1413Club Fund Raising Projects.
1. Display The Flag Project. The New Hope Lions Club places the American Flag in front of 30+ businesses on seven holidays during the calendar year.
2. Plant, Chicken Barbecue and Yard Sale.
3. Pancake Breakfast.
4. Conduct raffles and/or sell brooms at New Hope Founders Day
Community Improvement Projects.
1. City Cleanup Project. Every April the New Hope Lions Club organizes a city-wide "pickup the litter day" on nearly 9 miles of New Hope Streets. The New Hope City Council, local churches, New Hope High School organizations, local Boy, Cub and Girl Scouts Troups, and many individuals participate in this effort. At the end of the day local merchants provide prizes, and food for all the participants. Turn out exceeds 100 people and has been as high as 150 people.
2. Provides vision screening for the second, fourth and six graders at New Hope Elementary School.
3. Provides vision and glaucoma screening, blood pressure and sugar level screening for New Hope area adults.
4. Pays for eye examinations and glasses for New Hope area people that need help with funding.
5. Donates funds to the New Hope High School Band each year.
6. Provides Scholarships to New Hope High School Seniors each year.
7. Serve as sponsors of the New Hope Boy Scouts.
8. Provides funding to the New Hope Girl Scout's in support of some of their projects.
9 Provides supplies to the New Hope Children's Clinic.
10. Help needy people in the community pay bills.
11. Adopt-a-Mile of Highway 431S in the city limits of New Hope, Alabama
12. Serves as sponsors of the Boy Scout Troup of New Hope.
13. Provide support to the New Hope Children Clinic
14. Provide support the New Hope and Owens Cross Roads schools Nurses
15. Sponsor New Hope Leo Club, chartered Feb. 27, 2018, with 24 charter Leo Members.