Monthly Bulletin
Dec 6 meeting held at Gatty’s. Following Lions were present: Aguirre, K Nunley, Ables, McGlothen, Carrere, Puckett, McCormick, Perry, Ratcliff, McMillen and Brennan. Prayer by Lion Carrere and Pledge by all. Lion Perry introduced his guest Lisa Conners who has completed a membership application and will be considered by the membership committee soon.
Speaker for the evening was introduced by Lion Carrere. Ron Perry is the code compliance officer for the City of Logan and a similar position with the county. He reported many projects are forthcoming in the City. Rehab of all railroad crossings with gates to be installed, this will allow quiet zones and the trains will not be required to whistle. The new state building will be completed soon. The Sayer lot will be used for customers and the Hinchman lot will be used for employee parking.
A new motel will be built at east end and the Aracoma Hotel will be rebuilt with a restaurant in the lobby. Plans are to place all utility wires underground.
Lion Brennan reported that she had 40 or 50 students interested in the Leo Club.
Lion K Nunley reported that the Club will take up donations at Xmas in the Park on Tuesday the 13th. He also reported that the speaker on the
17th of January will be Cindy Fleming from the Cancer Society.
President Lion Puckett presented a projected budget for 2011 and will be considered during a board meeting following our next regular meeting on the 20th.
Dec 20 meeting held at Gatti’s. Following Lions in attendance: Ables, Aguirre, McGlothen, McCormick, McMillen, Puckett, Charles, Ratcliff, Nunley, Perry and Frye.
Pledge was led by President Puckett and lion Nunley offered a prayer after a moment of silence for Lion Bob Barker who expired this week.
A new member application was processed and it was voted to accept Lisa Conner into the Club. It was announced that on Dec 13 the Club manned the front gate at the park for Xmas in the Park and took in over 600 dollars. Five Leo members were in attendance to help as well as four students from Beth-Haven School.
Lion Nunley reported that bids were taken for supplies to do repair work at the Boy Scout cabin. It was approved to buy the supplies from a local vendor instead of a national chain.
Lion Nunley was given permission to check on the cost for flags to give away on Flag Day.
The regular meeting was adjourned and a board meeting was called to order to consider the new budget for 2012. Our fiscal year runs from jan to jan. It was approved and we were dismissed.
Monthly Bulletin
November 1 meeting held at Gatti’s: Lions in attendance were: Puckett, Nunley, Perry, McGothen, Frye, Aquirre, Ables, Charles, Carrere and Ratcliff. Meeting was started with Pledge by all, prayer was given by Lion Ken Nunley. Meeting presided by Lion President Puckett.
It was announced that the District Governor’s official meeting for the Danville Club would be held on November 8, at the Fire Department.
Secretary report given by Lion Linda and Treasurer report by Lion Tom. Lion Tom reported that we grossed $2803 with the Rubber Duckie Race.
After all expenses we netted. $1800.00.
It was announced that the Logan interclub Thanksgiving luncheon will be held on November 16th at the Methodist Church. Our club is to provide a turkey to be raffled off.
Lions Roger and Ken indicated that the Club will provide an informational booth at the Alternate Giving Fair on Saturday. The fair will be held at the First Presbyterian Church in Logan from 10:00 am to 3:00pm. Our club will sell mops and brooms, Rubber Duckie tickets, and raffle a gift box.
An in depth discussion was held concerning the Lions Day on Dec 10 for the Salvation Army. There have been many local problems with the current local officers. A motion to participate in the project was voted down. A strong letter is to be drafted and sent to SA international, Regional and local staff, with our grievances to be stated. It is felt by the membership that the two local officers are lacking in many respects in the community. It is hoped that the letter will elicit some communications and explanations about their negative activities.
Nov 5 the Club participated in the Alternate Giving Fair at the First Presbyterian Church. The following Lions were in attendance: Perry, K. Nunley and Aguirre. We handed out information about our club and our charities. We sold Rubber Duckie Race tickets, mops and brooms, and took donations for any of our charities. We also had available applications for membership, one was completed and given to us for processing. We raffled off a gift basket filled with various bracelets, rings, lotions and other what-nots. The total income is not available at this point. We will get the report soon from the church.
Nov 15 meeting at Gatti’s was attended by the following Lions: Puckett, Ratcliff, McMillen, McGlothen, McCormick, Perry, Aguirre, Frye and Ables. All members were reminded about the inter-club luncheon on the 16th at the Methodist Church.

Link to District 29-O Webpage
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