Kailua High School Modular Stage Fabrication
Pali Lions fabricated a modular stage that consisted of 25 4 ft x 8 ft wooden platforms. The modular stage was donated to Kailua High School for their use.
Enchanted Lake Elementary School Painting
Pali Lions and two Enchanted Lake Elementary School teachers volunteered to repaint Enchanted Lake Elementary School benches and front gate. Some of the poles were also touch up painted. Thank you to Lion Dave Lundquist, owner of Hardware Hawaii for donation of paint.

Recycled Eyeglasses
The Pali Lions collects, sorts, cleans, and packs recycled eyeglasses to be sent to undeveloped countries. During the most recent eyeglass cleaning event a total of 1188 clear eyeglasses and 120 dark eyeglasses were cleaned.
During the event below, 747 clear eyglasses and 120 dark eyeglasses were cleaned. Pali Lions was also joined by Zone Chair Kalae and Kaneohe Lion David.

Safe Sidewalks or Malama O Ka Aina (MOKA) Program
Pali Lions participated in the City and County of Honolulu's MOKA program to patch sidewalk uplifts which are tripping hazards. This project focused on a portion of the sidewalks along Kailua Road.

Kalama Beach Park Cleanup

John Thombs, a cousin of Pali Lions outdoor project expert and Safe Sidewalk Project Leader Jay Floan, is seen here welding a bike rack that the Pali Lions built for Ka' ohao Elementary School in Lanikai. Awesome job John, Jay and Pali Lions!
The Pali Lions Club major service project was its yearly Friends of Weinberg Project. Pali Lions provided the services of 25 people for 4 hours through a service project. In return, the Weinberg Foundation gave $10,000.00 to the club's designated 501(c)(3) recipient.
One of our project was to build and install wooden benches at King Intermediate School in Kaneohe. The recipient of the Weinberg Foundation's $10,000 was PARENTS, Inc. Another awesome service project completed by the Lions Club!
Below, Pali Lions Jay Floan and Josh Krieg and Lions from Kahaluu, Kaneohe and Pearl City assemble benches at King Intermediate School in Kaneohe.
Service project was to install grass crete under the huge Banyan tree at King Intermediate School in Kaneohe. The school was having problems with erosion under that tree. Family Promise was the fortunate organization to receive the $10,000.00 grant. The picture below shows the Pali Lions in action!