
Owatonna Lions Trades-oriented Scholarship offering

(Multiple offerings, miniimum of $1,000 per scholarship)

The Owatonna Lions Club is honored to once again offer a trades-oriented education scholarship to current residents of Steele County. Applicants must be looking to attend an accredited institution for a trades-oriented education to include BUT NOT LIMITED TO the following fields: 

  • Skilled Commercial & Residential Construction Trades
  • Skilled Energy & Industrial Trades
  • Skilled Cosmetic Trades
  • Skilled Technology Trades
  • Skilled Medical Trades
  • Skilled Logistical Trades

Applicant Qualifications: This scholarship is open to all Steele County residents. This includes students, graduates, and GED holders. Consideration will also be given to applicants who are committed to obtaining their GED to attend an accredited institution in calendar year 2025. 

For an application, email

The application due date is March 21, 2025. Completed applications may be mailed to the Owatonna Lions Club, P.O. Box 192, Owatonna, MN  55060, or emailed to

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