Significant Service Activities of the Nutter fort Lions Club
Nutter Fort Lions Charities
- Lions Club International Foundation.
- West Virginia Lions Sight Conservation Foundation.
- West Virginia Lions Youth Camps & Exchange
- West Virginia Lions Blind & Deaf Recreation Program.
- Leader Dogs for the Blind - Kennel Project and Pilot Dogs.
- District 29-I Diabetes Program.
Community Outreach
- Purchase new eyeglasses & free eye exams - eye screening - Diabtes screening.
- Donate to and serve at the Clarksburg Mision.
- Assist the WVU Eye Institute with registration for eye screening at Health Access.
- Volunteer at the Salvation Army with their "Angle Tree Program" and distribution.
- Donate to area food banks.
- Recycle eyeglasses, hearing aids and cell phones.
- Volunteer and donate to "Operation Christmas Child" shoe box campaign.
- Adopt A Highway Program (twice a year)
- Appreciation Dinner for the firemen at the Nutter fort Fire Dept.
- Our Club has a booth each year at the WV Blackberry Festival, selling brooms, doing eye screening, diabetic screening and looking for good members for our club.
Youth Outreach
- Lions Flag Day at the Nutter fort Elementary to 200 First Graders.
- Scholarships to high school seniors.
- Pay registration for children and teenagers with diabetes to go to Camp Kno-Koma.
- Furnish a year of Weekly Reader to over 200 Second Graders, at the Nutter Fort Elementary, for a year.
- Donate to the weekend Back Pack Food Program.