
21st July 2011 :

Club members organized a "SAI KIRTAN" at Royale Estate, ZirakPur. All the charter members were present for getting the SAI blessings.


30th July 2011 :

 TREE PLANTATION PROJECT was held at Royale Estate, ZirakPur. 50 Saplings of Amla, Neem, Gulmohar, Amaltas and Jamun were palnted. PDG Lion Kuldeep Kuthiala was the Chief Guest for the Project. President Lion Meenu Verma, Sec. Lion Nirmal SIngh , Lion Hargibind, Lion Naresh Kumar (Project Chair Person), Lion Kusha Bansal(Project Co Chair Person), Lion Renu Verma and other members were present on the occassion.

08th Aug. 2011 :

The member's of the club has been organised a TREE PALNTATION PROJECT at Govt. Primery School Vill BishanPura near ZirakPur. Saplings of 30 palnts were planted in the school compound.


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