
In February 2013 the Onalaska Lions' Diabetes Awareness Committee had a display table at the Onalaska Library. It contained Diabetes Screening Questionnaires, booklets for keeping track of your blood sugar and cardiometabolic risk values, information about vision care and foot care, and general information about diabetes risk factors in both English and Spanish. The Lions Foundation provided these materials for our community to use. The table remained in place for a week and lots of folks took brochures as well as information about other activities being developed by the Onalaska Lions. Thank you Onalaska Library!

I hope soon we can host a Diabetes and CardioMetabolic Risk Screening Day where people can learn about healthy food, regulating blood sugars and fats, and decreasing the risk of developing diabetes and its complications. Please contact me at or 608-780-2255 if you are interested in developing this project. Go Onalaska Lions!

The Onalaska Lions' Diabetes Awareness Committee is looking for people interested in making a difference in our community! Did you know that the complications of diabetes cause the most new cases of blindness in people aged 20 to 45? As Lions we are committed to helping prevent and treat vision problems, and diabetes-related vision problems are something we can do something about!

In coordination with the Lions' Foundation and the Onalaska Library, we are working on a few things just to get started:

  • donating $100 worth of literature and other media to the adult and children's libraries
  • raising funds to send a child to Diabetes Camp next summer
  • raising funds to help pay the medical or nursing practitioners needed at Diabetes Camp

These are Basic (Level One) projects that help us learn how to work together in the Diabetes Awareness Committee. If you have ideas, suggestions or expertise please share! Laurie Stiers RN MSN is the Committee Coordinator. She can be reached at 608-780-2255, through the Lion's Club contact information, or at



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