
Club Projects   June 2021

Book Fair: Janice Dana 913-579-8224

Mesa LW Lions purchase books for each child in Jefferson Elementary School (Tile 1). The school librarian consults with the purchase of the books to ensure age appropriate and interest-appropriate books are chosen for each grade. The books are presented by grade level during the 'book fair'., youngest children choose first. 90% of the children are below the poverty level. For many, these books are the only ones they’ve ever owned.


Camp Tatiyee:

A camp for physically challenged children who are able to attend for one week with no cost to the parents. Camp Tatiyee is located in the Pinetop AZ area. LW Lions sponsors children and contributes funds towards camp upkeep.


Car and Golf Cart Wash: Bob Sharkey 480-389-8109

Bob coordinates with security, recreation service and golf department to insure no other events are scheduled for this area. The dates of this event will greatly depend on availability of the Rec 2 parking area. All money raised during this event will go to the New Hope Community Center of Mesa.


Christmas Santa Parade: Craig Mills 480-821-0095

Each year Leisure World holds a Santa Parade on December 23rd. The parade is comprised of community members in decorated motorized vehicles that travel a specific route through the community ending with Santa arriving at the Rec 1 to dispense preregistered toys. The Lions provide parade route traffic control and serve ice cream to the residents and their guests. This is a service activity, no funds are raised for charity.


Collect books: Carolin Lowy 480-641-4626

LW Lions Club collects unwanted and used books that are picked up by Sunshine Acres - a, non-profit group home for 80+ foster children. Carolin Lowy is the point of collection for used books, which are picked up by Sunshine Acres personnel and sold by the pound to raise funds for both Sunshine Acres and Camp Tatiyee. Carolin also coordinates with LW libraries and residents to receive their unwanted books.


Collect Cell Phones: Don Steffan 480-664-3069

The Leisure World Lions collect used cell phones at several collection points including the Mesa Mass Transit System. Flip phones are given to Family Advocacy (women's shelters). Non-working phones and high-end iPhones are sold on eBay to raise money for Camp Tatiyee.


Collect Clothing: Recycle Center

LW Lions Club collect all unwanted clothing, shoes and material (LW recycle center). Sunshine Acres - a, non-profit group home for 80+ foster children- processes the collected material. The proceeds from from this project is split between Sunshine Acres and Lions Camp Tatiyee, the Lions camp for special needs youth.


Collect eyeglasses: Don Steffan 480-664-3069

The Leisure World Lions have many collection points for used eyeglasses in the local community and in Leisure World. As a result, we are able to collect hundreds of used glasses each month for those in need.


Collect Food: Gwen Johnson 480-641-9572

Linda Grissom 602-568-4629

Each week, the Leisure World Lions collect non-perishable food items to be distributed to local food banks for for those in need. The donation box is located inside the front entrance of the Admin building.


Collect Hearing Aids: Don Steffan 480-664-3069

The Mesa Leisure World Lions Club collects used hearing aids from residents who upgrade their devices and from the families of hearing aid users who have passed on. We are able to collect several dozen hearing aids each year for those in need.

Ebay Sales: Barb/Alan Yapp 480-218-5782

Residual items from estate sales and designer glasses frames are sold on Ebay. All proceeds go to Camp Tatiyee.


Estate Sales: Barb/Alan Yapp 480-218-5782

The Leisure World Lions have a combined fund raising and service project in the form of

organizing and running estate sales for residents in transition who are not capable of conducting their own estate sales. We help elderly residents in our community who are moving to assisted living or a nursing home and do not have relatives available. We distribute the items left in the home to various charities in the area.


Estate Distribution: Barb/Alan Yapp 480-218-5782

Remove furniture and miscellaneous items for the elderly moving from their home to assisted living or a nursing home. The furniture, fabric contents (bedding, towels, clothes), hygiene items and miscellaneous household items are distributed between Sunshine Acres-a non-profit group home for 80+ foster children and Bridging AZ to help homeless vets.


Food Drive: Bob Sharkey 480-389-8109

Bob coordinates with recreation services and security to hold the food drive at the Rec one parking lot. Dates of the food drive will very between September and October before winter visitors depart. All food and money raised during this event will go to The New Hope Community Center of Mesa.


Flags for Kids: George Miller 774-275-4009

LW Lions Club volunteers participate in scheduled patriotic assembly at local elementary schools to teach the students the meaning behind the words of the Pledge of Allegiance. Each child receives a small US flag and each classroom is given a larger flag. The goal of the project is lay a foundation for patriotism in our children.


Fly the Flag Program: Ken Steele(until 1/1/22) 480-641-9082

Install and displayed full-size US Flags in front of 500 plus residences, the Leisure World common areas and three entry gates. Over 5000 residents and visitors see these patriotic displays with positive comments. Lion Ken Steele donate additional time scheduling flags up and down, and placement preparation.


Golf Tournament: Dennis Heimpel 480-262-7535

The annual Lions Golf Tournament is a social event open to all Leisure World resident golfers who would like to participate. Lion volunteers are involved in the planning and preparations for the tournament. This event includes raffle ticket sales to raise income for charities.


Leisure World and Community Service Opportunities:

Help organize and run LW clubs and other events in the community. Listed below are some examples:

Organize/help with LW clubs

Call LW bingo

Host the Open Door event

Set up and host Wed coffee for the community


Help elderly neighbor with shopping, errands or doctor appointments

Volunteer in your community church

Volunteer at neighborhood food shelf


Mailbox Painting: Joy Kosterman 360-903-4930

Clean and repaint mailboxes and add new house numbers in the Leisure World community. This is a fundraiser with all monies being donated at the end of the Lions fiscal year.


Parade of Homes:

The annual LW Parade of Homes is held in the spring. Leisure World residents who have recently remodeled their homes, allow their homes to be open to the public for four hours. The Mesa Leisure World Lions provides volunteers who monitor the amount of people allowed at a time in the homes and help visitors with 'booties' to wear inside the homes.


Pen Pal Program:

Our club’s pen pal program encourages reading and writing skills in elementary school children by having them write letters to an adult pen pal. Lions correspond monthly with a 4th grade child at Jefferson Elementary School. The letters are collected and delivered to the teacher. Responses from the children are collected and delivered to the Lion volunteer.


Proper English Tea: Carolin Lowy 480-641-4626

Full English afternoon tea at Lion Carolin's home $17.50 per person limit 12 guests.

International themed dinner served at Lion Carolin's home $250.00 for 8 guests (wine NOT included).

These events are offered to all Leisure World residents. Over 20 Tea's have been given and 6-7 dinners much enjoyed by all. Lion Carolin pays for all the food so Lions get the full amount charged. A fun way to raise funds.


Recycling Program: Larry Pearson 574-360-0587

The Mesa Leisure World Lions has established a comprehensive can recycling program within the Leisure World community. The Lions have recycling containers at: Rec 1, Rec 2 and at the LW Broadway exit recycle center. The aluminum cans are brought to the recycle center for cash which is distributed to charities and the end of the Lions fiscal year.


Scholarships, EVIT: Bob Sharkey 480-389-8109

Mesa Leisure World Lions Club is proud to offer scholarships to students pursuing a vocational education. The club will fund several elected recipients. The students must meet all of the required criteria.


Lions Summer Pot Luck: Barb/Alan Yapp 480-218-5782

Once each month during the club's hiatus, the club sponsors a community wide Pot Luck Social. The purpose of this event is for fellowship with other residents of Leisure World and their guests. Lions Club members are servers and event setup personnel.


Tablecloth Rentals: Carolin Lowy 480-641-4626

Tablecloths are available for rent to organizations and clubs within Leisure World who host parties of varying sizes throughout the season. At many of these events the hosts prefer the use of tablecloths. Our Lions’ Club purchased heavy vinyl tablecloths to fit the round tables used in Leisure World. We rent these repeatedly throughout the season, cleaning them between each use. This is a combined service and fund-raising activity.


Themed Dinner: Barb/Alan Yapp 480-218-5782

This is a fall themed dinner with entertainment usually held in November. This event also has a raffle and auction that helps raise money for charities..


Veterans’ Breakfast: Dennis Heimpel 480-262-7535

All veterans are invited to join us for breakfast on the Tuesday before Veterans Day. Each year, our club hosts a breakfast inviting all Leisure World veterans to attend at no charge. The breakfast program honors all military veterans in our community. The breakfast is always well attended.




Vision Screening: Frank Strainis 224-300-8366

Vision screening for KidSight is a preliminary test to identify students who may have a sight problem or possible medical condition. The team members are trained to use the SPOT equipment, and also on the screening machines already owned by the club. If the screening shows a vision problem, the students are then referred to an ophthalmologist for further examination and treatment. The club also provides money to the Vision Center to pay for corrective glasses.



Any community service provide by a Lion during a given month is counted as Lion service hours.



Discontinued Projects


Garden Project

Help young school children work a raised vegetable garden bed at their school. Lions will visit the school and help the children maintain the vegetable garden bed and watch the plants grow.


Helen's Hope-backpacks:

Backpacks are purchased for Helen's Hope Chest who distributes them to needy students throughout Mesa. School materials needed are: notebook, pens, pencils, erasers, writing paper etc. Classes start early August.


Homeless Hygiene:

Collect hygiene items such as: toothbrush, toothpaste, wash cloths, soap, shampoo, razors, shave cream and other items which will be packed in special bags and distributed to homeless vets.


Leo's Club:

Act as Leo adviser to train the young adults to run their club and help set up guide lines for their community service projects.


Little Library:

Little library boxes on posts that contains books for the children to read. They will be able to take a book out, and read it at their leisure. If they have books at home they have read, they can donate or exchange these books so others can enjoy them. This is all free and on the honor system for the children.


Place-mat Advertising:

Local merchants are encouraged to place an ad on our paper place mats used at our breakfast meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday. The ads are renewable each fall.


Scholarships, High School:

Present scholarship awards to selected local high school seniors. The students compete on the basis of academic excellence, documented volunteer hours, and their submitted essay on community service and two letters of reference as well. Lion representatives participate in the selection of the scholarship awardees and present the awards at the school award assembly.


Trunk or Treat Events:

Lions participated in a Trunk or Treat event. The club purchased candy to distribute to to children during their Halloween parade and volunteers went in costume to hand out treats and engage with the children.


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