Club Officers -Board of Directors
July 1, 2022- June 30, 2023
Lion Ben Barrientos.................... President
Lion Ben Barrientos........................Past President
Pam Tegge .......................... 1st VP
Ann Lopez........................ Secretary
Loretta Kaskey........................ Treasurer
Jeff Kaskey............................. Tail Twister
Joe Revolinsky ..................... Lion Tamer
Pam Tegge........................ Membership Chair
Club Committees
Citizen of the Year...................Brenda Kusler Fertile Ground Works
Lion of the Year..................................................... Ann Lopez
Christmas Boutique............................................. Ben Barrientos
Pleasanton Tree Lighting, Popcorn sales............. .Ben Barrientos
Club Website…………………………………….............. Ben Barrientos
Membership Chair ..........................................................Pam Tegge
Student Speakers Contest..............................................Yvonne Konneker Chair
Eyeglass Recycling......................................................... Joe Revolinsky
Vision Services - local needy............................................Andy Yuan
Hearing Services - local needy........................................ Andy Yuan
Community Chuck Wagon - operations................... Jon Borjon/Gary Potter
Lions Center for the Blind, Oakland
Board President………………….........
Club Rep/Board Member....................
Lions Center for the Visually Impaired, Pittsburg
Board President………………..........Bill Ridle
Members of the Livermore Lions Club :
Anne Giancola director ot the Bothwell art Ctr
Joan Seppala publisher/editor of the Independent
Lynn Seppala retired LLNL(optical design
DR Marshall Kamena past mayor of Livermore
Jordan Sylar youth pastor
Ben Barrientos coach, retired teacher/school administrator
Jacob Barrientos food industry worker
Anne Giancola Director of the Bothwell Art Center
Joan Beason retired office manager
Ann Lopez retired Educator/Counselor
Gregg Lim retired IT
Gary Potter retired teacher/coach/HS principal/Superintendent
Joe Revolinsky retired Navy aviator
Christian Van Houtryve retired Belgium Trade Envoy, Alameda, CA
Michael Cheung college student/ Las Positas
Jon Borjon welder/self employed
Andy Yuan Tech Support manager, Sunnyvale
Pam Tegge Director of Methodist Church Child Care
Jeff Kaskey Heritage Guild volunteer arts and entertainment
Loretta Kaskey Construction/architecture engineer
Casanddra Reinsel Student/Las Positas
Carol Wahrer Education/training
Gregg Scott Gardener
Yvonne Konneker IT
Kynal Shah Deloitte
Charmi Shah Ower Tous Les Jours
District 4C3 Officers - Alameda/Contra Costa
Lion Darlewne Ridle............... District Governor
Multiple District 4 Officers- Calif
PDG David Radtke.....................Council Chair
__________ Zone 4 Chair/ Speakers Contest
Lions Clubs International
International President ------------ Dr. Patti Hill