  • Our annual Tree Lighting project is one of our most popular community service projects. Our members string lights in the trees along the two major roads in our town, Route 6 and Route 209. We also put a tree at the community House in Milford which is also decorated with lights and we put lights on the star which is located on the "Knob" above Milford. This project is done in conjunction with the Milford Business Council's Festival of Lights and is a project that many people in our community enjoy.


  • We put the American Flags out along the streets in Milford on Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. We do this with pride as we pay respect to those who served their Country and did not come home, the day our great country was founded, and to honor those whose hard work has made this country what it is. We also put the flags out on special occasions at the request of the local veterans groups. If anyone would like the flags put out please contact us.


  • We put the lights on the Cross on the "Knob" at Easter. This has been a tradition in Milford before the Lions Club was chartered and we will continue to do this project with Pride.


  • We have been offering our "Feed the Families" project since 2011. Each year we help several needy families with food, and small gifts for the children.


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