

1 Doctors' Day Celebration 

On 1st July 2013 Lions club of Miryalguda has felicitated Dr. Basavapunna Rao an eminent ENT specialist of Miryalguda with a shawl and memento. The chief Guest for the said programme is Lion Karnati Ramesh Region chairman. 


2 Mega Health Camp 




On 17th July 2013 our club has organised a Mega Health Camp with the co-ordination of Yashoda Hospital Malakpet Hyderabad . Nearly 300 patients have been screened. Out of the above 70 ECGs have been taken. Dr.Aleem is the Famous Doctor who has tested the patients.



        3 Hiroshima  Day Celebration


Our Club has conducted Today i.e.on 6th August Hiroshima Day,a calendar of event. Ln.Dr.Krishna Reddy, a scholar and eminent Lecturer in the field of Chemistry ,stressed the power of atomic Energy and its merits and de merits .He explained the need of peace in the present Society.He later clarified the doubts raised by the students.The chief Guest for the said programme is Ln Karnati Ramesh Region Chairman. The programme is Presided by Ln.K.Prabhakar Reddy. Other main Lion Dignitories attended are Ln.M.Ramanuja Charyulu DGs.Core Team Protocol and Ln K.Anantha Reddy.


4 Inauguration and Installation of New club




on 31st August 2013 Sunday our District Governor Lion E V Ramesh Pmjf has Inaugurated and installed a new club by name ''Lions Club of Miryalguda Siddardha'' The other prominent Lions participated are Lion C.Goverdhan VDG I,Lion M.Muralidhar Rao VDGII,District Cabinet Secretaries,Region Chairmem,Zone Chairman and other Lions.


5 Celebration Of Independence Day


On 15th August 2013 our club has marched in the streets of Miryalguda with a National Flag of 10mts length as per the call given by the District Governor.


Total Health Analyser Programme 

Our Multiple Council Chairman  Lion Amarendar Reddy Pmjf has Inaugurated 'Total Health Analyser '' programme on 9th August 2013 at Millers' Association Building Miryalguda. 300 memebers have registered their names for the Analysis and all the members have been tested by the prominent Doctor and given reports. All The members of Lions Club of Miryalguda have attended the programme


7 Teachers Honouring  




On 5th September i.e.on Teachers' Day we have Honoured 10 Teachers.For the Said programme MLA,Past District Governor,Region Chairman,Zone Chairman and all the members attend.



8 Donation to the temple 


Donation of Rs.15000 to the temple has been announced by our President Ln K Prabhakar Reddy and immediately paid the same to the trustees.All the Lions Participated


9 Donation of Rice to Old Aged Home  


Our club President after participating in the Lions club of Bonakal Programme at DivyaDeva old aged Home has announced a donation of one bag of rice on this occasion which costs Rs.5000 and sent it to the Home Immediately. 




10 Celebration of Annadanam (free meals) 



On 18th September 2013 our club President Lion K.Prabhakar Reddy has donated Rs.10000 towards the Free supply of meals to the poor, on the occasion of Ganesh Nimajjanam .Nearly 1500 devotees have participated 


11 Mega Health Camp 




On 4th October our club has conducted a "Mega Health camp'' at Brindavan Gardens Nandipahad of Miryalguda.The Doctors have screened nearly 300 patients of which 10 selected for IOL surgery and others of different Branches.We have supplied free Medicines to all the patients.Lions,Region Chairman participated in the Camp.



12 Distribution of Books.Uniforms 


At Primary School Geethamandir where there is a strength of 50 students our club President Lion K .Prabhakar Reddy has donated Rs.2000 ,purchased books and uniforms to the Students. Secretary, Treasurer have participated in the Programme 











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