
Lions Clubs International Australia have been serving our local community for more than 65 years

The Lions Club of Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Inc. has been serving the communities of Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads since September 1974.

Lions however have been serving communities on the south Bellarine since June 1955 through the predecessor club of The Lions Club of Barwon Heads.

Right from the inaugural meeting the overriding goal of Lions has been community service; in this we have achieved far more collectively than we ever could have achieved as individuals.

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Some of our Projects



Thank you to everyone who purchases Lions Christmas Cakes and Christmas Puddings .

All proceeds are for Lions community projects!

If you are an employer, why not plan to purchase a carton for distribution to your employees as a Christmas gift iand at the same time help the Lions with their eye health and other community projects.

To order contact Bruce Clark (0408 574 450) or Alan Daw (phone 0448 280 649).



The partnership of Lions Club of Ocean Grove Barwon Heads with genU in the construction of community disability accommodation in Ocean Grove has culminated in the Opening in August 2024 of the wonderful Centre on the corner of Dare Street and Presidents Avenue. The Lions Club contributed $600,000 towards this project to be developed
This has been achieved through Lions fund-raising efforts over ten years to provide accommodation services for those in need in our community.
The Club has been delighted to be able to partner with genU, one of Australia's largest disability service providers, which operates solely for community benefit and invests back into the same communities in which their services are delivered.

Enquiries regarding the Accommodation Services Project should be made to Graham Mulroney.




Licola is a small and attractive village beside the Macalister River, 254km east of Melbourne. The township of Licola is owned entirely by the Lions Clubs of Victoria and southern New South Wales. The greater part of the town is occupied by the Licola Wilderness Village, where Lions Clubs have for 40 years run camps for the disadvantaged, deserving, disabled and disengaged, mostly held during school holidays.

Our Club regularly sarranges for local children to participate in camps at Licola Wilderness Village.  The financial support of our local sponsors is vey much appreciated.

Contact John Claringbold (phone 0425 750 387).



Each year in each of the five primary schools in our community, the Lions Club presents a financial award to selected sixth grade students, selected by teachers, who have worked diligently in the classroom, on the playing field, and are involved in the civic and social activities of the school.

The five primary schools are: Barwon Heads, Ocean Grove, Surfside, Star of the Sea, and Wallington.

Enquiries to John Claringbold (phone 0425 750 387).



Thank you to the many local businesses which facilitate our Lion Mints sales from their premises.

If any other businesses would like to help us in this way we would be delighted to hear from you.

Contact Bruce Clark (0408 574 450).



The welfare of members of our local community is of vital importance to our Club. In recent times we have constructed a deck at the house of a disabled boy, repaired the roof, downpipes, fence and painted the house of a disabled resident, replaced some fencing for a single parent family, transported furniture for the Barwon Heads Opportunity Shop, and carted loads of rubbish to the tip.

Enquiries to Greg Spaull or John Claringbold.



No organisation cooks more sausages (and hamburgers and breakfasts and . . . ) than Lions. Our BBQ Trailer has proven to be a great attraction throughout the area. We are always looking for opportunities to cater for events to raise funds to support our community projects.

Enquiries to Warren Halnon (phone 0419 205 559) or Norm Buckley (phone 5254 2515).



Each month we try to make life a little happier for the older members of the Barwon Heads community by cooking lunch.

Enquiries to Norm Buckley (phone 5254 2515).



We collect used spectacles from outlets in our community. These spectacles are sent to the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centre in Queensland where they are graded and boxed for Lions Sight projects in third world countries. Many thousands of needy people are thus able to benefit from this and other Sight Programs provided by Lions Clubs International.

Enquiries to Phillip Scambler (phone 0437 957 912).



Lions are always seeking new and used postage stamps, philatelic material and unwanted collections to raise funds for the Australian Lions Childrens Mobility Foundation. 

The Foundation seeks to empower children who cannot walk unassisted to reach their potential. It funds walking devices that get kids out of their wheel chairs and onto their feet so that they are able to walk, explore, play, work and socialise. This makes them stronger and healthier – physically, emotionally and mentally. Walking is our gift to the child, a gift that benefits the child, their family and friends.  Lions on-going goal is to provide a walker to every child in Australia who needs one.  To date more than 2,000 walkers have been funded.

For more information about the Australian Lions Childrens Mobility Foundation, please visit

Contact Graham Mulroney (phone 0419 549706).



The development of Frank Ellis Reserve has been a major project of the Lions Club of Ocean Grove Barwon Heads. A major focus of this development was the commissioning together with Barwon Coast Committee of Management of Kolo:oit, a contemporary Koori landscape artwork celebrating the natural, cultural and historical heritage of Barwon Heads. The design is a representation of the river, ocean and headland.




The Club makes Care Alert Emergency Devices available to persons at risk.  These are personal alert systems which ensure that, in the event of an emergency in or around the home, contact for help is made to family, friends or Triple Zero.   

Contact John Menzies (phone 0419 131 112).




Australian communities experience terrible floods, fires and other disasters from time to time. In many cases the communities affected take years to recover.

Our club's policy is to respond immediately to assist those communities by mounting fund-raising activities in our own community.

These are exercises where our Club, our local community and visitors to our community get together and respond to an urgent and serious situation, and always come up with a very substantial result!

Rapid response with relief following disasters is a particular strength of Lions Clubs and we are pleased to have regularly played our part. And we are delighted to recognise the roles of the various Lions Clubs Foundations.



Following every major disaster of the last decade, Lions and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) have been there. Together, they provide for basic needs such as water, food, shelter and medicine. After immediate needs are met, victims of disasters are not forgotten. LCIF remains committed to the important rebuilding of homes and lives that must happen, often long after a disaster occurs.



The most important international project of Lions is our effort to save sight. We want everyone to see a better tomorrow. That's why we support sight programs and services including vision screenings, eye banks and eyeglass recycling, provide eye care services to those at risk of losing their sight, and raise donations to ensure these programs continue to be successful.



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