

The Lions Club of MechanicsburgPa

Photo Date June 25, 2024 Installation Night





75 Years!



Home Club of Past District Governor

Fred Lamason 

Welcomes  You!

  "Not above you, not beneath you, but with you!"


Meet us on Facebook and be sure to   Image result for facebook us !  




Support your Mechanicsburg Lions Club by purchasing deluxe candy and nuts via the clubs "TerriLynn" WEB store!  The site is available 24 hours a day, every day.

GREAT products for holidays and parties!

"All proceeds" of all candy orders are donated to the Lions Club!
Click here:


  Order anything listed. 
All items will be shipped directly to you or anyone you designate anywhere in the U.S. 

Orders of $30 or more have FREE SHIPPING!



Help support the club!  Be a sponsor of the charity golf tournament !


Mechanicsburg Lions diligently prepared rooms at One80 Ministries.  These rooms will be provided to women needing assistance with a fresh start, and our Lions painted two rooms to make them more welcoming.




The Mechanicsburg Lions welcome 6 new members!

Past District Governor Fred Lamason swears in 6 new club members.  Welcome!


New Member             Sponsor                                  New Member                         Sponsor

Kathy Christine           Lion Patti Clark                      Larry Christine                        Lion Mike Clark

   Ruth Allen                   Lion Ted Cramer                     Randy Condran                       Lion Ted Cramer         

  Mike Caravello           Lion Ted Cramer                     Helen Caravello                      Lion Mike Caravello



The Mechanicsburg Lions  have started the new year by volunteering at Mission Central putting together flood buckets, care packages and sorting clothes.





Mechanicsburg Lions Club Volunteers at One80 Ministries Giveaway Night

14 members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club lent a helping hand at One80 Ministries' Giveaway Night, providing a warm meal to individuals in need. One80 Ministries hosts this event twice a month, offering a Food Bank and a hot meal to the community.

For the event, the Lions Club members prepared and served a delicious lasagna meal for both lunch and dinner. Five of the 14 Lions, also helped serve the evening meal, taking the time to mingle with community members and offer support to those attending.

Approximately 75 individuals were served during the event, making it a successful evening of giving back to the community. The Mechanicsburg Lions Club’s dedication to helping those in need was evident, reinforcing their ongoing commitment to service.


Fun to be a Mechanicsburg Lion!

To celebrate the season, we took a break from service this evening and held our annual holiday party, complete with games, songs, and gifts exchanged.  
Thanks to our party planners for a wonderful evening


Mechanicsburg Lions support "Project Thanksgiving"

On November 25th, seven members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club joined forces with other volunteers to assist with Project Thanksgiving in partnership with Operation Wildcat. This annual initiative provides essential food and clothing to families in need within the Mechanicsburg School District, ensuring they can enjoy a warm and festive Thanksgiving meal.

The Lions were instrumental in helping unload turkeys, eggs and bags of food which will be distributed to local families. Their efforts ensured that the food items were sorted and ready for distribution, giving families the means to prepare their holiday meals.





The Mechanicsburg Lions Club celebrates 75 years of service!



Congratulations Lion Mike!
Lion Mike Fenicle has been a member of the Lions Club of Mechanicsburg for over 16 years. During that time, he has served the local club as Club President, Chaplin & Eyeglass recycling chair. He has also served Lions District 14-C as Zone chair for 8 years in the past & has just agreed to fill in for this year too. Today he was honored to be named as a "Fellow" of the Lions of PA Foundation for his meritorious service as Zone chair & his continued dedication to the causes of Lions International. Past District Governor Marty Zimmerman presented the award. Congrats Lion Mike - Well deserved!



Mechanicsburg Lions Club generously stepped in to assist with the regularly scheduled Game Night at One80 Ministries, bringing a spirit of community and fun. Nine Lions Club members volunteered their time to provide snacks, serve refreshments, and call Bingo—a fan favorite for the evening.

The event was a success, with around 20 local residents coming together for a night of socializing, food, and friendly competition. 

The Lions Club’s involvement helped ensure a smooth and enjoyable evening, fostering connections and providing much-needed support to the One80 Ministries.




Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club contributed to the community by assembling flood buckets and care packages at Mission Central





Mechanicsburg Lions walk for JDF

The Mechanicsburg Lions took part in a Walk for Juvenile Diabetes TD1 Breakthrough.   It was a beautiful Sunday morning and seeing various teams support their loved ones with this condition was profoundly moving.







Mechanicsburg Lions Club members support "Streets for Treats"

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club supported Mechanicsburg's "Streets of Treats" as well as "White Cane Day".  






Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions club provide service assistance to "Pink Hands of Hope"




Recently, seven dedicated members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club rolled up their sleeves to support Operation Wildcat as part of their Project Clothing initiative. Their efforts were focused on sorting and hanging a large donation of clothing, ensuring that everything was organized and ready for distribution.    Their commitment not only made a significant impact on the efficiency of the clothing project but also exemplified the spirit of community service for which the Lion's Club stands.





Mechanicsburg Lions Club recently volunteered at 180 Ministries preparing their new transitional living space.  





District Governor Visit

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club was honored to host District Governor Galen Burkholder at the September 3rd meeting.   DG Galen shared an informative power point presentation displaying his ideas for a successful club, along with the ideas of our new International President Fabricio Oliveria.

King Lion Karl Heimbach presented DG Galen with a check from the club to help with his district projects.

Pictured below is King Lion Karl presenting the check to DG Galen.



Golf tournament chair Lion Wayne DeFonzo made a special Presentation to Babineau Opticians owner John Neifert for being a Platinum donor for all 4 years of our Golf Tournament, sharing a brief biography. King Lion Karl presented them with one of our new plaques commemorating their donations to help our many causes and thanked them for their help.



Pink Hands of Hope had flooding issues !
Thanks to Lion Karen McKendry and Lions Deb & Mick Rovito for volunteering at the last minute for emergency cleanup.



Mechanicsburg Lions support National Night Out

The annual National Night Out event, held on the first Tuesday of August, aims to strengthen the rapport between law enforcement and the community.

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club actively participates in this event by offering complimentary vision screenings and a raffle for children. Additionally, they provide valuable information about the club's community service initiatives.





Mechanicsburg Lions Club 4th annual "WE SERVE" Charity golf tournament 

Thanks to ALL of the Lions Club volunteers, sponsors, contributors, the Mayapple Golf Club and our event chairperson Wayne DeFonzo for helping to make this years event a success!


To all of the local businesses and individuals who sponsored this years Lions Club Charity golf tournament!


Mechanicsburg Lions support Community Day!

Mechanicsburg Lions Club members volunteered service hours for the annual "Community Days" event held at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Park in Mechanicsburg.  Club members worked the "Kids Zone", maintaining order and keeping the kids safe while they enjoyed the many fun areas.




Installation Night


Open the "Installation Nights" TAB at the top left of the home page for more photos.




Jubilee Day 2024!

Once again, the Mechanicsburg Lions Club participated in the annual Jubilee Day at downtown Mechanicsburg.   The club ran its traditional Charity fundraising Bingo event at the Buhrig's Funeral home.  It was a successful and fun event for the club, raising funds for the Charity account!






Below is a posting from the Speranza animal rescue thanking the Lions for the contribution from the club's "Give from the Heart" program.  The 5th grade class also awarded the "Make a Wish" foundation with a donation.



Mechanicsburg Lions Club members donate SERVICE Hours to Pink Hands of Hope!

Pink Hands of Hope mission:  To enhance the lives of women in the fight against Breast Cancer by offering products and services, free of charge to women in Central Pennsylvania.

Members planted trees, painted, cleared weeds, sorted and cleaned inside the store, swept up the area and did general "sparkle projects"





Blood Drive!

Mechanicsburg Lions Club hosted a blood drive at Traditions of America clubhouse and collected 35 units of blood plus 4 units of red cells for a total of 39 units, exceeding the past 4 year average 34 units

Great job Lions!




Earth Day 2024

It was a beautiful day for the Mechanicsburg Lions to set up a booth for Earth Day in downtown Mechanicsburg.  
Children decorated paper bags donated by local stores.
The bags will then be returned so future shoppers can enjoy the children's handiwork.
Great job Lions!
We Serve



Mechanicsburg Lions Club's annual "Open House"

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club  hosted a very successful open house meeting this evening.    In addition to 45 club members, 15 guests (potential new members) attended.  Club members worked various service project display tables, explaining the details to guests.   Lion Ted Cramer (Membership Chair and Open House organizer) was assisted by fellow Lions in reviewing    a PowerPoint presentation that reviewed all our service & fundraising events from the past year, using 15 different Lions to talk about their event when their slide was displayed. 
 Guests enjoyed a delicious meal and were given informative information about the Lions Club.




Vision Screening Continues!

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club continues offering free vision screening to the community.  Recently, the club conducted screenings for Kindergarten registrations at the Mechanicsburg Kindergarten Academy.




The Mechanicsburg Lions SERVE!

The Mechanicsburg Lions worked at Mission Central packing hygiene kits, sorting  shoes, counting glasses, and clearing  cardboard for recycling.



The Mechanicsburg Lions welcome a new member!

At the March 19 club's regular business meeting, Past District Governor Fred Lamason inducted a new member, Carolyn Gearhart.  Carolyn transferred from the Sebastian, Florida Lions Club.  Welcome to the club Carolyn!





The Mechanicsburg Lions support the Simpson Library expansion initiative!


 At a recent Mechanicsburg Lions Club meeting, guest speakers were Sue Erdman, Executive Director  and Karen L  Cochran, Chairperson- Capitol Campaign Committee of the Joseph T Simpson Public Library.
While Ms Edrman spoke of the expansion programs and  groups available ar the library, Ms Cochran distributed information on all the library has to offer along with information on their Learning and Book Sale Center Capital Campaign.  The Mechanicsburg Lions voted to donate $500 to the cause!

Ms Cochran and Ms Erdman are pictured below with our 2nd Vice President, Coco Houghtaling


Charity Golf Tournament Anyone?


Library Director visits the Lions

This evenings guests at the Mechanicsburg Lions Club meeting were Sue Erdman, Executive Director  and Karen L  Cochran, Chairperson- Capitol Campaign Committee of the Joseph T Simpson Public Library.
While Ms Edrman spoke of the expansion programs and  groups available ar the library, Ms Cochran distributed information on all the library has to offer along with information on their Learning and Book Sale Center Capital Campaign.

Ms Cochran and Ms Erdman are pictured below with our 2nd Vice President, Coco Houghtaling


Mechanicsburg Lions provide service  to "Operation Wildcats "

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club assisted the "Operation Wildcat" by sorting, cleaning, repairing, pricing jewelry items and watches that had been donated.  The items will be part of other donations that will be sold at a future charity sale.


Flood Buckets, Maternity Kits and Care Kits were assembled by Mechanicsburg Lions at Mission Central



Mechanicsburg Lions Serve!

The Mechanicsburg Lions volunteered at Mission Central on Friday, January 12th creating flood buckets, care packages and maternity kits.





Calling all men and women who enjoy golf, good food, and fellowship. It’s never too early to be
thinking about warm weather and golf. This is a save the date announcement to let you know
that our 4th annual “We Serve” Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, July 12, 2024. Mayapple
Golf Club in Carlisle will be hosting our tournament. We will have an 8am shot gun start with
lunch to follow at Fiddler’s Bar & Grill at the golf course. So, mark your calendars now and plan
to join us for a fun filled day of golf and dining with your friends. Registration forms and more details will be available in April.


Mechanicsburg Lions Holiday Party!

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club celebrated a successful 2023 at their recent Christmas party.  The club exceeded fund raising goals and completed numerous service events including 3289 vision screenings!  In the spirit of the season, the club donated over 400 pounds of food and other products to New Hope Ministries.  The club members also donated 92 children's books to the Children's Family Center Childcare Services in Mechanicsburg.

Lion Ted Cramer leads the club in a holiday sing along






Members of the Lions Club of Mechanicsburg assembled 740 "Care Kits" at Mission Central!


Mechanicsburg Lions support "White Cane" Day and "Streets of Treats"

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club collected donations for the blind, supporting the Lion's "White Cane Day".  This event coincided with Mechanicsburg's "Streets of Treats" downtown where Lions treated resident children celebrating Halloween.




Mechanicsburg Lions support JDRF Walk!

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club walked in the recent Junior Diabetes Research Foundation's event.  JDRF support is one of the Lions Club's focus categories.










Mechanicsburg Lions provide service to "Pink Hands of Hope"

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club recently provided much appreciated service hours to "Pink Hands of Hope".  In addition to the days work in various aspects of refreshing the building, the Lions also donated two "Comfort Blankets" (made by Lion Cathy Stank) to the organization. Please click on the link below to view Pink Hands of Hope's thank you post on Facebook.  
Thanks to Ginger Gines for leading this project!




District Governor Marty Zimmerman visits the Mechanicsburg Lions Club


King Lion Bill Dixon presents our Club's donation to 14-C District Governor Marty Zimmerman to help with his designated charity projects for the 2023-24 Lions year.

14-C District Governor Marty Zimmerman presents his special "Making a Difference" award to Lion Ted Cramer for his contributions to the Mechanicsburg Lions Club as secretary & membership chair. 


The Lions Club of Mechanicsburg received recognition in the National Lions publication!



The Mechanicsburg Lions Club received recognition in the Lions National Summer magazine for VISION SCREENING service to the community (Over 10,000 vision screenings provided to date) as well as service provided to the Pink Hands of Hope organization.  The club received major recognition for membership growth.  Mechanicsburg Lions Ted Cramer and Chris Stank were interviewed for this feature.  To read the article, please click on the following link:





Mechanicsburg Lions volunteer at Mission Central

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club provide service hours to assist Mission Central.  Pictured below are club members who did the work!  Special recognition to Lion Connie Kuntz for her continued leadership on the Mission Central service projects!

Participating Lions: Rick and Ginger Gines, Bill and Shirley Dixon, Dwayne and CoCo Houghtaling, Barb Perry, Karl Heimbach, Deb Zezeski, and Nancy Shaffer.


Congratulations to our own Lion Mike Fenicle (seated)for earning the Certified Guiding Lion Certificate. He was presented with this along with 5 Lions from other clubs at the District Cabinet meeting yesterday. He now has the credentials to guide a new club should the need arise any time in the next 3 years!

Good work Zone Chair Lion Mike!


Community Day at the Park

Seventeen Lions Club members assisted at the annual "Community Day at the Park" event in Mechanicsburg.  Lions assisted at several locations including assisting kids to safely enjoy the day.





Mechanicsburg Lions support "National Night Out"

National Night Out occurs annually on the first Tuesday in August.

National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.  The Mechanicsburg Lions provided free vision screenings and a free raffle for children while sharing information on how the Lions serve the community.




Mechanicsburg Lions volunteer at the York Fair

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club volunteered service recently at the York Fair.  This is an annual Summertime service event for the club.




Mechanicsburg Lions Club 3rd annual "WE SERVE" Charity golf tournament 

Thanks to ALL of the Lions Club volunteers, sponsors, contributors, the Mayapple Golf Club and our event chairperson Wayne DeFonzo for helping to make this years event a success!


THANK YOU to all of our Corporate Sponsors!


To all of the local businesses and individuals who sponsored this years Lions Club Charity golf tournament!





The Fifth Annual Lion Ray Rosnick Lion of the Year Award 2022-23 was presented to Lion Bob Dippel by last year’s winner Lion Wayne DeFonzo & secretary Lion Ted Cramer. Lion Bob became our treasurer 2 years ago at the last minute when our treasurer & assistant treasurer both quit the club. He created entirely new financial reporting & budget systems that have helped us with our financial management. He ranked 6th in overall Service Hours for last year serving as Treasurer and participating in other service events. He made sure that all of the Gambling permits were purchased for Jubilee Day & the Golf Tournament and attended 20 meetings. He also volunteered as an auditor for District 14C. He provides monthly reports for both Charity & Administrative accounts. Many members spoke on his behalf after the award was presented.







In Memoriam 

Ron Yerkes

1942 - 2023

Members of the Lions Club of Mechanicsburg were saddened to learn of the passing of Club member, Lion Ron Yerkes.  Lion Ron was an active member of our club who participated in many community service projects.  Our condolences and thoughts go out to Ron's family and friends.   Our club offers our deepest sympathies.  Lion Ron will be missed by his Lions Club friends.




Please click this link to Ron's Obituary



Members of The Lions Club of Mechanicsburg celebrated a very successful fiscal year 2022-2023 at the final meeting of the year held at Buhrig's Gathering Place.  Numerous awards were presented, including Monarch achievements for 5 year(Lions Bill and Shirley Dixon, Lions Karl and Becky Heimbach) 10 year (Lion Chris Stank, Lion CeCe Vito and Lion Linda Fenicle) , 15 year (Lion Mike Fenicle)and 20 years (Lion Charlie Riley).  A very special 45 year Monarch award was presented to PCC Terry Hartzell and a 50 year Monarch Golden Lion award was presented to PDG Fred Lamason.


SEVENTEEN New members were sworn in by Past District Governor Fred Lamason!  Welcome to our new members!

Mary Beritsky, Mike and Patti Clark, Gretchen Snyder, Fred and Linda Luciani, Lee Snyder, Stacy Kyle, Lisa Chase, Lois Young, Rachel Milbrand, Brenda Robinson, Mark and Linda O'Keefe, Jim and Christine Rineer, and Mary Kuna.


100% attendance awards were achieved by 35 members!



A Melvin Jones Fellowship Patch and award was presented to Lion Jim Miller.  Lion Jim was recognized, in part, for his outstanding leadership in the club's Kidsight program.  The club has provided over 10,000 free vision screenings to the community.


*To view more photos from the Installation/Induction night celebration, please see the "INSTALLATION NIGHT' file to the left of the home page.



Give From The HEART 2023

The Lions Club of Mechanicsburg partnered with St. Joseph's school in Mechanicsburg for the 8th annual "Give From The HEART" program.  The club funded a financial donation to recipients chosen by 5th grade students at the school.  The students work collaboratively, researching and preparing presentations to classmates and then vote on recipients.  This year's recipients were "Ronald McDonald House" and "Project Share".  
Club President Bill Dixon and 1st Vice President Karl Heimbach attended the award presentation.




Once again, the Mechanicsburg Lions Club participated in a fun annual community event, the Mechanicsburg downtown Jubilee Day.  The Lions event included charity fundraising with Bingo and a 50/50 drawing.  The weather was good and the event was successful!

Many Lions participated in the planning and execution of this event.  Huge thanks to Lion Bob Buhrig for helping to make this event possible through his many program supporting donations!





Mechanicsburg Lions support the Red Cross with a Blood Drive

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club assisted the Red Cross recently on a Blood Drive.  This important community service was held at Traditions of America Silver Spring.






The Mechanicsburg Lions Club recently hosted a very successful "Open House" meeting.  In addition to 42 current club members, 19 guests (potential new members) attended.  Club members worked various service project display tables, explaining the details to guests.  20 Lions assisted Lion Ted Cramer (Membership Chair and "Open House" organizer) to review a presentation on club service projects and fund raising activities.  At the closing of the meeting, new member applications were distributed to all guests.



















Mechanicsburg Lions volunteer service hours at PINK HANDS OF HOPE who help women in the fight against breast cancer

Recently, Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions club helped to beautify the Pink Hands of Hope Thrift Store.   The club supplied flowers and trees and worked all morning on various projects.  Members, who were led by Lion Ginger Gines, included:  Rick Gines, Cathy and Chris Stank, Vicki Alfieri, Nancy Sheaffer, Paula Zizzi (and granddaughter), Coco and Dwane Houghtaling, and Karen McKendry.

The volunteers accomplished a lot and had fun doing it!

The Lions Club also donated funding for Pink Hands of Hope to purchase a much needed storage shed!




Operation Wildcat

Thanks to our 4 Lions who participated in another Operation Wildcat Service Event this morning at Mechanicsburg Middle School. They helped sort donated clothes & shoes that will be donated to local families in need.
Pictured left to right: Lions Shirley Dixon, King Lion Bill Dixon, then our two newest Lions volunteering in their first service event, Lions Rachel Milbrand & Brenda Robinson. The others pictured are one parent & 4 high school students.
I'm sure we'll see Lions Rachel & Brenda at many more meetings & service events this year & beyond!




Lion's Disaster Relief 

Disaster Relief Chairman Lion Ray Highlands recently reviewed Lions International's role in disaster relief throughout the world.  Lions donate millions of dollars every year to help recovery from earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and many other disasters.  Lion Ray shared ways that local clubs, such as the Mechanicsburg Lions can assist local communities in disaster relief preparations.  King Lion Bill acknowledged Lion Ray for his presentation and his role in the District 14C Disaster Relief focus.


Mechanicsburg Lions continue to provide volunteer service at Mission Central.


Pictured are Lions: CoCo Houghtaling, Duke Brenneman, Connie Kuntz, Nancy Shaffer, Ted Cramer and Karl Heimbach.  Great work Lions!

Mechanicsburg Lions Recognized 

At a recent District Lions meeting, the Mechanicsburg Lions Club received the Club Excellence Award for achievements in the 2021-2022 year.  During the presentation, the club received a standing ovation for achievement of 10,000 vision screenings.


Pictured are Lion Linda Fenicle, PDD Terry Hartzell. And District Governor Shoff.

10,000 !!
The Mechanicsburg Lions Club completed it's TEN THOUSANDTH community vision screening during its recent screening of students at St. Joseph's school.

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club has been providing free Vision Screenings to the community since 2017.  The screening projects have included all of the district schools as well as at community events.   
The vision screening teams have screened 2842 children under 6 years of age with 330 of them referred for follow up care.  7370 screenings were completed for residents age 7 and older with 777 requiring follow up care.





Mechanicsburg Lions Club Members volunteering service with Mechanicsburg Operation Wildcat 






Lions Club of Mechanicsburg PA 2023 "We Serve" Golf Tournament 

Calling all men and women who enjoy golf, good food, and fellowship. It's never too early to be thinking warm weather and golf.  This is a save the date announcement to let you know that our 3rd annual "We Serve" Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, July 14, 2023.   Mayapple Golf Club will be hosting our tournament.  We will have an 8am shot gun start with lunch to follow at Fiddler's Bar & Grill at the golf course.  So mark your calendars now and plan to join us for a fun filled day of golf and dining withyour friends.  Registration forms and more details will be available in early April..



A busy recent meeting and our club continues to grow!

At a recent meeting, the Mechanicsburg Lions welcomed a new member, Ken Berkebile, who was sponsored by Lion Terry Hartzell and sworn in by Past District Governor Lion Fred Lamason.  At the same meeting, a special speaker, Holly Laufer, Executive Director of the Mechanicsburg Wildcat Foundation, made a special presentation about the organization.


New member Dan Berkebile welcomed

Lion President Bill Dixon thanks Executive Director Holly Laufer from the Wildcat Foundation 



Mechanicsburg Lions support JDRF

Mechanicsburg Lions Club supported JDRF with a club donation and members joined a JDRF focused walk held in Enola, Pa.  The lions who walked were joined with "Pippin" a service dog in training.



Another Halloween --Parade and "Streets of Treats / White Cane Day!

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club were in the recent Halloween parade, handing out treats and greeting the public.  "Foss" the Lion enjoyed a comfortable seat while entertaining the kids!  Members also participated in Mechanicsburg's downtown program "Streets of Treats" while supporting Lion's "White Cane Day"



In Memoriam 

Lion Mark Basehore

March 31, 1931 - October 5, 2022

Our club is saddened by the passing of one of our members, Lion Mark Basehore.  Lion Mark, a past club President, was an active member for over 55 years.   Our condolences and thoughts go out to Mark's family and friends.   Mark's daughter "Debi" is also an active member of the Mechanicsburg Lions club and the club offers her our deepest sympathy.  Mark will be missed by all.

link to Mark's obituary:









The Lions Club of Mechanicsburg has been chosen as the designated Non-Profit to receive $1.00 for every Beer Flight sold at Wolf's Brewing Company during the month of September!
Please help the Lions by stopping by & having some great food & a Beer Flight!
Their Craft Brewery & Kitchen is located at:
100 Legacy Park Drive - Suite 400
Mechanicsburg PA 17055
Phone: 717-590-7917


District Governor Keith Shoff visits the Mechanicsburg Lions Club

District 14-C District Governor Keith Shoff recently visited the Mechanicsburg Lions Club and provided updates on Lions focus items.  The District Governor praised our club on activity level and outstanding growth.

Pictured below is our King Lion Bill Dixon presenting a club donation for District projects.  Prior to the District Governor's presentation, PDG Lion Fred Lamason inducted the club's newest member, John Anthony, who was sponsored by Lion Jayne Drake.  






Mechanicsburg Lions Serve!

6 Lions helped out at the Trails & Trees Recreation Center's outdoor concert. Their main responsibility was to collect donations for the Mechanicsburg Recreation Fund. It's always good to show our community that the Lions are here, active & willing to help!  
Thanks to Lion Erica Meloy for finding this new service event and to Lion Barb Perry for chairing!
Our members who volunteered: Doris Moss, Dwane & Coco Houghtatling, Sue & Jim Miller and Barb Perry.





'National Night Out

Mechanicsburg Lions participated in National Night Out.  A lucky child won the club's giveaway.



Mechanicsburg Lions work the York Fair to raise much needed Administration funding for the club.  Remember, 100% of ALL funds raised  at Charity events go back to the community!



Welcome! To 4 new Mechanicsburg Lions Club members who were recently inducted by Past District Governor Fred Lamason

King Lion Bill Dixon, Lions Diane Hartzell, Rose Davis, Sandy Weinert, Shirley Dixon
Lions Sandy Weinert, Shirley Dixon, Deb Rovito, Mick Rovito, PCC Terry Hartzell, PDG Fred Lamason
Lions Rose Davis, Diane Hartzell, Sandy Weinert, Shirley Dixon, Deb Rovito, Mick Rovito, PCC Terry Hartzell & PDG Fred Lamason



The Mechanicsburg Lions Club's 2nd annual "WE SERVE" Charity golf tournament 

Held on Friday, July 15, 2022, the 2nd annual Mechanicsburg Lions Club's Charity golf tournament was a great success!  Once again, Lion Wayne DeFonzo chaired this event.  And, once again, the team of Lion volunteers worked together to make this event fun for the participants as well as a successful fund raiser for the CHARITY account!


Thank you to all of the corporate sponsors who supported this year's "WE SERVE" Charity golf tournament!


Golf sponsors 2022.pdf

Click the link above for a list of all Gold Tournament sponsors.









On June 21, 2022, the Lions Club of Mechanicsburg held our annual "installation Night" meeting.  We celebrated a successful year, welcomed new members, and swore in a new cabinet for our next year's service to the community.

Club President Tawnya Kling passes the gavel to our new King Lion Bill Dixon

For more pictures of our Installation Night, open the "Installation Night" TAB on the left listing.


Jubilee Day 2022!

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club participated in the annual Jubilee Day celebration in downtown Mechanicsburg with their traditional BINGO fundraiser.  Positioned next to the Buhrig funeral home, it was once again a fun event for the community while raising much needed funding for the Charity account!



Lions Club/Red Cross Blood Drive

Thanks to Lion Karl Heimbach for organizing our 3rd Red Cross Blood Drive at the TOA Clubhouse. This event required hours of organization, promotions, hosting, monitoring and handling events from 10-6 pm the day of the drive. Over 41pints of blood were raised in this event and 95% of time slots were filled. We had 61 people signed up, but only 51 were able to donate blood. Ten people were unable to donate due to medical reasons. Thanks to the other Lions who helped on the day of the event: Rita Seidelman, Rick & Ginger Gines, Deb & Mick Rovito, Bob Dippel, Doris Moss, Karen & Dennis McKendry and Jim Miller.




Members of the Lions Club of Mechanicsburg donate time, talents and resources to help "Pink Hands of Hope" to refresh the facility that helps so many local women.

Thanks to Lion Ginger Gines for being the "Chair" for this project!  Thanks to all the Lions who volunteered: Deb Rovito, Rick Gines, Chris and Cathy Stank, Karen McKendry, Deb Weist, Nancy Shaffer and Vicki



Mechanicsburg Lions support "EARTH DAY DOWNTOWN "

Kids draw Environmental EARTH DAY Messages on paper grocery bags that go back to the stores for customers to use!

Thanks to Club President Lion Tawnya Kling for organizing a great Earth Day Event on Saturday - Also thanks to the following Lions who helped:
Cece Viti, John & Connie Kuntz, Erica Meloy, Jim & Sue Miller and of course, President Tawnya.
Here are some photos of the action - showing again our great new canopy & backdrop





Mechanicsburg Lion's Club





Mechanicsburg Lions Club "We Serve"

Golf Tournament Team Registration

Click on Link below





10 Lions helped with the big DEMOLITION DAY community event recently.
Lions on the scene included: Karl Heimbach, Deb Zezeski, Bill Dixon, Wayne DeFonzo, Cece Viti, Terry & Diane Hartzel, Jayne Drake, Bob Buhrig &  Ted Cramer.
Here are a few photos from the festivities!  


Mechanicsburg Lions at Mission Central!

Thanks to the Lions & 1 guest pictured below for donating their time today to help out at Mission Central!  This dedicated service will help many in need throughout the world!  Thanks to Lion Connie Kuntz for organizing this service event again this month. Our Lions have done more service this year at Mission Central than ever before!

Pictured left to right are Lions Karl Heimbach, Lana McCaulley, Connie Kuntz, Shirley Dixon, Pat & Ron Yerkes, Bill Dixon and Connie's friend Phyllis.
Missing from the photo is Lion Linda Glantz.



Engaging Youth!

At a recent Vision Screening event at St.Joseph's school, a young student was noticed wearing his little league baseball team shirt.  His team was sponsored by THE LIONS CLUB OF MECHANICSBURG!



Lions Club of Mechanicsburg PA 2022 "We Serve" Golf Tournament
The Mechanicsburg Lions Club will be hosting our 2nd annual “We Serve” Golf Tournament on Friday, July 15, 2022. Mayapple Golf Club in Carlisle will be hosting our tournament. We will have an 8am shot gun start with lunch to follow at Fiddler’s Bar & Grill at the golf course. So, mark your calendars now and plan to join us for a fun filled day of golf and dining with your friends. Registration forms will be available in early April. Limited to the first 108 golfers that sign up and pay.



Helping Hands at Mission Central!

11 members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club assisted on several projects at Mission Central.  One project was sorting 275 pairs of shoes to be donated to needy members of the community.





Great work done by the Mechanicsburg Lions Kindergarden Academy Vision Screening volunteers!  
82 students were screened.  19 students were referred for follow up care.   Thank you Lions Vicki Alfieri, Bill Dixon, Erica Meloy, and Ron Yerkes for you effort on January 24th.  Also want to that Bill Dixon, Shirley Dixon, Linda Glantz and Connie Kuntz for volunteering to be on standby for January 25th.
The club's next screening event is for The Kindergarden Academy registration days on March 3rd and 17th.


Service Dog Demonstration

Guest speakers from Susquehanna Service Dogs presented Service Dog Elwood and puppy in training Pippin at a recent Mechanicsburg Lions meeting.   Participating were Lion Randy Hess (Convoy Lions Club) and Lion Vicki Alfieri (Mechanicsburg Lions Club).  
Incredibly important work done by this organization to help the community!


Rest In Peace Lion Jim Pearman

A celebration of Life for one of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club's Members, Jim Pearman, was recently held at St. Luke's Episcopal Church.  Jim will be missed by his fellow club members.  In our thoughts are Jim's wife, Karen and his family and friends 




Pictured is the new Vision Screening Banner that was donated to the Club

Mechanicsburg Lions Conduct Vision Screenings at all Mechanicsburg Schools!




The members of the vision screening team, led by Team Chair Jim Miller, have been very busy this year. The team successfully conducted vision screenings at all of the schools in the Mechanicsburg Area School District (K-12th) and at the West Shore Christian Academy (K-5). The chart below indicates the number of team members and hours donated at each school. A special thank you to Lions Vicki Alfieri, Bob Dippel, Shirley Dixon, Bill Dixon, Linda Glantz, Diane Hartzell, Terry Hartzell, Connie Kuntz, Karen McKendry, Erica Meloy, Jim Miller, Sue Miller, Doris Moss, Cathy Stank, Chris Stank, Cece Viti and Ron Yerkes for the time they devoted to conduct the vision screenings at the schools.

Schools included:
Broad Steet Elementary, Elmwood Academy Mechanicsburg Area HS, Mechanicsburg Kindergarten, Mechanicsburg Middle School, Northside Elementary, Shepherdstown Elementary, Upper Allen Elementary, West Shore Christian 

Lions tested a total of 3,975 students.  454 students were referred for follow up eye care.



Mechanicsburg Lions volunteer at Mission Central

Lions prepared/verified 650 Care Kits for disaster victims at Mission Central. Pictured left to right: Bill Dixon, Ron Yerkes, Karen McKendry, Shirley Dixon, Sue Miller, Connie Kuntz, Jim Miller and John Kuntz. These kits are stored in their warehouse & sent to areas of our country that suffer from some tragic event such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc. Good work Lions!

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club participation in Boscov’s “Friends Helping Friends” fundraising program was successful!  Funds raised will sponsor a child to vacation for one week this Summer at the Lions

Beacon Lodge camp for special needs.  Great support by the entire club on this worthwhile project!


Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club have some fun at "Streets of Treats" while supporting "White Cane Day"



Lions Club of Mechanicsburg participate in the Halloween Parade!

Led by Club President Tawnya Kling, members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club handed out treats to kids as they walked next to the club's float along the parade route.   Club members decorated Lion Leroy Weaver's truck that pulled the float in the parade.  The club's Lion statue made its return appearance thanks to PDG Lion Fred's refurbishing talent.


Boscovs "Friends Helping Friends" 

Mechanicsburg Lions Club Members are selling Boscov's discount shopping passes to raise funds to send a special needs camper to Beacon Lodge Camp for a week next summer.


Mechanicsburg Lions complete 2 vision screenings this week!

45 students were referred for follow up vision care thanks to the Mechanicsburg Lions conducting Vision Screenings at Upper Allen Elementary School ( 3 Days) and Broad Street Elementary School this week.  A total of 461 students were screened at these schools.  Eleven members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Vision Screening Team Participated in this service event.

Vision Screening at Elmwood Academy

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club conducted 2 days of Vision Screening at Elmwood Academy and screened 618 4th and 5th grade students.  91 of the students were referred for follow up eye care.  The screening event was managed by Lion Jim Miller.  Participating in the screening were the following Mechanicsburg Lions Club members: Bill Dixon, Vicki Alfieri, Connie Kunitz, Shirley Dixon, Chris Stank, Linda Glantz, Doris Moss and Karen McKendry.


District Governor Visits our club

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club was honored to welcome District 14C Governor Dan Brant to a recent meeting.  Thank you Governor for sharing good news about the Lions and recognizing the Mechanicsburg Club's service to the community.  In the photos below, Club President Tawnya Kling thanks the Governor for attending.  Zone Chair Mike Fenicle, Past District Governor Fred Lamason and our club Secretary Ted Cramer welcome the Governor.


Mechanicsburg Lions Club members support the community with volunteers at the Silver Springs Police Department's "National Night Out" and the Mechanicsburg "Community Day" event!  WE SERVE !


Charity Golf Tournament 
The Mechanicsburg Lions Club successfully executed its first Charity golf tournament on Friday, July 16th at the Mayapple Golf Club.  The Lions Club hit a "hole in one" with this event, raising more money for local charities than any previous fundraising event.  All this was possible because of generous corporate sponsorships and participation of the 27 foursomes!

Thanks to Lion Deb Zezeski for the Tournament photos!

Thanks to the Golf Tournament Sponsors!


Return to "in person" meetings 
On Tuesday, June 22, the Mechanicsburg Lions Club returned to "In Person" meetings with an end of fiscal year celebration held at Buhrig's Gathering Place in downtown Mechanicsburg.  The new club officers and new club members were sworn in by Past District Governor Fred Lamason.  The club begins a new year of service with 56 members!


King Lion Steve hands the club gavel to the new Lions Club President Tawnya Kling.  Lion King Steve accepts the Mechanicsburg Lions Club's Ray Rosnik "Lion of the Year" award



Lion Bob Buhrig received the Melvin Jones Fellow award.  Lion Duke is recognized for 60 years of service.

See the "installation Night" TAB to the left for more photos!







Lions volunteers returned to Vision Screening for the first time in over a year!  Our members are happy to assure the youth of Mechanicsburg good vision to help with their education & life forever!  This screening, completed at the registration for the Kindergarten Academy, scanned 248 kids and found 30 who needed to be referred for professional eye care.



Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club helped at the Trails & Trees Environmental Center today by painting picnic tables. We teamed up with the local Boy Scout Troop to make this a success! Good work Lions & Scouts!





Mechanicsburg Lions Club Members assisted the American Red Cross with our 2nd Blood Drive on March 16 from 1:30 - 7:00.  The location was the Buhrig Gathering  Place in Mechanicsburg.  Thanks to all the Donors who gave the "gift of life"




The Mechanicsburg Lions Club welcomes our two newest members – Lions Jayne Drake & Lucas Everly. On Friday morning, they were both presented with their new member kits, name badge, Lions hat and official membership certificate, signed by our International President, Club President Lion Steve Harriman & Sponsor Lion Ted Cramer. Normally, we would present them with their certificates at their induction ceremony while attending one of our dinner meetings.  They were inducted at our last Zoom meeting by Past District Governor Fred Lamason, with 39 of their fellow Lions tuned in! Thanks to Lion Deb Zezeski for taking the photos and to Lion Cathy Stank for her calligraphy skills!


Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club celebrated our 70th Anniversary in 2019, serving our community in many ways. As part of giving back to our community we decided to donate a much-needed ramp to the historic Frankenberger Tavern – the oldest structure in Mechanicsburg, built in 1801. With a significant financial donation from the Lions Foundation of Pennsylvania and coordinated by the Lions in cooperation with the Mechanicsburg Museum Association, the project is finally complete. We dedicated our gift this morning with the representatives listed below pictured left to right:

Lions Leroy Weaver & Ted Cramer, Museum Association Director Steve Zimmerman, Museum Board members Frankie Hensel & Pat Berkheimer and on the far right, Lion Chris Stank.




In Memoriam 

Lion Tim McCaulley

Dozens of family, friends and fellow Lions attended a "virtual"  funeral for Lion Tim McCaulley on Tuesday, December 22, 2020.  Tim was an active member of the Mechanicsburg Lions for over 45 years.

Tim became a Lion on February 1, 1975.  He was sponsored by his father-in-law, the late Lion Foss Cramer.  Five years after joining, Lion Tim became the club President.  He would hold that position again, THREE times (1980-1981, 2003-2004, 2008-2009.

Lion Tim led a successful campaign for fellow Lion Fred Lamason, who became the 14-c District Governor in 1982-1983.

Lion Tim was an active member of the Lions Pin Trader organization where he was honored with the prestigious Melvin Jones fellowship award.  Lion Tim amassed an impressive pin collection, traveling to many parts of the USA as well as abroad to attend trading meetings.

Lion Tim participated in many local service activities.  He chaired the annual Jubilee Day Bingo event.  His varied service was widely recognized and he received  many awards and certificates from Lions International.  Tim served for 30 years on the Board of the Lions Beacon Lodge, a special needs camp for children and adults.


Lion Tim's wife, Lana, remains an active member of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club.  The Mechanicsburg Lions Club voted to place a Memorial Brick at his beloved Beacon Lodge.

Thank You Lion Tim for your dedication and service to those in need.  
Rest In Peace.






Christmas Care Packages delivered Dec 21, 2020



16 of our Lions delivered Holiday meals to 50 families yesterday which included- 29 USDA food boxes, 30 frozen lasagnas from Healthy You Café, 50 bags of groceries from GIANT foods, and 50 fresh meals from Mama Spriggs restaurant. This food fed approximately 170 individuals. The meal collection was organized by the Social Workers of the Cumberland Valley School District. They also identified the families who were in need of help. Our Lions arrived in 10 of their personal vehicles, lining up at the CV Administration building. The staff loaded up the food and our Lions took about 2 hours each to deliver the meals directly to the identified homes - covering the entire area of this very large school district. All recipients were very grateful and happy to see our Lions at their doorstep.  Good work Cumberland Valley School District & Mechanicsburg  Lions!



Mechanicsburg Lions deliver Thanksgiving meals



Thirteen members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club delivered Thanksgiving meals to 50 families in need who live in our area. Thanks to the staff of the Cumberland Valley School District for gathering everything together and to "Kick In for Kids" who donated the funds to purchase the food. Mama Spriggs Restaurant also donated prepared meals.



The Mechanicsburg Lions had an outstanding experience at our 2nd service event in the same week!  We had 14 volunteers who served. 
Here are the Lions who participated today: Lions Bill & Shirley Dixon, Jim Pearman, Becky Heimbach, Nan Allaman, Karen McKendry, Jim & Sue Miller, Barb Perry, Bob Buhrig, Ted Cramer, Erica Meloy, Deb Zezeski & Tawnya Kling.   2nd VP Lion Tawnya Kling chaired the White Cane Day portion of the day - We managed to collect $101.90 for Blind Charities! 
Once again this week, Lion Bob Buhrig shared his property with us - in the Breezway of his funeral home - Lion Tawnya will take our 23 pounds of leftover candy to New Hope Ministries.  Between the Administrative Fund contribution & individual Lions donating, we gave over $300 worth of goods to our community today!
Lions /Red Cross Blood Drive
The members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club are happy to serve our community today by helping with an American Red Cross Blood Drive. The Red Cross contacted our Club in the summer asking for help during this very difficult time. Our volunteer Lions were quick to respond with individual blood donations as well as serving all day to assist the Red Cross staff. Lion Bob Buhrig donated the use of his new "Gathering Place" facility, located on Main Street in Mechanicsburg, for the entire day!  Volunteers pictured in the first photo are Lions Rick & Ginger Gines, Bob Buhrig, Shirley Dixon and chair of the Blood Drive Committee, Past District Governor Fred Lamason.  In the second photo, 2nd VP Lion Bill Dixon checks in the blood donors. Photos were taken by Lion Deb Zezeski.  We would like to thank everyone who donated blood today, our Lions volunteers and most importantly, the American Red Cross.
Club Secretary Lion Ted Cramer looks on as 3 of the clubs members received awards for outstanding service during the last Lion year.  Those honored were Lions Jim Miller, Chris Stank and Mike Fenicle.

Lions donate funds for Ramp at Historic site
Lion Leroy Weaver affixing the plaque that acknowledges the Lions clubs funding of a new entrance ramp at the historic Frankenberger Tavern in downtown Mechanicsburg.  A formal dedication will be made as soon as it is safe to be scheduled.  This was one of the special 70th anniversary projects for the Mechanicsburg Lions Club.
Due to recent events this tournament is postponed until July 2021

Mechanicsburg Lions donate masks
As part of the The Mechanicsburg Lions Club’s 70th anniversary celebration, we have a large display of current as well as archival items at the Simpson Library.  The display will be up for the entire month of March.  Planning and executing the display were Lions: Tim and Lana McCaulley, and Chris and Cathy Stank.
Lions Club “We Serve” Golf Tournament

Calling all men and women who enjoy golf, good food and fellowship. It’s never too early to be thinking about warm weather & golf. This is a save the date announcement to let you know that our 1st annual “We Serve” Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, July 17, 2020. The Mayapple Golf Club will be hosting our tournament. We will have an 8:00 AM shot gun start with lunch to follow at Fiddler’s Bar & Grill at the golf course. So mark your calendars now and plan to join us for a fun filled day of golf and dining with your friends. Registration forms and more details will be made available on or about April 10, 2020.   Thanks to our Tournament Committee: Lions Wayne DeFonzo, Chris Stank, Bill Dixon, Jennifer McGarrity, Jim Pearman & Leroy Weaver.

Nine members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club’s “Vision Screening Team” participated in a 4 day vision screening service at St. Joseph’s School in Mechanicsburg.  The Team completed 368 screenings of students from Kindergarten to eighth grade.  37 students were referred for follow up eye care.  Participating Lions were:  Jim Miller, Chris and Cathy Stank, Bill and Shirley Dixon, Linda Glanz, Erica Malloy, CeCe Viti and Susan Holder.
Three of our long term members display the official citation that our club received from State Senator Mike Regan commemorating our 70th year of service to the Mechanicsburg area community. Lions Duke Brenneman (59 years), Fred Lamason (48 years) & Mark Basehore (53 Years) represent over 160 years of service to the Mechanicsburg Lions Club!
Holiday Party 2019
Our Lions  delivered gifts to needy children in 4 elementary schools. These were collected by the Angel Tree Project at Cumberland Valley School District.  Participants were the following Lions:  Jim and Sue Miller, Chris Stank, Wayne DeFonzo, Tim and Lana McCaulley, and Bill and Shirley Dixon.
Nine members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club participated in the Wildcat Association’s Community Day event held at Mechanicsburg Middle School on Saturday, Nov 9.  The Lions provided free vision screening for 30 attendees, 4 of which were referred for follow up care.   Lions participating were: Jim and Sue Miller, Leroy Weaver, Susan Holder, Chris and Cathy Stank, CeCe Viti, and Bill and Shirley Dixon.
Wow-That was everyone’s impression of Mission Central’s warehouse that is used to distribute many goods to those in need! 16 Lions took the tour presented by their Executive Director Hope Harrison. Thanks to Lion Linda Willis for taking the lead on this Visit! 1st VP Tawnya Kling presents a donation to Hope Harrison as our other Lions look on.
Thanks to Lions Erica Meloy & Linda Willis for walking in the JDRF One Walk (Juvenille Diabetes Research Fund) on Saturday.
Lion Erica took the lead on this event, collecting donations to help the cause. Our Club donated $250 to this worthwhile charity!
Here are a couple photos from the JDRF Walk on City Island. Erica's friend Carol Buskirk joined in the action!
9 Mechanicsburg Lions recently participated in the FREE HEALTH CAMP sponsored by Professional Women Entrepreneurs.  The Lions provided 62 free vision screenings.  14 of those tested were referred for further Eye care.  Lion Kalpana, our newest Lion, was a leader in organizing the Camp.  Lions participating were:  Bill and Shirley Dixon, John and Connie Kunitz, Leroy Weaver, Chris and Cathy Stank, and Jim Miller (event Leader).
Congrats to the 15 Lions who participated in the annual Streets of Treats/White Cane Day!
The weather was beautiful and we had plenty of candy, thanks to your generous donations!
Another great opportunity to show Mechanicsburg the the Lions are here & helping our community!
Lion John Behel was there early to set up the tables & chairs that were provided by Lion Bob Buhrig.
We were located on the new sidewalk in front of Lion Bob's new "Gathering Place" which is scheduled to open by the end of the year.
Thousands of kids, parents & grandparents walked through our area - most dressed in their Halloween best!
Participating Lions were: John Behel, Tim & Lana McCaulley, Susan Holder, Leroy Weaver, Bob Buhrig, John & Connie Kuntz, Tawnya Kling, Cece Viti, Shirley & Bill Dixon, Linda Glantz, Linda Willis & Ted Cramer.
Check out the photos below!
Lions Leroy Weaver, Tawnya Kling, Linda Glantz, Cece Viti, John Behel
Lions John Kuntz, Tawnya Kling, Linda Willis, Connie Kuntz, Cece Viti & John Behel
Trick or Treat!
Lions Chris Stank & Ted Cramer spent a couple of hours last Saturday at Boscov's
Here are Lions Cathy & Chris Stank, yesterday, at the Friends Helping Friends Sale Day
Thanks to Lion Tawnya Kling for organizing our participation in Mechanicsburg's Halloween Parade for the 2nd year in a row. It's great for our club to be seen by the thousands of people along the parade route! This is great Public Relations for our club. A special thanks to Lion Chris & Cathy Stank for donating the use of their truck at the last minute & decorating it too! Lions Tawnya, Chris, Cathy, our newest Lion Jennifer McGarrity & I participated. We gave out lots of candy to all of the kids lining the parade route & had a great time doing it!  Foss the Lion was a great hit too! Here are a few of photos from tonight's fun!
Lion Tim McCaulley (44 years as a Lion) receives the International President's Certificate of Appreciation "In Recognition of Distinguished Achievements in Fulfilling the Mission of Lions Clubs International"
Lion Duke Brenneman (58 Years as a Lion) receives the same award! Both awards were presented by our guest speaker, Past International Director Dr. Edward V. Cordes, Chairman of Lions KidSight USA Foundation.
The Buffet was outstanding! Lions Ted Cramer, Terry Hartzell, Diane Hartzell & Fred Lamason lead the way!  
1st VP Lion Tawnya Kling presents a $1,000 donation to Lion Danette Blank, the Executive Director of Vision Resources of Central PA.
Head Table from right to left: PCC Terry Hartzell, Lions Diane Hartzell, Gail Cordes, PID Ed Cordes, PDG Fred Lamason, Sue Lamason & Lion Tawnya Kling
PCC Terry Hartzell introduces our guest speaker for the evening
Mechanicsburg Mayor Jack Ritter presents a congratulatory letter from State Representative, Sheryl M. Delozier, while Lions Tawnya Kling & Fred Lamason look on.
Left to right: Mayor Jack Ritter, Lion Deb McKnight, PDG Kerry McKnight, 1VDG Tom Jones, Lion Linda Shipman, DG Steve Shipman
Left to right: Lions Linda Willis, Erica Meloy, Jennifer McGarrity, Duke Brenneman. Janet Brenneman, Karen O'Neil, Lion Jim Pearman & Dave Meloy
Left to right: Lion Ron Yerkes, Sue DeFonzo, Lion Wayne DeFonzo, Cindy Cramer, Lions Nan Allaman, Bill Dixon, Shirley Dixon & Pat Yerkes
Left to right: Lions Lana McCaulley, Tim McCaulley, Leroy Weaver. Pam Weaver, Lions Linda Fenicle, Mike Fenicle, Danette Blank & Cathy Stank
Left to right: Lion Mark Basehore, his daughter Debra Wiest, Lion Linda Glantz, Jeanette Beal, Lion John Behel
Left to right: Lions Dona Bernardi, Karl Heimbach, Becky Heimbach. Deidrea Woodward, Lion Jeff Woodward
9 of our Lions participated in Mechanicsburg's Annual Community Day celebration at Soldier & Sailor's Memorial Park on Saturday, August 10th. They helped manage the crowds at the various kids activities & events.
Six Lions and one guest participated in the Silver Spring Township Police sponsored National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug 6th at Stony Ridge Park.
The event featured free burgers, hot dogs and water, as well as children and special needs identification cards, firefighter interactions, fire department “smokehouse,” EMS blood pressure checks, bike rodeo and safety awareness, bike giveaways, and a human trafficking awareness booth.  The Lions conducted glasses recycle, gave away free glasses cases and sponsored a “build a bear” raffle.  Participating Lions were: Jim and Sue Miler, Ron Cashman, Chris and Cathy Stank, guest volunteer Piper Stank, and Team Leader Tawyna Kling.
Tri-4-Kids Event
9 members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club volunteered to assist the kids Tri-4-Kids event that is sponsored by the Mechanicsburg School District.
  Held Saturday July 27,  Tri-4-kids challenges kids to “Ride, glide, dip and dive” their way through a fun, exciting event.
  The 6th Annual Tri4Kids is open to all students ages 5-18 who have an interest in competing in a triathlon (swim, bike, run).
The Lions team that participated were: Nan Alleman, Jim Pearman, Ron Cashman, Tim McCaulley, Steve and Danielle Harriman, Jeff Woodward, Chris and Cathy Stank.
Welcome to our newest Mechanicsburg Lions!  Here they are with their sponsors as Past District Governor Fred Lamason swears them in.

Nan Alleman:   Sponsored by Lion Diane Hartzell

Jim Pearman      Sponsored by Lion Cathy Stank

Ron Yerkes:        Sponsored by Lion Jim Miller

Pat Yerkes:         Sponsored by Lion Sue Miller            

Linda Glantz, Connie Kuntz & John Kuntz:    Sponsored by Lion Ted Cramer

Past District Governor Fred Lamason prepares to install Lion Steve Harriman as our new King Lion while current President Lion Linda Fenicle looks on.
Outgoing Club President Lion Linda Fenicle passes the gavel to incoming President Steve Harriman.
Lion Chris Stank receives the coveted Melvin Jones Fellowship Award for exemplary service as a Lion, serving as Club President, Treasurer and leading the way on many service & fundraising projects! Presenting the award is PCC Terry Hartzel & Club President Lion Linda Fenicle.
Lion Cathy Stank receives the first ever Ray Rosnick "Lion of the Year Award" for her service in the past year. Presenting the award is Lion Jim Miller with Lions Stever Harriman, Linda Fenicle & Ted Cramer looking on.
Mechanicsburg Lions Complete 1000 th Vision Screening!

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club completed two Vision Screening service events on Friday, May 3.   The vision screening events were conducted at the “Parents and Toddlers Day” at the Simpson Library and the “Literacy Under the Lights” program held at the Mechanicsburg Middle school.  In total, 80 screenings were performed and 16 were referred for further eye care.  Lions participating in these 2 events were Jim and Sue Miller, Bill and Shirley Dixon, and Chris and Cathy Stank.  A notable milestone was achieved at the “Literacy Under the Lights” event.  The Mechanicsburg Lions Club completed the 1000th vision screening!   Nora Garland, from Mechanicsburg, was at this event with her mother.  She had a successful vision screening and was our club’s 1000th person to receive this important service from the Mechanicsburg Lions Club.
The clubs first screening was April 3, 2017. Total of 129 recipients of vision screening referred for follow up eye care.
The Mechanicsburg Lions continue supporting Earth Day Downtown Mechanicsburg by operating a large event table targeting kids.  The Lions secure paper grocery bags from Giant and Weis.  Those stopping by the display are encouraged to draw Earth Day focused pictures and write Earth Day messages on the bags.  The bags are temporarily displayed at the event and then collected and returned to the grocery stores.  Customers who get their groceries in paper bags get a surprise Earth Day message!   9 Mechanicsburg Lions Club members participated in this FUN event were:  Lions Chris and Cathy, Jim and Sue, CeCe, Bob, Tawyna, Bill and Shirley. 
"Lion Tom Kerstetter was a Mechanicsburg Lion for almost 9 years. He was very active at the beginning of his time in the club & was elected to the post of 2nd Vice President. He planned to be our King Lion, but due to health reasons, he had to back out. Lion Tom can be credited with starting our first Club Website and managing it for a few years. Thanks for your service to our country and to Lions. Rest in Peace Lion Tom."
2019 Open House
The Mechanicsburg Lions club had 6 members participate in the annual wrapping of seedlings project that supports Earth Day week.  This Environmental project, that the Lions Club has supported for several years, wraps 5000 seedlings for distribution to elementary schools.  Participating this year from the club were Lions: CeCe, Dona, Jim and Sue, and Chris and Cathy.
Three Lion volunteers assisted “Pink Hands of Hope” with their annual inventory changeover.  In addition, a quilt made by Lion Cathy, was donated for their fund raising auction.  The participating Lions were Lion CeCe, Lion Dona, and Lion Cathy.  ‘Pink Hands of Hope” is an organization that assists women who are “in the fight” against cancer.

For the 3rd year in a row, the Mechanicsburg Lions Club provided free vision screenings for the children who were registering for kindergarten at the Mechanicsburg School District’s Kindergarten Academy.  The screening covered 3 days of registration April 8 - April 10.  This important community service event, focused on our VISION category, was led by Lion Jim Miller.  Working the Eye screenings were the following:  Lion Leroy, Lion CeCe, Lion Erica, Lion Becky, Lion Terry, Lion Dianne, Lion Jim, Lion Sue, Lion Bill, Lion Steve, Lion Cathy and Lion Chris.  The Lions completed vision screenings on 264 children.  34 of those scanned were referred for follow up eye care.  The Lions also completed vision screenings on 11 adults at this event.  4 of the adults were referred for follow up eye care.

Raymond “Ray” Charles Rosnick, age 87, of Mechanicsburg, PA and a Proud Lion with 54 years of Service to the community, passed away suddenly March 11, 2019.

Ray’s service included multiple terms as Mechanicsburg Lions Club President and over 35 years as Club Secretary.  Lion Ray was the recipient of many awards including the rarely awarded Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship and he was one of only six people in Pennsylvania to receive the John R. Crone Fellowship.  Lion Ray has also been recognized for his laudable 24 years of service as a board member of the Lions Hearing Research Foundation with 21 of those years spent serving as the board’s secretary.  Lion Ray truly exemplified the mission of Lionism which is, “Lions serve…to improve their communities, and the world.”  Our Lions Club, the community and the world are certainly better places because of Lion Ray.

Installation night in June of 2018
Immediate Past President Jim Miller passes the gavel to new President Linda Fenicle
Pride of Lions
Past District Governor Fred Lamason swears in our new officers & members
PCC Terry Hartzell & Lion Lana McCaulley present the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to Lion Leroy Weaver
Past District Governor Dennis Cope presents the John R. Crone Fellowship Award to Lion Ray Rosnick in honor of his 24 years of service on the board of the Hearing Research Foundation.
On Thursday, Feb 28, members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club participated in the Elmwood Academy school assembly where the “Give from the Heart” program was celebrated.    This is the 4th year that the Mechanicsburg Lions club has sponsored this program for the 5th grade classes in the Mechanicsburg School district.   This year, 14 5th grade classes researched, made presentations that were posted on WEB sites they designed, and ultimately voted on 2 organizations to receive the $500 award.  This year, the recipients were “seeing Eye” and “Pa. Wounded Warriors “.  Participating in the event for the Mechanicsburg Lions were Lions Ted Cramer, Wayne DeFonzo, Cathy Stank (Foss the Lion), John Behel (photography), and Chris Stank.
See the Lions Club Facebook page for more pictures Facebook
At the Feb 16 Lions District 14C Cabinet meeting, the Mechanicsburg Lions Club received 2 awards.  The first award was the “Club Excellence Award” for fiscal year 2017-2018.  This is for outstanding achievement in areas of Service, Membership growth and development.  The second award was the District Governor’s “Plus One” award for achieving an increase in net club membership.  President Linda Fenicle accepted the awards on behalf of the club.
At the Feb 16 District Cabinet meeting, the Mechanicsburg Lions Club’s “Peace Poster” winner, Lauren Mark, was recognized for finishing 2nd place in the District 14C competition.   Lauren was joined with her parents and grandparents for the presentation.
The Mechanicsburg Lions Club Peace Poster winner, Lauren Marks, visited the club recently along with her parents and teacher Mrs Pastuka.   Lauren’s poster finished 2nd in the district.  
In addition to recognition from the club, Lauren has been invited to attend the next District meeting.  The clubs Peace Poster program is led by Lion Charlie Rixey.
The Mechanicsburg Lions Club recently made a donation to Pink Hands of Hope.  This donation was funded by a gift basket auction conducted at the Clubs Christmas party. 
The basket was put together by Lions Diane Hartzell and Cathy Stank. The winning bid, which was donated, was made by Lion John Beihl.
The Mechanicsburg Lions Club is actively servicing the community with Vision Screening programs. The club estimates that they will scan their 1000th child in 2019.
After performing a scanning program at the Mechanicsburg School Districts “Literacy under the Lights” program, the club received some inspirational feedback from the Teacher who was in charge of the program.
The story is that one of their schools families was screened and it was recommended that their little girl see an eye doctor. The family was not sure where to go, so they contacted the school nurse. The child was then seen by a pediatrician who recommended an eye screening and helped get the family into Hershey. Hershey then referred the child to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and it was there that the little girl had surgery to correct her eye. The teacher said she believed there was a reattachment performed. The teacher noted it was through the initial Lions Club screening that the parents were made aware of any problems.


Standing left to right are: Lions Jim Miller, Chris Stank (Foss the Lion), Leroy Weaver, Bill          Dixon, Shirley Dixon, Cathy Stank.
Seated left to right: Lions Diane Hartzell, Terry Hartzell, and Sue Miller.


The Mechanicsburg Lions played Santa this morning, delivering gifts for the Cumberland Valley School District's Angel Tree program. We brought 6 vehicles to CV ...High and delivered the gifts to 5 different schools for hundreds of deserving kids! Lions participating were: Tim & Lana McCaulley, Jim & Sue Miller, Chris & Cathy Stank, Bill & Shirley Dixon, Wayne DeFonzo, Terry & Diane Hartzell & Ted Cramer. This was our 3rd year of delivering gifts!
Lion CeCe receives 5 year certificate.
Dr. Mark Leidy, Mechanicsburg Superintendent of schools was our clubs guest speaker recently.  Dr. Leidy’s presentation was very informative and gave our members some excellent service opportunities.

Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club participated in the JDRF “One Walk” on Sunday, November 4.  The walk started on City Island, continued on Front street and returned to the island for the finish.  Our Clubs Team, as well as a Lions District team, participated in the walk to help end Type 1 diabetes (T1D).  The event was a fun and inspirational time!

Thanks to Lion Erica Meloy for taking the lead and organizing our clubs first participation in this important event.  Club members who walked the “One Walk” were: Lions Erica Meloy, Cathy and Chris Stank, and Susan Holder.  Several club members raised money to support the event.  Those funds raised, added to the the Mechanicsburg Lions Clubs budgeted Diabetes support, equated to a donation of $600.

With Type 1 Diabetes, there are no days off and there is no cure. But there is hope!  The Mechanicsburg Lions are proud to support the cause!

Congrats & thanks to the Nine members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club who participated in the Mechanicsburg Wildcat Foundation Community Day on Saturday, Nov 3.   The club members gave away free glasses/sunglasses cases, promoted “Lionism “ to the Community Day attendees, and provided FREE vision screenings.   64 vision screenings were performed, with 7 individuals being referred for vision care by an eye doctor.  Participating for the club were Lions: Jim and Sue Miller, Bill and Shirley Dixon, Donna Bernardi, Susan Holder, Leroy Weaver, John Behel, and Chris Stank.   A special visit by “Foss the Lion” was also part of this important service project.
Nine members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club participated in the Mechanicsburg Wildcat Foundation Community Day on Saturday, Nov 3.   The club members gave away free glasses/sunglasses cases, promoted “Lionism “ to the Community Day attendees, and provided FREE vision screenings.   40 vision screenings were performed, with 4 individuals being referred for vision care by an eye doctor.  Participating for the club were Lions: Jim and Sue Miller, Bill and Shirley Dixon, Donna Bernardi, Susan Holder, Leroy Weaver, John Behel, and Chris Stank.   A special visit by “Foss the Lion” was also part of this important service project.
We had 16 Lions show up today to help with the Streets of Treats/White Cane Day!  Thanks to Lion Bob Buhrig for setting up the canopy, tables & chairs for us!  Thanks also to Lion John Behel for Chairing this event & Lion Susan Holder for collecting all of the candy & delivering it this morning. Thanks for helping Lions: John Behel, Ron Cashman, Susan Holder, Jim Miller, Sue Miller, Tim McCaulley, Lana McCaulley, Leroy Weaver, Dona Bernardi, Ted Cramer, Carol Geesey, John Geesey, Bob Buhrig, Mike Fenicle, Linda Fenicle, & Cece Viti. We had hundreds of kids show up in their Halloween best and were excited to choose from a wide variety of candy that was purchased by many members of our club. Since it was also White Cane Day, many parents donated to our cause.
The Mechanicsburg Lions Club provided FREE vision screening on Friday, October 19th, at the Simpson Public Library PreSchool activity day in Mechanicsburg. 
Six Lions completed 64 screenings.  10 of those screened were under age six. 
Seven of the 20 screening subjects were referred for follow up eye care.  Participating Lions included Jim and Sue Miller, Terry Hartzell, Bill and Shirley Dixon, and Chris Stank.
Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club recently volunteered time to assist “PINK HANDS OF HOPE” 5th annual fashion show. 
The event is a celebration for those in the fight and for those who have beaten breast cancer. 
Lions Donna Bernardi, Cathy Stank and Cece Viti volunteered on behalf of the Lions Club. Thanks for your Service Lions!
Thanks to Lions Cece Viti & Chris Stank for joining me today at Boscov's for our fundraising event. Also pictured are Melanie Pepperman who brought Seeing Eye Puppy in Training, Legend to help out. Legend is 11 months old and will begin his next phase of intensive training in February. We had a good day today, interacting with lots of people and collecting lots of donations. Lion Chris will tell us the exact totals later. Thanks to all of the Lions who helped with this event - I know that Lions Diane Hartzell & Wayne DeFonzo helped out yesterday-There may be a couple more - Lion Chris will let us know about that too! The 25% shopping spree Main Event is on Tuesday. We will have Lions there all morning.
Lion Tawnya Kling organized our participation in Mechanicsburg’s Halloween Parade! Foss the Lion was there along with Lions Tawnya Kling, Cece Viti, Diane Hartzell & Terry Hartzell.
Nice work Lions! Mechanicsburg Halloween parade was a blast. Thanks to Lion Bob Dipple's daughter, Becky Dipple and Lion Tawnya's great friends and neighbors Pat Ruth, Stephanie Ruth, and their kids Adam and McKensie.
Pat got us the golf cart to carry Foss the Lion.
Members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club recently volunteered time to assist “PINK HANDS OF HOPE” 5th annual fashion show. 
The event is a celebration for those in the fight and for those who have beaten breast cancer.  Lions Donna, Cathy and Cece volunteered on behalf of the Lions Club.
The Mechanicsburg Lions Club made a donation to the New Cumberland River Rescue to help them cover expenses from deployment to recent hurricane Florence hit areas.
Lion Leroy Weaver led this donation project and is pictured presenting the donation.
Lions Donna and Cathy volunteered their artistic talents to help Pink Hands of Hope prepare for their annual fashion show and fund raising event. 
The program is to raise money to support women fighting cancer.   Lions Donna and Cathy’s pink pumpkins will be used to decorate the event.

Two Mechanicsburg Lion’s volunteers assisted “Pink Hands of Hope” on Saturday, Sept 15.  

The work helped this charity to prepare for clothing sales to raise money to support women who are fighting cancer.  Lions Chris and Cathy were the volunteers.

Seven Mechanicsburg Lions volunteered time to assist in the Mechanicsburg Community Days event on Saturday, Aug 11.  

Participating were Lions Jim and Sue Miller, CeCe Viti, Karl Heimbech, John and Carol Gessey, and Chris Stank.  The club received mention and note of appreciation in the opening ceremony.


Jubilee Day 2018


Congratulations to Lion Linda Fenicle for being elected & installed as our new Club President. Immediate Past President Jim Miller passes the gavel to signify the transfer of office.  We are all looking forward to another great Lions Year!

Congrats to Lion Leroy Weaver for receiving the coveted Melvin Jones Fellowship last night! He has served as our King Lion, received perfect attendance awards for many years & is unselfishly donated his time at all of our functions. He certainly earned it!

The Award was presented by PCC Terry Hartzell and the pin was placed by Lion Lana McCaulley, the daughter of the late Lion Foss Cramer who was Lion Leroy's sponsor.

Congratulations to our newest Lions who were Inducted tonight: Lions Carol & John Geesey and Lions Shirley & Bill Dixon.  Thanks to all who were able to attend. Our next meeting will be on July 17th. Watch for the July newsletter for more details!


Today, Lions Chris Stank (Treasurer) and Ted Cramer (Secretary) delivered monetary donations from the Mechanicsburg Lions Club to the following community service organizations:
New Hope Ministries, Meals on Wheels, and the Joseph T. Simpson Public Library. 
All of the funding for these donations came from Club fund raising activity.  WE SERVE!​


Nine Mechanicsburg Lions Club members participated in the Mechanicsburg School District's Literacy Under the Stars event.  The Lions offered FREE vision screenings to children attending the program.  "Foss" the Lion had some fun assisting The Lions Club members at this fun community SERVICE event!  Lions who worked the Vision Screening  were:  Jim and Sue Miller, Cathy and Chris Stank, Terry and Dianne Hartzell, Bill and Shirley Dixon, and Leroy Weaver.


Past District Governor Fred Lamason performs the installation ceremony for our newest Lion, Dona Bernardi. Lion Cathy Stank looks on as Lion Dona's sponsor. Congrats!








Thanks to all who made our annual Open House a success last night. Past District Governor John Griffie, Lion Kevin Turnbaugh & King Lion Jim Miller thank Leader... Dog Harpo for attending & helping with the presentation. Seated at the table earlier in the evening, listening to Lion Kevin's presentation are Lions Chris Stank, Jim Miller, PDG John Griffie & Lion Lori Turnbaugh

Eight members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club joined other community volunteers at the Ironstone Ridge Nature Center to assist in preparing 7000 seedlings to be distributed to elementary school students in honor of Earth day and Arbor Day.   A little rain did not dampen the spirits of the volunteers!​

The Mechanicsburg Lions Club Vision Screening Team recently participated in the Mechanicsburg Kindergarten Academy's 3 day registration program.  The Lions screened a total of 208 children who were registering for next year's kindergarten class.  20 children were referred to eye doctors for follow up care.   In addition, the Lions screened 40 brothers and sisters.  8 of those scanned needed medical follow up.  Thanks to the following Lions for working this valuable community service:  Lions Jim Miller, Sue Miller, Susan Holder, CeCe Viti, Leroy Weaver, Cathy Stank and Chris Stank.


The Mechanicsburg Lions Club's "Give from the Heart" program was run at Upper Allen Elementary School for the 3rd year.   The 6 fifth grade classes were each given $100 to donate to a charity of their choice.  They teamed up and put together presentations that were then voted on by the class.  This year's recipients were: The Humane Society, the Cancer Research Institute, Dicks sporting Good Foundation, Pa. Wounded Warriors, World Wildlife Fund, and the American Cancer Society.  The student groups got the opportunity to hand the check to a representative of the group they chose at a special "Town Hall" meeting at the school on Feb 28.  Members of the club who participated in the town hall were:  Lions Lana, Wayne, Cathy, Susan,John, and Chris.



Chang Wang, a student at Mechanicsburg Middle School, is recorgnized for her winning entry in Lions International's Peace Poster Contest.

Her entry was chosen #1, competing against entries from a 3 county area! She recieve​d

her award from District Peace Poster Chair Lion Patti Hullmann and a special award from State Council Chair Larry Edwards for receiving an "Honorable Mention" at the state level.

Our membership was proud to sponsor Chang!

King Lion Jim Miller, Art teacher Sharon Pastucka, Chang Wang, Scott Meldrum & Chang's mother, Lion Charlie Rixey, Peace Poster Chairman.








Mechanicsburg police officer Shutt and his partner "Marc" visited the Clubs meeting. 

Officer Shutt gave a demonstration on Marc's talent to detect drugs and gave an informative presentation on the canine program.​



Mechanicsburg Lions Holiday Party 2017

Lion Tawnya Kling

"The 12 Pains of Christmas"!

The Mechanicsburg Lions got to play Santa on Tuesday Dec. 12th! The faculty & staff of the Cumberland Valley School District collected gifts for their Angel Tree project & the Lions delivered over 200 gifts to 5 schools. Thanks to the CV folks for donating the gifts & thanks to the following Lions for making the deliveries: Lions Wayne DeFonzo, Ron Cashman, Chris Stank, Cathy Stank, Jim Miller, Ron Cashman, Lana McCaulley, Tim McCaulley, Terry Hartzell & Ted Cramer.

Mechanicsburg Community Day at Mech. Middle School on November 4th​

Lion John Behel, Lion Chris Stank & Lion Sue Miller

King Lion Jim Miller, Lion Diane Hartzell, Lion Sue Miller, Lion Chris Stank, Lion Leroy Weaver. Seated is Lion Terry Hartzell

District Governor Dennis Cope on Oct. 17th​

Our Mechanicsburg Club during Installation Night 
June 20, 2017

Installation of New Members:

  From left , Lion Secretary Ted who sponsored new Lions:  Ron Cashman, Tawnya Kling, Bob Dipple, and PDG Fred Lamason presenting.
**Bob Buhrig,  not present,  Sponsored by Lion Lana McCaulley**

Passing of the gavel 2017-2018

PDG Fred Lamason on left, center incoming President Jim Miller with gavel and on the right outgoing President Chris Stank 

For more photos of our 2017-2018 Installation night and awards, click here:  go to "Installation Nights" .


September 5th Meeting 

Guest Speaker Tim Whelan  Executive Director of the Cumberland County Housing & Redevelopment Authority






Jim Miller Congratulating Guest Speaker Tim Whelan



Sell Booklets Online with your unique link:


  • Email this link to your supporters! POST this link on Facebook, Pinterest and your Website!
  • We mail the booklets to your supporters FREE of charge. Your organization receives the same $5 for each booklet sold online! A check will be mailed to your organization for the total of your online sales at the end of the event.
  • Your organization's online sales count is updated weekly on the Sales Reporting page!
  • Visit the Online Selling link under My Tools on the Community Days website for more online selling ideas.


Bon-Ton - Bergner's - Boston Store - Carson Pirie Scott - Elder-Beerman - Herberger's - Younker's

August Meeting 8-22-2017
Our August 22nd meeting will be held at Brother’s Family Restaurant located at 705 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg 17055. Everyone can order from the menu & we will haveour own private room. This is a BYOB Event! 


A few photos from Friday's District 14C night at the Harrisburg Senators game.  



Mechanicsburg Community Day



Mechanicsburg Lions Helping at Community Day


Lion President Jim Milller and Lion Ron Cashman


Eary bird Lion Chris Stank watched ABC morning news and saw our Pledge of Allegiance from a recent meeting. A lot of shiny heads are in the video too. Please click here to review it. 


4 members of the Mechanicsburg Lions Club participated in the Silver Spring Twp Police Department's National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug 1.   Our club had an information distribution table, we executed a raffle give away for the Silver Springs Police away 25 "stuff your own" police dogs and fire fighter dogs., and we gave out FREE glasses cases.  Thanks to Tawnya Kling for leading the club's participation.  Also participating for our club were  Lions Ted Cramer, CeCe Viti and Chris Stank.  It was a great event with many families visiting the park.




The Mechanicsburg Lions club had 7 members help at the annual TRI4KIDS event held at the Soldiers and Sailors field in Mechanicsburg.   The event was for kids ages 5 to 12.  They did swimming, bicycling and swimming.  Our members were at guiding posts for various activities.
Participating from our club were: Lions Tim, CeCe, Bob Smith, Lion Steve and his wife Danielle, Cathy and Chris.



We had 8 club members attend the first "Zone Picnic".   Held at Pinchot park, the Mechanicsburg Lions joined members of other Lions Club from our zone.   This was the first such event and we plan to continue in future years.
  A very nice social event that was open to Lions and their families.



Summer Steak Meeting at the McCaulley's

PDG Fred Lamason installs new member Bob Buhrig (center) with Sponsor Lion Lana McCaulley on right. 

King Lion Jim presenting PDG Fred Lamason a certificate for his many years of service to our club.  PDG Fred is relocating to Florida soon. 


Lion Treasurer Chis Stank hard at work taking King Lion Jim's dinner money!

Lion Tim  instructing cook Lion Bob Smith on the finer points of grilling steaks.

           Lady Lions kabutzing around the table!

Lion Sue Miller, Lion Lana McCaulley (in back) Lion Cathy Stank and  Lion Susan Holder. 



Lions Mike Fenicle, Charley Rixey and John Behel getting things together!


 5 year Monarch Awards for Lion Tom Kerstetter (Nov 2015) and past king Lion John Behel





Lions Bingo, Jubilee Day June  15,2017

A Big thank you to all of our faithful patrons, and to all the Lions who were able to help with the set-up, running, and tearing down at the end and especially to Myers-Buhrig Funeral Home for use of their facilities once again this year! 


Mechanicsburg Lions Club Mascot, 

Lion Foss greeting bingo players with

Lion Mike and Lion Tim !

Lion Ray and wife Ginny selling water 


Our Mascot, Lion Foss greeting bingo players!

Lion Mike and Lion Tim and with Lion Foss ( our mascot ) bringing people in to play bingo.



ATTENTION: Our club e-mail address is:


Lion Keith Hoffman created the Facebook site and Lion Ted added some information regarding the Club's mission, address, etc. Lion Ted will be the only one able to edit the page. This is being done to promote our club's activities and attract new members.  This is a work in process - we will make additions to the site as time permits.  To access the site, just click on the link below.  Be sure to "Like" it, then send invitations to your friends to "Like" it too. Happy browsing!

Lion Ted

Facebook Link below - Enjoy and please share!


Mechanicsburg Lions Club was Chartered in 1949 and since then we have been giving continuous service to our local community and to Lions International.

Our Slogan
     "One club, one family, one goal.....service!"
     "We Serve." Lions are part of a global service network, doing whatever is necessary to help our local communities.

Our Toast:

        "Not above you, not beneath you, but with you!"

Our Mission:

        "To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation."

How to find out more and about becoming  a Member:

Are you civic minded? Are you interested in helping your community?  Are you interested in more information?  Membership in a Lions club is by invitation. May we invite you to contact us?


Please contact our membership chairperson our Secretary,  Lion Ted Cramer at for more information.  Or, attend a scheduled meeting. We will be happy to have you.

To our members:

If you are still receiving our newsletter by snail mail and you have an e-mail address, please send Lion Ted youremail address and save the club the money for postage.



For more information or help with directions, please click here to e-mail Mechanicsburg Lions club.

Helpful Links:

District 14-C Website

DG Newsletter Archives:

Beacon Lodge:

Leader Dog:



You are our approximate visitor number:
since February 6, 2012 when Lion Tom created our website
Web Design Orange County


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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