
The Morrison Lions Club voted to form the Morrison Lions Foundation, NFP in February, 2014.  The Foundation applied for a 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.  All donations are eligible as a charitable tax deduction (contact your tax advisor for advice) if made payable to the Morrison Lions Foundation.

The Morrison Lions Foundation Officers and Board Members are:

Bart Smith, President

Darlene Smith, Vice President

Bob Countryman, Secretary

Jim Blakemore, Treasurer

Ken Jansma, Tail Twister

Doug Haley,  Lion Tamer

Keith Hamstra, Director

Martha Kophamer, Director

Ken Jansma, Club Membership Chairman

Bob Countryman, Club LCIF Coordinator

Bob Smith, Club Service Chairman

Flora Stralow, Club Marketing Chairman

Jim Blakemore, Club Administrator

"Help bring shade and shelter to the Morrison Sports Complex"  was a project selected to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Morrison Lions Club observed in October, 2013.  A 24' x 32' Wick structure, open sided picnic pavilion, was erected near the parking area at the Sports Complex at an estimated cost of $16,000.  It was built to building code using high quality materials, and constructed by Wick employees.   It is guaranteed for 40 years and withstand high winds and heavy snow loads.  Featuring an ivory colored roof, tan peaks, posts, and ceiling and a concrete floor, the structure is birdproof and blends with the buildings already located at the Complex.

Boy Scout Nick Kaufman partnered with the Lions Club and was involved with fund raising, concrete work, and helping to finish the site after the structure was completed.  He selected this as a project to earn his Eagle Scout award.  Working with Nick reaffirms the Lions Club motto "WE SERVE" as we give assistance to vision, hearing and community projects and working with the young people in our community.

Additional funds raised over the amount needed for the structure was used to purchase benches, picnic tables for the pavilion, waste receptacle, display board, landscaping, and an outside water fountain at the concession stand.  A formal dedication was held on May 31, 2015.




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