
Mission Viejo Lions Club

"We Serve"

Here is a typical meeting Agenda for the MV Lion's Club: (Agenda changes with each meeting)


MISSION VIEJO LIONS CLUB MEETING                                                          

June 17, 2020 on Zoom

7PM-CALL TO ORDER by President Lion Cherie Steijn

Pledge-Lion Don

Invocation-Lion Milan

Introduction of guests (by host)

Secretary report by Lion Milan

Treasurer’s reports by Lion Don

720PM Old Business-

1) Beer/wine tasting fundraiser-Lion Dom and Lion Don

2) Vision Screening CFLIS-Lion Cherie

3) Vision and eyeglasses requests-Lion Milan

4) Flag Day for SVUSD/CUSD Elementary Schools (2nd Grade)-Lion Don

5) Lion’s Club Student Speaker’s Contest-Lion Dom

New Business-

1) Growth opportunities in activities and membership- Lion Milan

2) Upcoming Vision Screenings-Lion Cherie

3) Leo Club-Trabuco Hills/Mission Viejo/other High Schools-Lion Dom

4) LCIF update-Lion Donna

5) Budgets 2020-21-Lion Don

Happy (Thoughts) Dollars

8:00PM Adjourment

Next club meeting(s) will be July 22, (August 26, September 23, October 28, November 25, December 23) [General Meetings are on the 4th Wednesday of each month, unless announced]

*Guests are welcome  and we are seeking new and former Lion's Club members.



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