Service activity 1
Date of Activity 19-07-2024
Help the needy Accident victim
An accident victim lost his Limb, His leg was amputated to the knee. His family was financially stressed and required funds for his surgery. The same was collected and handed over to him. Total Four lakh sixteen thousand six hundred and fifty was collected and our club contribution through various sources is Three lakh fifty seven thousand only. The amount was handed over to the victim during the Cabinet presentation.
Service activity No 2
Date: 15-08-2024
Independence Day celebrations
Our club celebrated Independence day at Medar block Govt school Yadavagiri, Five of our Lion members were present and LCM East also joined the activity. Our club sponsored Sweets and Biscuits to all the 196 children and staff. Total cost of the activity 5000 INR .
Installation and Service activity 3
Date: 18-08-2024
Our Club Installation was done on 18th August 2024, The charter was handed over, Lion Kiran Bolar as president and his team took oath and assumed office. IPP and MCC Lion Dr Krishnegowda, District Governor Lion L Subramanya, VDG Lion Rajashekara, District cabinet advisor Lion Devegowda DCS DCT GST GLT, and various DCs were present for the occasion . Presiding officer Lion Sudhir of LCM Vivekanandanagar and his team were present. Our Club also conducted service activity to Medar block Govt school The activity was presenting dining tables and painting of their walls. Service Activity worth 30,000.00 INR.
Service activity 4
Date: 24-08-2024
Feeding Dasara Elephants and Supporting Mahouts.
First batch of Dasara Elephants arrived in Mysore; our club welcomed the elephants and Mahouts by offering them sweets and fruits. This activity supported the Mahouts and also highlighted the Lions group in the media and Mysore people. Basket loads of fruits given to the elephants and sweets distributed to the Mahouts and reporters. Cost of the activity 5,000 INR.
Service activity 5
Date: 26-08-2024
Food and Sweet distribution to the needy
Snacks and Breakfast were distributed to the children and inmates of Chamundi Children's Home and TMN Health Care Trust. 30 inmates served. Lion V Kannan sponsored this activity on his Late Mother's Birthday. 8 of our lion members participated in the activity. Further activities will be taken up in the coming days. Cost of the activity 5,000 INR only.
Service activity 6
Date: 15-09-2024
Club Promotion and encouraging children
Organised a child encouragement program along with DC for Insurance Lion Ajay K Kuthnikar, Venue, snacks arranged for children prices distributed to all participating children. Five of our lion members participated in the event .
Service activity 7
Date: 21-09-2024
Breakfast served for the needy
Our Lion Members Treasurer Lion L Ganesha Prasad, Lion L G Mahima, and Lion G Vishok arranged breakfast for the inmates of Saanidya old age home, Our President Lion Kiran Bolar, Secretary Lion K Suresh Kumar and Lion R Nikhil participated in the activity. Participated members enjoyed breakfast with inmates of Saanidya Activity worth 3,000 INR
Club activity
Date: 21-09-2024
General Body Meeting
Our Club also celebrated Teachers Day and Engineers Day. 4 regualar teachers and regular engineers honored. Club also recognized part-time teachers and Engineers of our club.Mrs Maina Teacher and Mr. N Ramaiah, a retired teacher, were chief guests.
Club also celebrated members birthdays and anniversaries. Lucky dip for the day won by, Lion Preethi and Lion G Vishok. After the meeting members enjoyed dinner at the hotel. Total 45 members present for the event.
Service activity 8
Date: 22-09-2024
Mysore City Cleaning Environment
District 317G teamed up with MCC to clean the Mysore city,
Our Club along with LCM Ambassador took up the awareness drive in the Metagalli area of Mysore. Interacted with people and MCC members District Governor and MCC commissioner also gave their inputs .
This activity will continue for next week at R S Naidu nagar from our Club side. The awareness drive is a success. Lion Kiran Bolar, Lion K Suresh Kumar, Lion L Ganesha Prasad, Lion Naveen S, and Lion A Umashankara were present on the occasion. Cost of the activity 1,000.
Service activity 9
Date: 29-09-2024
Mysore City Cleaning Environment
Our Club 1st V P Lion A umashankara initiated this activity at his area R S Naidu Nagar,Mysore.
The cause is environment and our team educated the locals about single-use plastics and other hazards. The Event was inagurated by District Governor Lion N Subramanya.
The activity was a big success, even the ward Corporator Mr Shami was present and supported the event. Breakfast was served; Corporation workers facilitated, the workforce was given Gloves and masks for safety. Total cost of the activity 7,000.
Service activity 10
Date: 29-09-2024
Food Distribution at Prakruthi Trust
Lion L Ganesha Prasad and family organised Food distribution to the needy people at Prakruthi Charitable Trust, There are a total of 30 inmates, They were served Lunch and sweets.Total cost of activity 5000.
Service activity 11
Date: 20-10-2024
Sewing machine donated to needy
Mrs Geetha requested a tailoring machine so that they can make a living, this activity was approved in our previous family meeting.
The same was handed over to Mrs Geetha after our BOD meeting. Total cost of the activity 8,500.00 only.
Service activity 12
Date: 03-11-2024
Kabiniya Madilalli Water drums distribution
Kabiniya Madilalli Water drums distribution
Our Club joined hands with District 317G, Lions Club of H D Kote, and other Lions clubs for the Kabiniya Madillali project. Lions Club of H D Kote initiated this activity. Total of 960 water drums were handed over to eleven villages. The villages are having tapped water facility but the water only comes for 1 hour on alternate days. The Villagers required storage facility and H D Kote Lions club thought about giving away water drums. From our Club Lion Naveen S, Lion Lakshmi, Lion S R Tejasvi, Lion S T Rajani Lion K Suresh Kumar and Lion Pushpa J Participated. Lions from 47 other clubs also participated in the activity. Amount for this activity donated by Lion V Kannan and Lion K Suresh Kumar Total cost 6,000 INR
Club activity
Date: 10-11-2024
BOD and Family Meeting 3
Our Club had a one day outing at Jaladhama Resort, This activity was planned to get the members to know each other and also much needed break.
Discussed with members about Service and recreations to keep ourselves motivated. 35 members and children participated. Club and members contributed to the activity.
Service activity 13
Date: 21-11-2024
Cataract Surgery
Mrs Geetha, required cataract surgery for her eyes. Due to financial conditions, she requested us for support.
Our club members Lion S R Tejasvi Lion S T Rajani, Lion Kiran Bolar, Lion Navven S Lion A Umashankara, Lion Ajay K Kuthnikar, and Lion Cheluvaraj Sponsored the activity. The surgery was successfully completed at Annapoorna Eye Hospital
Total cost of activity 7,500 only.
Service activity 14
Date: 28-11-2024
Food for the needy
Our Club member Lion Girija Madam friends Shruthi & Thrupthi and family members sponsored the activity. Lunch was organised for the inmates of Saanidya Ashram. 13 of our members participated and had lunch with thew inmates Thanks to Lion Girija Madam for taking Lionism to Non members. President Lion Kiran Bolar Lion N R Mahadev Lion M Sharada Lion Naveen S Lion Lakshmi Lion A Umashankara Lion V Sowmya Lion S R Tejasvi Lion Ajay K Kuthnikar Lion N R Shivaraju Lion Cheluvaraj Lion Girija Lion K Suresh Kumar Participated in the activity. Cost of activity 5,000
Club activity
Date: 01-12-2024
Twinning program and Family Meeting 4
Our club had twinning program with Lions Club of Mysore Vishwamanava Kuvempu, President Kiran Bolar and President Ramesh Kumar addressed the gathering. It was a good gathering. Zone Chairman Ramesh was also present for the meeting, Discussed future twinning programs and meetings. Members had breakfast and later went to Health camp organised by both clubs. 24 members from our club and 28 members from LCM Vishavmanava Kuvempu participated in the program. Live Dosa counter was organized at Namma Yadavagiri Bayalu Ranga Mandira Yadavagiri Mysore.Our club had twinning program with Lions Club of Mysore Vishwamanava Kuvempu, President Kiran Bolar and President Ramesh Kumar addressed the gathering. It was a good gathering. Zone Chairman Ramesh was also present for the meeting, Discussed future twinning programs and meetings. Members had breakfast and later went to Health camp organised by both clubs. 24 members from our club and 28 members from LCM Vishavmanava Kuvempu participated in the program. Live Dosa counter was organized at Namma Yadavagiri Bayalu Ranga Mandira Yadavagiri Mysore.Our club had twinning program with Lions Club of Mysore Vishwamanava Kuvempu, President Kiran Bolar and President Ramesh Kumar addressed the gathering. It was a good gathering. Zone Chairman Ramesh was also present for the meeting, Discussed future twinning programs and meetings. Members had breakfast and later went to Health camp organised by both clubs. 24 members from our club and 28 members from LCM Vishavmanava Kuvempu participated in the program. Live Dosa counter was organized at Namma Yadavagiri Bayalu Ranga Mandira Yadavagiri Mysore.
Service activity 15
Date: 01-12-2024
Health Camp
Our club joined hands with Lions club of Vishwamanava Kuvempu and conducted Health camp at Medars Block Mysore, 350 patients served and medicines handed over. The camp included dental testing, overall 50 members from both clubs participated. camp started with breakfast and concluded with lunch. Lion Kannan contributed Biscuits and water to all patients who visited the camp. 24 members from our club and 28 from Vishva manava kuvempu participated Cost of the activity 6170 INR only
Service activity 16
Date: 19-12-2024
Financial support to Kidney Patient
Mr Ramesh is suffering from multi organ failures and needed financial aid for his family as he cannot do any work due to his illness. Our club member Lion Girija and her friends raised 10,000 Rs as immediate fund. The same was handed over to Mr Ramesh on the 19th December by our Club. Other members also contributing and our club will try to help this patient to overcome his illness. Total service cost 10,000.00 Rs
Club activity
Date: 22-12-2024
BOD Meeting 4
Our Club monthly BOD meeting was held at our members Lion S R Tejasvi and Lion S T Rajani home. 9 of our BOD members participated in the meeting. Welcome by President Lion Kiran Bolar, Secreatary report by Lion K Suresh Kumar and treasurer report by Lion Ganesha Prasad . Key subjects like Membership retention, and addition discussed. Discussed to have District governor visit on Jan 19th 2025 or Feb 2nd 2025. Planned to have the meeting in Mahesh Prasad Hotel and planned to conduct service activities. Discussed about members hosting the family meetings and bring in guests for the meet Point raised by Lion Ajay K Kuthnikar. . Decided to conduct BOD every second week of the month from Jan 2025 onwards. Vote of Thanks by Lion Ajay K Kuthnikar
Service activity 17
Date: 25-12-2024
Girl Child Education
Girl Child Education
A girl student named Jayalakshmi Studying in Jayalakshmi college required college fees to continue her education. The total amount of 18,000 was required. She was able to generate nearly 14,000. Our members Lion Mohan, Lion Preethi, Lion Nikhil R and Lion Mamatha decided to contribute to the activity. The cheque for 4,450 was handed over to Jayalakshmi on the 25th of December by our Lion R Nikhil.
Service activity 18
Date: 02-01-2025
Eye surgery
Mrs Shashikala was in need of cataract surgery to her eyes, our club decided to support her, Lion Girija and friends contributed to the surgery. The surgery was done at Annapoorna eye hospital and trust. Our club PSTs visited the patient. Total cost of surgery 7,500.
Club activity
Date: 12-01-2025
BOD Meeting 5
Our Monthly family meeting for January month held at Hotel Komforts Suits. Welcome By Lion Kiran Bolar, Secretary Report by Lion K Suresh Kumar, Treasurer report by Lion L Ganesha Prasad , DG visit points discussed. Venue decided dress code decided, Decided to recognise a few of the members from our club. Service activities for Dg visit decided aprox 45 thousand worth of activities planned. Theme for DG visit is Sankranthi festival. BD was hosted by Lion V Kannan and Lion Cheluvaraju Vote of Thanks by Lion Suma N M
Service activity 19
Date: 12-01-2025
Food Groceries for the needy
Our Club member, Lion Anitha, Lion Santhosh and Mr M Vijay Kumar ( Brother of Lion Anitha) sponsored Ration for the needy people at Prakruthi trust. They organised this activity on the occasion of Lion Anith and her Brother Mr Vijay. Our members, Lion K Suresh Kumar, Lion Nr Mahadev, Lion M Sharada, Lion S Naveen, Lion A umashankara, Lion V Sowmya, Lion Anitha M Lion Santhosh, Lion Shivaraju Lion SumaNM distributed the items to the inmates of the trust. Activity cost 5,000 INR
Service activity 20
Date: 12-01-2025
Our Club Members N R Mahadev, Lion M Sharada, and their Daughter Lion Suma N M Sponsored lunch for the inmates of Saanidya Oldage Home on the occasion of Lion N R Mahadev's Birthday. Fifteen of our Lion members and some non-lions participated in the activity. Visiting members and friends shared lunch with the inmates. Members had a wonderful time interacting with each other. The total value of the activity is 5,200.00 INR only.