
In 2012 we have helped one individual get catacrt surgery, helped four people obtain eyeglasees, screened 75 pre-schoolers sight for KidSight, amnned gates at local high school football games and engaged in many other activites.  We will be participating in the Reading Action Program, the Measels initiative, KidSight and other programs this year as well.

In 2011, we have had a successful Pancake supper to raise money for the Ken Liggett Memorial / Limon Lions Club scholarship.  This year we are awarding s scholarships of $500 each to to two well deserving Limon High School graduates.  

On May 14 we had a cleanup day.  Nine lions worked the morining of Saturday the 14th of May to clean up the ditches, and road side areas around the Flying-J truck stop.  We collected more than 15 large bags of trash - and this still wasn't everything!  However we made a real and visible difference to the area.


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