
A Message From Our King Lion


Welcome to the Parrsboro Lions Club website. Our motto (like that of all Lions Clubs) is simply: 'We serve'.  As such, our purpose is to serve our community in a way that will promote health, growth and well-being.  More directly, we give aid to those individuals (or organisations) that need assistance. We will provide service delivered either through financial means or through physical, concrete actions.

Browse our site and, if you are interested in joining us, you can email me, or our secretary, Clarissa McCully, or you can talk with any other Lion you may know. Please be aware that becoming a Lion is by invitation only.

In Lionism and service,

Donald Forbes


LIST OF OFFICERS - Term 2023/2024

President            King Lion Donald Forbes

1st V.P.                Lion Janet Stewart

2nd V.P.               Lion Lisa Ward

Secretary            Lion Clarissa McCully

Treasurer            Lion Bill Atkinson



Membership              Lions David Howe, Shirley Hurley, Craig Harrison

Health and Welfare   Lions John Langille*, Ron Forbes, Nathan Currie

Arena                         Lions Gregg Matthews, Ron Forbes, Brian Brewer,                                         Craig Harrison*

Bingo                         Lions John Langille*, Rob Bentley, Alexander Lich, Gary Nymark

Finance                     Lions Brian Brewer*, David Howe, Craig Harrison

Education Services  Lion David Howe

Building/Fire/Safety Lions Ron Forbes*, Bill Atkinson, Alexander Lich

Food Bank                Lions David Howe, Greg Matthews

Rentals:                     Den - Lion Lynn Forbes, email link for info

                        Rink - Lion Greg Matthews, email link for info

Visitation                   King Lion Donald Forbes

Club Canteen            Lions Ron Forbes*, Alexander Lich

Websites/FB              Lions Clarissa McCully, Rob Bentley

Northwood In-Touch Shirley Hurley


NOTE: * designates committee chair/co-chair or group leader

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