The Mahopac Lions Club collects your old and used glasses in order to help provide glasses for those in need. If you would like to donate your glasses please feel free to deposit them in our drop box located in the Mahopac Library. was created by friends and families of our Troops serving the U.S. overseas. Our sole purpose is to make life while at war a little better for our brave men and women serving in the U.S. Military by collecting food, money, and goods that the military does not provide them. Some of the items include cookies, dvd’s, cd’s, snacks, t shirts, and other food items. Our goal is to show them that we are proud of them and appreciate all of their efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other areas of the world being affected by this war.
It is the mission of the Putnam Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center to provide advocacy, education and services to the community in order to create a safe, supportive environment that eliminates violence against women and children and promotes gender equality.
Drug Crisis in Our Backyard is a group of individuals committed to offering services to the community in an attempt to bring awareness to this very real threat to our children. We offer seminars, support groups and other community agencies to contact for more information and help. |