School Breakfastis every Monday and Wednesday and Friday that the Okanagan Falls Elementary School is open. We serve a hot breakfast starting at 08:00 hrs. The students have to finish the breakfast in time for the school opening at 08:30 hrs. Covid 19 has dictated that we serve a hot breakfast bun to the students. The students of the Okanagan Falls Elementary were fortunate in that they were able to have a hot breakfast on the days it was served during the days of Covid 19
Easter Egg Hunt on April 9,:2024 at Lions Gardens. The hunt starts promptly at 1:00 PM Lots of prizes and Easter Eggs. It iss an awesome easter egg hunt starting the planning for 2025
Lions Foundation of Canada Walk for Dog Guides (Pet Value Dog Walk|) is on May 28, 2023 Registration starts at 9:00 AM with the walk starting at 10:00 AM Calling All dogs Bring your trainers for a walk including Lions Gardens, Kenyon Park and Christie Memorinal. We should visit the Dog Park. We raised $1,800.00 rfor the training and perepaeing the dogs for their future life
The Okanagan Falls Lions Club with the lions clubs of zone 19-I-8 which inclued clubs from Rock Creek, Oliver, and Penticton, along with th eOkanagan Falls Lions,
Canada Day celebrations in kenyon park and centnnial park
Musice in the park and our cookie sales fundraiser is a tradition of excellance.