The Oklahoma City Downtown Lions Club is proud to support a number of projects which benefit the Oklahoma City metro and statewide Lions programs. The following programs are a few which continue to provide far-reaching benefits for communities we are proud to serve.
Since 1983, high school seniors from metro high schools compete for scholarships which are awarded to worthy applicants who present compelling cases of personal achievement and need. Click Here for more information. $33,000 budgeted for 2018-2019 school year, $24,500 was given this fiscal year: 6 scholarships range from $12,000 to $2000 and each high school senior that attends our meetings for the month gets $100.
Oklahoma Lions Children's Park
In 2010, Clubs across Oklahoma joined the lead of OKC Downtown Lions to reconstruct an aging playground at Lake Hefner in Oklahoma City. The park, equipped for all ages and abilities, serves thousands each year. The playground is located on the east side of Lake Hefner. Exit Hefner Parkway at Britton Road.
Lions Special Needs Party
Held four times a year, the social event is for 75 to 100 persons with special needs and sponsors. Click here for more information. $4,000 for Special Needs parties for children and adults. Four parties per year with another added in August/September.
Sight Conservation
OKC Downtown Lions collect and recyle eyeglasses.
Sight Conservation has long been an ongoing project for all Lions clubs. Our club collects used eyeglasses to be taken on overseas mission trips to Third World countries. In this area, our club is working to make sure that eyeglass collection boxes are in every unit of the Oklahoma City-County Library System.
The glasses are picked up monthly, taken to a private prison where inmates clean, repair and calibrate the glasses, putting each pair in a case oir envelope with the “prescription” on the container. The glasses are then taken to the Texas Eyeglasses Recycling Center in Midland, where they are boxed to go with missions going overseas.
Leave your used eyeglasses at any of these libraries. They will be picked monthly by our OKC Downtown Lions Club or by one of our sister clubs as noted below the library’s name.
Library phone Address
Belle Isle 843-9601 5501 N. Villa
Bethany 789-8363 3510 N. Mueller
Capitol Hill 634-6308 334 S.W. 26
Del City 672-1377 4509 S.E. 15
Edmond 341-9282 105 Boulevard
Serviced by Edmond Lions Club
Midwest City 732-4828 Reno & MWC Blvd
Serviced by Midwest City Lions Club
Southern Oaks 631-1468 6900 S. Walker
The Village 735-0710 10307 N. Penn
Warr Acres 721-2616 5901 N.W. 63
Club Visits
Official visits by members of the Downtown Lions Club to other Lions Clubs.
Club Fun Fundraising Projects
Annual benefit golf tournament
State Lions Sponsored Programs and Projects
Oklahoma Lions Boys Ranch
For non-adjudicated boys, ages 12 to 18. Located near Perkins, Oklahoma. We support the Boys Ranch financially plus going to the ranch south of Perkins for work days and parties for the young residents. A few years back our club purchased a third home at the ranch for $250,000. It is named the Anthony-Meinders Home, honoring two of our members, Herman Members and the late Ray Anthony. The ranch is for non-adjusted boys, ages 12 to 18. Annual donation of $1,000 helps support the Lions Boys ranch in Perkins, OK which provides foster care.
State Trust Fund
When the late Joe Blair, a member of our club, was serving as executive director of the Oklahoma Lions Service Foundation, he had the idea of creating an irrevocable trust to support Lions’ two state projects, the Eye Bank and the Boys Ranch. Lion Herman Meinders pledged $500,000 if it could be matched by Oklahoma Lions. Lion Con Rice became chairman of that fund-raiser and the state’s Lions successfully matched Herman’s offer.
Oklahoma Lions Eye Bank
Retrieves corneas for transplant. 3840 N. Lincoln, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Click Here for more information. We have consistently financially backed the Eye Bank, including the purchase of highly special medical equipment to retrieve corneas for transplant. In addition, our members do on-site work at the facility. Jeanette King, a member of our club, is executive director. Our club makes an annual donation of $1,000.
Oklahoma Lions Mobile Health Screening Unit (MHSU)
While visiting Lions in other states two of our club’s members, Robert E. Lee and the late Joe Blair, saw mobile health screening units and brought home the dream of an Oklahoma Lions Mobile Health Screening Unit (MHSU). Our club and the Tulsa Downtown Lions Club each donated $7,500 to start the $186,000 needed to buy a unit. Lions Clubs International Foundation gave $50,000. Individual Lions and other Lions club made up the difference.
Until recently, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oklahoma paid the unit’s operating costs and is still a major donor. Other sponsors are being sought.
The MHSU travels statewide and with the help of local Lions and medical professionals, offers free screenings for visual acuity, glaucoma, blood glucose, blood pressure, bone density, lung capacity and body mass index (BNI). The unit is usually scheduled in cooperation with local churches, health facilities, shopping centers, etc. To schedule the MHSU in the Oklahoma City metro area phone (405) 735-9797. Elsewhere in Oklahoma phone (405) 947-6540.
Oklahoma Lions Service Foundation
Raises funds for Boys Ranch and Eye Bank. 1423 N.W. 10th Street. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Click Here for more information.
Oklahoma Lions Dr. Eugene S. Briggs Memorial
Provides scholarships for high school graduates. Click Here for more information.
After operating a summer-long “Health Camp” for underprivileged children for more than 50 years, it was determined that we were duplicating the efforts of many other organizations. The 55-acre campgrounds and structures at Memorial and Eastern in far-north Oklahoma City was sold for $1 million. The money was invested in a trust, with the bulk of the interest to be spent for benevolent purposes. In just over 10 years, $1 million in interest income was given in grants to other charitable organizations and causes. That practice continues today but with the effort aimed more at Lion-sponsored programs, examples are listed below:
Metro Vo-Tech – $6,000 assists students for special clothing, tools and protective equipment that are not provided by Metro Tech. Money is given to at least 6 students.
New View Building Fund - $30,000 to help pay for the renovation of the New View Building on North Classen.
New View – $6,000 annual contribution for eye care support
Feed the Children – $15,000 Participated in food distribution with St. Luke’s Methodist Church. The millionth back pack was given away during the event.
Disabled American Veteran (DAV) Golf Tournament – $500 sponsored handicap golfers by paying the entry fee for 5 participants.
Lake Thunderbird Foundation – $500 help sponsor day camps for handicap children at Lake Thunderbird.
Lions Eye Bank – $1,000 annual contribution
Lions Boys Ranch – $1,000 helps support the Lions Boys ranch in Perkins, OK which provides foster care.
Skyline Urban Ministries – $6,000
Grant Committee Contributions – $5,000