


Community Projects

 Our New Britain Lioins Club is proud of its 102 years of service to our community and beyond.  We currentlyprovide four major direct services.  

They are:

1.  Eyescreening.  The New Britain Lions Club is the official eye screener for the New Britain School District.  State law requires that all elementary school children be screened for vision difficiences.  Our member and volunteers, with our sophisticated equipment, goes to the schools, tests the children and reports who needs to see an eye doctor.  In 2024 we screened 5,200 children.

2.  Warm the Children.  From the community (individuals, businesses, foundations, etc.) the club raises more than $35,000 a year to provide warm winter clothing to local needy children.  The schools social workers identify those in need.  Then, in December, our dozens of volunteers go shopping at J.C. Penney spending up to $70 per child for hats, gloves, coats, boots, etc.  "In winter no child should go to school in a sweat shirt and sneakers."

3.  Eyeglass Packing.    Each spring our club members sort and pack more than 40,000 used eyeglasses.  Then, our friends at Siracusa Moving & Storage ships the glasses to a Lions facility in New Jersey for cleaning and sizing.  And finally they are shipped to Third World countries where local Lions Clubs with local eye professionals distribute the glasses to those in need.   The glasses we sort come from the Lions Clubs of Hartfrord and Lithchfield counties.

4.  Free Eye Clinic.  For those without insurance the club provides a free eye clinic run by Dr. (and Lion) Steve Polezonis.  See this site's Home Page for more information.

Other community services and donations go to:  New Britain EMS, Veterans Stand Down, YMCA, YWCA, Boys & Girls Club, Salvation Army, Fidelco Guide Dogs, American School for the Deaf, and others.  The club also provides scholarships to derserving CCSU and New Britain HS students.

Fundraising Projects

Howard Wry Memorial Golf Tournament

On the third Wednesday of August the club hosts this tournament at Stanley Golf Course.   Funds raised at this event are used to fund our charitable projects. 

Holiday Poinsettia Sale

During December, the club sells poinsettias.






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