

Bridge Project - Morawaka

Date 28th of October 2017      Venue - TBA

This is a core project of the District Govenors 2017-18 lionsim year.  Extending the brotherhood and freidnship to other clubs by working with other clubs in regional areas is the key massage of this project.

As a member club of Region 04 Zone 01 , our club will do this project in Morawaka with region 08.

A multiple service camp, Siyasksipsal project will be in the event list.


Mass Induction Program- 29th of October and extention of a new Club.

As a club that was installed in a glamourous mass induction ceromeny in 2015, within 2 years from it's inception Lions Club of Miriswatta- Piliyanalda is proud to annouce a new Lions Club for the centinaial celebration. The name of the club will be published upon the cabinet approval on 14th of October.


Youth Leadership Camp

Development of Leadership is vital to the progress of our scoeity. We will organize this work shop jointly with the Leo Club of Piliyanala for the benifit of Leos of Piliyanalada Central College and prospective Leos of Wetara Maha Vidyalaya.

Lesdership camp will focus on  First Aid treatements, Public speaking Skills, Enviormental pracitces , Event organizing skill and team work.

Leo Club of Wetara Maha Vidyalaya

Development of Leadership skill is one of the main project priority of Lions of Club of Miriswatta Piliyanadala. We will extend a new Leo Club attached to the Wetara Maha Vidyalaya in November 2017.

Leo Club of Piliyandala Central College was also extended  by our lions Club.


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