Club President
Bruce Emard
Loomis Lions Club
PO Box 833
Loomis, CA 95650-0833
Past President: Jim Williams williamsaiaatyahoo.com
Vice President: Bob Ferreira bferreiraatsiainc.net
Secretary/Treasurer: Vicky Morris vmorrisatsecretravine.com
1 Yr. Director: Sue Johnson susforeatgmail.com
1 Yr. Director: Debi Schneider best8gkidsatyahoo.com
2 Yr. Director: Jan Clark-Crets wishingwell43atatt.net
2 Yr. Director: Russ Kelley ruskly56atgmail.com
Lion Tamer: Dave Lucey klluceyatatt.net
Tail Twister: Cody Ferreira cody.ferreiraatsiainc.net
Membership: Frank Bailey baileyfdatvfr.net
Private emails (for the list above)
Our Officers work very hard but to keep their privacy, the "@" symbol has been removed so that robots can't glean the email addresses. So, "@gmail.com" has been replaced by "atgmail.com".