33
Purchased a public address system at a cost of $150
Aided financially and physically in the construction of the high school athletic field
Held Saturday Night Euchre Parties
Held a Father - Son - Daughter Night
Held Ladies Night
Held a Family Night Dance and netted nearly $60

1957 - 58:
Held an Ox Roast and Horse Show and donated the proceeds to the Athletic Association
Held a family picnic
Participated in the Pataskala Street Fair and netted about $300
Held Euchre Parties
Conducted an Eye Testing Program in the schools
Purchased an Ortho-Rater Eye Testing Machine used in the local school district
Held a Father - Son - Daughter Night

1958 - 59:
Participated in the Pataskala Street Fair netting $300
Sponsored a Calendar Sale and netted more than $300
Held Ladies Night
Held Father - Son - Daughter Night
Purchased three pair of glasses for needy children

1959 - 1960:
Participated in the Pataskala Street Fair netting about $300
Held a Calendar sale and netted about $300
Held Father - Son - Daughter Night
Held Ladies Night
Purchased four pair of glasses for needy children

1960 - 61:
Participated in the Pataskala Street Fair and netted about $300
Held a calendar sale and netted $168.74
Held Ladies Night
Purchased the Operating Rights to the local theater to raise money to purchase land for a community park
Held Father - Son - Daughter Night
Purchased three pair of glasses for the needy

1961 - 1962:
Participated in the Pataskala Street Fair and netted about $258
Held Ladies Night
Participated in Lions Candy Day
Participated in the Mexican 4S Project
Donated $423.26 to the Ohio Lions Eye Research Fund Inc.
Purchased three pair of glasses for the needy

1962 - 63:
Held a High Strike and Ham Wheel at the Pataskala Street Fair and netted about $250
Held Ladies Night
Held a Pancake Supper
Held Father - Son - Daughter Night

1963 - 64:
Sponsored a Ham Raffle and High Strike at the Pataskala Street fair netting a total of $327.90
Held Ladies Night
Held a Pancake Supper
Held a Spaghetti Supper
Held Father - Son - Daughter Night
Purchased 12 pair of glasses and repaired one broken lens at a cost of $203.44

1964 - 65:
Sponsored a Theater Program
Participated in the Pataskala Street Fair and netted about $328
Held a Family Night
Co-sponsored the Punt, Pass, and Kick Competition in the Southwest Licking School District
Donated $35 to the Volunteer Fire Department to buy booth space at the Pataskala Street Fair
Held Ladies Night
Held a Pancake Supper
Held a Spaghetti Supper
Held Father - Son - Daughter Night
Purchased a plot of land for the development of a Community Park
Clearing of what is now known as Refugee Road.  This was a tremendous project.
Since then we have continued to be active within the community, making financial and physical donations for a wide variety of projects and causes.  Following is a brief list of just a few of these.

1966 - Sponsored Summit Stations Lions Club

1973 - 25th Anniversary Charter Night held September 13th at Reynoldsburg

1978 - Became sponsors of Cub Scout Pack 21

1983 - Held a glaucoma screening at Fire House for area residents

1989 - Held Our first Haunted Forest.

1995 - Started the Christmas Coach rides.

1996 - We had to add another coach to Christmas Coach rides

1996 - First Annual Lion Lighted Christmas Parade

1997 - Dan Kuhn was elected Deputy Governor 1997-98 at the 13K district Convention at Mt. Vernon.

1997 - Lion Louie Fraker was presented a Melvin Jones Fellow

2010 - Lion Dottie Crabtree was presented a Melvin Jones Fellow

2012 - First Pataskala Community Easter Egg Hunt, co-sponsored by the Pataskala Lions, and SWL Leo Club

2013 - First Annual Main Street Christmas Cookie Walk

2014 - Lion Tom Caw was presented a Melvin Jones Fellow

2015 - Lion Jerry Wheeler was presented a Melvin Jones Fellow

2019 - Lion Andy Walther and Lion Brian McGuire were presented a Melvin Jones Fellow
2019 - 30th Annual Pataskala Haunted Forest
2021 - Kindness Matters Award Finalist for Main Street Christmas Cookie Walk

2022 - Lion Dr. Ann Walther was presented a Melvin Jones Fellow
2022 - 10th Annual Main Street Christmas Cookie Walk
2022 - 25th Annual Lighted Christmas Parade

2023 - Lion Fred Biesecker was presented a Melvin Jones Fellow
2023 - Lion Sarah McGuire was presented a Melvin Jones Fellow

2024 - Lion Gerald Wheeler was presented with a Lifetime Membership 

2024 - Lion Gerald Wheeler was Grand Marshal of the Pataskala Lighted Street Fair Parade celebrating his 58 years of Lionism.

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