If you know of someone in the area facing a challenge beyond his or her control and means, please send a request to our
Welfare Chair Lion Karen at: tombac98@live.ca
LIONS CLUB DISTRICT A16 GROUP http://www.lionsa16family.org/
LIONS CLUB DISTRICT A16 GROUP Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/lionsdistricta16/?ref=bookmarks LCCKF http://campkirk.com/about.html Formerly known as Lions Club Camp Kirk Foundation, the camp welcomes children six to 13 from all over the world, providing a higher level of support and special accommodations for Learning Disabilities (LD), Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD-ADHD) High Functioning Autism and Incontinence/Enuresis. UPDATE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QGt5IqQVxs
CAMP HURONDA http://dcamps.ca/about Why send your child to a camp where all the campers have type 1 diabetes? Because together, they will take charge of diabetes and never let it define them. They explore, share, learn and laugh because they’re all in this together. Supported by Lions Clubs.
LIONS CAMP DORSET https://www.lionscampdorset.ca/ A unique resort that offers a vacation opportunity for dialysis patients and their families.
LIONS FOUNDATION OF CANADA DOG GUIDES https://dogguides.com/ Providing Dog Guides for Canadians with disabilities.
VICTORIA COUNTY DISASTER TRUST FUND https://www.facebook.com/VictoriaCountyDisasterTrust/ A volunteer organization committed to providing assistance to individuals and families in the City of Kawartha Lakes after fires, floods, or other hardships.