Disaster / Calamity Task force
The task force will take care the natural calamities and Disasters, Road Accidents, Support the service activites in all nature. A 24 hrs into 7 days a week offer the services.
- 26 youngsters Joined in Task Force.
- Task force professionally take care the Eye Camp
- It is a bunch of dedicated persons from different fields.
Service Programs
- Sight first camp in 3rd week of Every Month
- Wheel Chair Distribution
- Diabetic Camp
- Hearing Camp
- Cancer Ditection Camp
- Lion Quest
- Financial Assistence to Students
- Financial Asisistents to Hidden Gems
- Ambulance Service (operated by Lions and Leos (omega))
- Paliative Care Support
- Rain water Harvesting
- Forestery ( Mango, Neem, Jack tree) plantation
Educational / Seminar Programs
Training programs are professionally designed for neighboring High schools with the help of relevant field experts.
- Awareness of the Diseases like Chikkngunia, N1. H1 fevers ..
- Brain Storming
- Cyber Crime
- Essential points of Law & Order
- Global Warming
- How to adopt the Traffic Rules
- Importance of Lions Clubs
- No to drugs
- Organic Farming
- Personality Development
- Suicide and Crime for Kids
- Traffic Rules
- Lion Quest