Fundraising Events
Our annual chocolate bunny sale is one of our club's best fund raisers. The high quality milk, dark and white chocolate is a crowd favorite for only $5.00. Look for them about 1 month before Easter, about March 1!
Middletown Lions Club's
"Shuffle the Buffalo" booth
at the Orange County Fair
Located on Carpenter and Wisner Avenues for 2 weeks at the end of July. This booth has been raising funds for the community since 1961! For $ 3.00 you have 30 chances to win. Everyone wins a prize! This game is great for young children too! All proceeds benefit the Middletown Lions Club's charities.
Middletown Lions Club Orange County Fair Parking Lot
Through the generoisty of the Middletown VFW, our club was able to raise thousands of dollars each year to support our community activities. Fairgoers parked in the lot (VFW's land) for just a $5 donation. 25% of our net income from this project went to the Middletown VFW.
Beginning in September, the Middletown Lions Club is selling a 6 month cashcalendar which begins January 1st through June 30th. The cost of the calendar is only $20.00 and you have the chance to win a minimum of $40 everyday, $50 on the weekends and $200 on the designated special days! This project has become our club's single most successful fund raiser. Without it we could not fund our "Weekend Back Pack Program," which provides children with nutritional foods they can prepare themselves; provide free eye exams, eye glasses, hearing exams and hearing assistive devices for those who qualify, sponsor a Middletown Little League team and fund our Middletown High School and SUNY Orange scholarships just to mention a few of our community service projects.
Please get your calendar today - they make great holiday gifts and stocking stuffers. Call us at 845-344-8104 to get your lucky numbers today! See the complete list of the community service projects we support from our fund raising activities on our website.
Pancake Breakfast and Basket Raffle
Each year our Middletown Lions Club sponsored a fund raising Pancake Breakfast and Raffle to help raise money for our community service projects.
Fabulous Gourmet Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle
The members of Middletown Hoffman Lodge #412 and The Middletown Lions Club were proud to be working together, on a joint endeavor, to benefit a chosen community need. Together, the Lions and Masons for two years prepared a delicious homemade spaghetti dinner from a Mason's family recipe. Everything was homemade from the spaghetti sauces (meat, marinara and clam), tossed green salad, scrumptous garlic bread with melted mozzarella cheese to the the apple crisp for dessert. There was a raffle too to help raise funding for their chosen charity. The first year all proceeds were donated to Hurricane Sandy victems and 2nd year the proceeds were divided between the Greater Middletown Inerfaith Council Food Pantry and the "No Kid Hungry" weekend back pack program. The Fabulous Gourmet Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle was held the 2nd Saturday in March so thank you for your support of this great group effort.