
The North Royalton Lions Club was chartered in 1973.
"We Serve" is our motto.

The North Royalton Club was sponsored by the Brunswick Lions Club,
and there were originally 26 members in the North Royalton Club.
Today the  North Royalton club has 58 members, with many of the
charter members being former Jaycees. Current members range from 
ages 25-85+ and are all different, some being teachers, lawyers, bricklayers, electicians, salesmen, engineers, CPA's, and financial planners, IT experts and more.

​The club has participated through the years in various service
projects in North Royalton including: Safety Town, Adopt-a-Highway,
building the gazebo on the square, building the picnic shelter at
Memorial Park, building the Veterans' flag memorial at the North Royalton 
cemetery, collecting eyeglasses for redistribution and assisting with the holiday lightingn in both North Royalton and Strongsville.       

​We also provide scholarships to students at North Royalton High School,
sponsor the North Royalton High School Lions Golf Tournament and assist
local families in need. We donated 2 low vision readers to facilities in
North Royalton with a grant from Ohio Lions Foundation.      

​During our history we have also sponsored two other Lions Clubs. The
Royalton Hills Lions Club and Broadview Heights Lions Club.     

Here is the North Royalton Lions Original Charter...

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