
9-11 Rememberance (club members show their patriotism for our country) 

Adopt-a-Highway (quarterly clean-up)

Adopt-a-Family (adopt a needy family at Christmas)

Eye Glasses (provide glasses for children and adults that are not able to afford them

Hearing Aids (collect hearing aids for recycling and assist children or adults that are not able to afford them)

Miracle League (coach and sponsor softball team for children with disabilities)

Peace Poster Contest (Lions Club Internation art contest to select 5th grader that best captures the theme of the competition)

Recycle Eye Glasses (collect used eye glasses for distribution in countries with greatest need)

Scholarships presented each year to graduating seniors from Myrtle Beach High School (number of scholarships based on funds available)

Vision screenings (health fair and school students are screened and if necessary advised to see an eye specialist)







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