
The Paoli-Berwyn-Malvern Lions Club (PBM Lions) and Great Valley High School partner together to sponsor the Great Valley Leo Club. The club meets Two Tuesdays a month after school from 2:30 to 3:30 and is open to students in the Great Valley High School. 



The Leo club motto is:

Leadership - Leos develop skills as organizers, time managers, and motivators of their peers.
Experience - Leos learn the importance of cooperation through community service.
Opportunity - Membership provides young people with a chance to excel, to develop positive character traits, and to receive recognition for their contributions to the community.


2024-2025 The GVHS Leo club is meeting every two weeks during the school year.  So far this year they have sorted eyeglasses, created sensory shakers for students and decorated ginerbread house to be donated.  Check back for updates and photos.

February 2021

The Great Valley Leos are working together even though they are not meeting in person.  In February, the Leos made Valentine cards and hearts that were distributed to Veterans at the Coatesville VA and local health care workers at Paoli Hospital.

Leos in 2020:


Recently, the Lions and the Leos worked with other community groups to improve the gardens at the Royer-Greaves School for Blind in Paoli.  

The PBM Lions club has two advisors that work with the Leos to plan the acitivies for the club year. To contact the Youth Director at PBM Lions email

Here is the photo collage of the clubs activities last year:

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