

Marlette Lions Club Minutes Marlette Michigan 3021 Main Street


Meeting called to order July 17, at 6:30 p.m. by IPP Tim Dietzel. 

Pledge of Allegiance led by club president Tim Dietzel.

Invocation by club president Lion Tom Skaklel.

Approval of minutes dated June 19, 2023. Motioned by Lion Tom Skakle to approve the minutes and seconded by Lion Lion Scott Bohms. Motion passed.

Treasurer report by Lion Ron Lindberg:

Cash on hand $20.25                Admin Acct: $2661.50    

Checking acct: $2904.33                       Activity Acct: $263.08

Total cash $2924.58                    Total: $2924.58


Motioned by Lion Scott Bohms to approve the treasurer report and seconded by Lion Brad Cox. Motion passed.

Lion Scott Bohms introduced the scholarship winners, Mary and Bella. Each read their essay. Mary is going to Ferris State University and Bella is going to Bethel College.

Installation of club officers for the 2023/2024 Lions year postponed to the next meeting due to the absence of principles. 

Lion Brad Cox reported that the hospital is receptive to placing the eyeglass collection box there, but final word has not been received.   

Family Fall Days is scheduled for September 16 with a rain date of September 23. Don Spinks appointed chair of committee.

Motioned by Lion Scott Bohms and seconded by Lion Tom Skakle to pay $50.00 dues to the Marlette Chamber of Commerce. Motion passed.

IPP Tim Dietzel will investigate an informational table at the Farmers Market.

The club will let the city of Marlette do the electrical repairs at the park pavilions since there was vandalism at the other pavilions. Repairs are more involved than previously thought.

Dr. Barden of the Greater Thumb Eye Care in Vassar would like to continue the relationship with some price adjustments. Exam is $50, glasses are $199.00, and bifocals are $159.00. Motions by Lion Scott Bohms and seconded by Lion Tom Skakle to continue services with Greater Thumb Eye Care. Motion passed. Club secretary Don Spinks will communicate with Greater Thumb Eye Care.

Imlay City Lions are doing a concession stand at the Eastern Michigan Fair July 25-29 and could use help.

Marlette school's open house is scheduled for August 23rd, 5-7 pm.

Jon Keys name was pulled and was absent.

Next meeting, bring a pen.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 pm.

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